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Vintage books Here Comes a Chopper Митчелл Глэдис

Vintage books Here Comes a Chopper Митчелл Глэдис

цена 2 351 руб.
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Rediscover Gladys Mitchell – one of the 'Big Three' female crime fiction writers alongside Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers • When a pair of ramblers, lost in the English countryside, stop at a country house to ask for directions, they are most astonished to be ushered in to dinner. It seems they've been invited as a necessity by the superstitious lady of the house, to avoid thirteen guests sitting down to dinner. But the thirteenth guest never arrives, and his headless body is discovered in a wood the next day • Fortunately, numbered among the original dinner guests is a rather extraordinary psychoanalyst, and sometime detective, by the name of Mrs Bradley подробнее
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Откройте для себя заново Глэдис Митчелл – одну из «большой тройки» писательниц криминальных романов наряду с Агатой Кристи и Дороти Л. Сэйерс • Ноэл Уэллс, священник из тихой деревни Солтмарш, любит проводить время, танцуя в кабинете с племянницей викария, пока однажды недоброжелательная жена викария не обнаруживает, что ее незамужняя горничная беременна, и начинаются проблемы • Ноэлю приходится обратиться за помощью к миссис Брэдли, бывшей детективом, а также штатному психоаналитику, которая приступает к пугающе неортодоксальному расследованию загадочной беременности, расследованию, в котором также участвуют контрабандистка, деревенский сумасшедший, пропавший без вести труп, публичный позорный столб, эксгумация и, конечно, убийца • Миссис Брэдли – одна из самых запоминающихся личностей в криминальной литературе, и в этом классическом детективе она доказывает, что некоторые английские деревни могут быть убийственно мирными
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2 351 руб.
В книге "Самость и разум" всемирно известный нейробиолог Антонио Дамасио опровергает давнюю идею о том, что сознание отделено от тела, представляя убедительные новые научные доказательства того, что сознание - то, что мы считаем разумом с самостью, - на самом деле является биологическим процессом, созданным живым организмом. Его точка зрения влечет за собой радикальное изменение в том, как рассматривается и рассказывается история сознательного разума, предполагая, что развитие мозгом человеческого "я" является вызовом безразличию природы • Книга на английском языке • The trailblazing investigation of a question that has confounded us for centuries: how is consciousness created? • In Self Comes to Mind, world-renowned neuroscientist Antonio Damasio goes against the long-standing idea that consciousness is separate from the body, presenting compelling new scientific evidence that consciousness - what we think of as a mind with a self - is in fact a biological process created by a living organism
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Her fresh start is about to turn into a nightmare… • Audra has finally left her abusive husband. She’s taken the family car and her young children, Sean and Louise, are buckled up in the back. This is their chance for a fresh start • Audra keeps to the country roads to avoid attention. Then she spots something in her rear-view mirror. A police car is following her and the lights are flickering. Blue and red • As Audra pulls over she is intensely aware of how isolated they are. Her perfect escape is about to turn into a nightmare beyond her imagining…
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"Здесь водятся драконы" - роман Стеллы Гиббонс • Когда Нелл Сил переезжает из сонного Дорсета в Хэмпстед, она оставляет позади детство с унылыми чаепитиями и деспотичными правилами ради свободы большого города. Наивная и всего девятнадцатилетняя, она связывается со своенравным Джоном Гонтом и попадает в лондонскую богемную тусовку. В этом городе соблазнительных, изменчивых нравов, прокуренных джаз-клубов и гламурных эспрессо-баров Нелл должна овладеть своей вновь обретенной независимостью и научиться идти своим собственным курсом • Книга на английском языке • When Nell Sely moves from sleepy Dorset to Hampstead she leaves behind a childhood of dull teas and oppressive rules for the freedom of the big city. Naive and only nineteen, she becomes embroiled with the wayward John Gaunt and falls in with London's bohemian crowd
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Here is one of those rare novels, so captivatingly original, so absurdly funny, surprising and moving, that it crosses all boundaries • 1971: Mao's cultural Revolution is at its peak. Two sons of doctors, sent to 're-education' camps, forced to carry buckets of excrement up and down mountain paths, have only their sense of humour to keep them going. Although the attractive daughter of the local tailor also helps to distract them from the task at hand • The boys' true re-education starts, however, when they discover a hidden suitcase packed with the great Western novels of the nineteenth century. Their lives are transformed. And not only their lives: after listening to the stories of Balzac, the little seamstress will never be the same again
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‘Look here! Here’s a jolly life! What’s the odds where it comes from?’ • Meet the Artful Dodger, as roistering and swaggering a young gentleman as ever stood four foot six. With him, you’ll run down the dirty backstreets of London to be entertained by the Respectable Old Gentleman and his brood of thieves and pickpockets. Fagin will bring you to ‘the trade’, and make something of you, something profitable.But there’s something about the young orphan Oliver that’s too good for this dark and dangerous world – can he ever escape its clutches? • Includes exclusive material: In ‘The Backstory’ you can learn more about Oliver Twist’s London! • Vintage Children’s Classics is a twenty-first century classics list aimed at 8-12 year olds and the adults in their lives
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Animals don't exist to teach us things, but that is what they have always done, and most of what they teach us is what we think we know about ourselves • From the bestselling author of H is for Hawk comes Vesper Flights, a transcendent collection of essays about the human relationship to the natural world • Helen Macdonald brings together a collection of her best-loved writing along with new pieces covering a thrilling range of subjects. There are essays here on headaches, on catching swans, on hunting mushrooms, on twentieth-century spies, on numinous experiences and high-rise buildings; on nests and wild pigs and the tribulations of farming ostriches • Vesper Flights is a book about observation, fascination, time, memory, love and loss and how we make the world around us
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Creepy. Peculiar. Fairy. Goblin. Liar. Weirdo. Crank. Genius • No one knows what to make of Juliet Slater, not even her mother. And clothes, boys, school, friends, the changing seasons and what other people think - none of these things seem to matter to Juliet. She spends hours in her room with incomprehensible mathematical text books, her mind voyaging in strange seas of thought, alone. Is she a genius? It might take the rest of her life to find out • While Stella Gibbons was celebrated for her beloved bestseller Cold Comfort Farm, the manuscript for Pure Juliet lay unseen and forgotten until it was brought to light by her family in 2014, and is published here for the first time in Vintage Classics. A tale that travels from an eco-millionaire's British country idyll to an Arabian Nights-style fantasy of the Middle East, this is a treat for fans of this witty, curious and always surprising author
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2 144 руб.
After ten years' journeying Odysseus returns, again and again, to Ithaca. Each time he finds something different: his patient wife Penelope has betrayed him and married; his arrival accelerates time and he watches his family age and die in front of him; he walks into an empty house in ruins; he returns but is so bored he sets sail again to repeat his voyage; he comes back to find Penelope is dead • In these forty-four retellings of passages from Homer's Odyssey, Zachary Mason uses Homer's linear narrative and explodes it: presenting alternative and contradictory fragments of familiar stories - the Trojan Horse, the Cyclops, Circe, the Sirens - allowing us to see Homer's masterpiece afresh. Elegant, provocative and utterly fascinating, The Lost Books of the Odyssey seems destined to become a modern classic
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These are stories of women's lives now. They also happen to be horror stories. In some, women endure the horror. In others, they inflict it • Here are women at work, at home, on dates, at the doctor's, with their families and with their friends. Here are women grappling with desire, punishment, guilt and anger. These are stories to make you feel fascinated but repelled, scared but delighted, revolted but aroused
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An epic, deeply moving novel about the power of love and loving with courage - from the Man Booker International Prize-winning author of A Horse Walks into a Bar • On a kibbutz in Israel in 2008, Gili is celebrating the ninetieth birthday of her grandmother Vera, the adored matriarch of a sprawling and tight-knit family. But festivities are interrupted by the arrival of Nina: the iron-willed daughter who rejected Vera's care; and the absent mother who abandoned Gili when she was still a baby • Nina's return to the family after years of silence precipitates an epic journey from Israel to the desolate island of Goli Otok, formerly part of Yugoslavia. It was here, five decades earlier, that Vera was held and tortured as a political prisoner. And it is here that the three women will finally come to terms with the terrible moral dilemma that Vera faced, and that permanently altered the course of their lives
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Philip Roth's writing career spans a remarkable five decades, a period that has seen him rise to become one of the greatest chroniclers of post-war American life. Collected here are some of the finest interviews, essays and articles discussing his own fiction and the range of controversies that it sparked, including his long interview with the Paris Review. Here too are Roth's writings on American fiction, Milan Kundera, baseball, and his deep admiration for Franz Kafka. Coursing through each of these pieces is the Sheer Playfulness and Deadly Seriousness that have defined Roth's writing for half a century
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