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Vintage books Lost You Beck Haylen

Vintage books Lost You Beck Haylen

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You're looking for your son. But she found him first • When a little boy goes missing, his mother desperately wants to find him . . . before someone else does • Libby would do anything for her three-year-old son Ethan. And after all they've been through, a holiday seems the perfect antidote for them both. Their hotel is peaceful, safe and friendly, yet Libby can't help feeling that someone is watching her. Watching Ethan. Because, for years, Libby has lived with a secret • Just days into their holiday, when Libby is starting to relax, Ethan steps into an elevator on his own, and the doors close before Libby can stop them. Moments later, Ethan is gone • Libby thought she had been through the worst, but her nightmare is only just beginning. And in a desperate hunt for her son, it becomes clear she's not the only one looking for him подробнее
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'You’ll start with a blank map, that doesn’t do more than show roughly what’s water and what isn’t’ • When the Walker family’s holiday plans are ruined by Daddy having to work, the whole summer seems lost at sea. But a dull holiday for the children is too miserable to bear so their parents hatch a plan. The Swallows are to be marooned on an island with only a blank map and a little sailing dinghy. Their task? To explore and chart the area, avoid the endless mud and survive. And what do they discover? Well, they might not be as alone as they first thought… • Includes exclusive content: In the 'Backstory' you can find out about some real life explorers! • Vintage Children’s Classics is a twenty-first century classics list aimed at 8-12 year olds and the adults in their lives
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You might think I'd have grown out of getting myself into scrapes now that I'm half past sixteen. But between being vexed by my freckles, taunted by a brazen Jersey cow and kept on my toes by the new twins, Dora and Davy, life at Green Gables is just as eventful as ever • I do try to be a little more grown-up now that I'm a school teacher. The other day I asked the class, 'If you had three candies in one hand and two in the other, how many would you have altogether?' One of my pupil's piped up, 'A mouthful.' Could you have kept a straight face?! • Includes exclusive material: In ‘The Backstory’ you can find out about going to school in Avonlea and learn all about the real Green Gables • Vintage Children’s Classics is a twenty-first century classics list aimed at 8-12 year olds and the adults in their lives
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Lost, found, stolen, strayed, sold, fought over... This engrossing, beautifully crafted novel follows the fictional adventures, over a hundred years, of an early 20th-century painting and the women whose lives it touches • It opens with bold, passionate Gwen, struggling to be an artist, leaving for Paris where she becomes Rodin's lover and paints a small, intimate picture of a quiet corner of her attic room • Then there's Charlotte, a dreamy intellectual Edwardian girl, and Stella, Lucasta, Ailsa and finally young Gillian, who share an unspoken desire to have for themselves a tranquil golden place like that in the painting • Quintessential Forster, this is a novel about women's lives, about what it means and what it costs to be both a woman and an artist, and an unusual, compelling look at a beautiful painting and its imagined afterlife
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