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Vintage books Fates Worse Than Death Воннегут Курт

Vintage books Fates Worse Than Death Воннегут Курт

цена 2 586 руб.
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This is the second volume of Vonnegut’s autobiographical writings – a collage of his own life story, snipped up and stuck down alongside his views on everything from suicidal depression to the future of the planet and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Honest, dark, rambling, funny; this rare glimpse of Vonnegut's soul is a dagger to the heart of Western complacency подробнее
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My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 264 руб.
Marital troubles? Sick of life? Suicide the answer? Why not get yourself a contract killer? • Nothing easier, provided you communicate only by phone and box number. You give him your photograph, specify when and where to find you, then sit back and prepare to die • Murdered, you will be of greater interest than ever you were in life. More to him than met the eye will be the judgement. A mysterious killing lives long in the popular memory. Our hero meticulously plans his own demise, except for one detail: what if he suddenly decides he wants to live?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 349 руб.
An unnamed author waits in a bar in Tel Aviv on a stifling hot night. He is there to give a reading of his work but as he sits, bored, he begins to conjure up the life stories of the people he meets. Later, when the reading is done he asks a woman for a drink. She declines and the author walks away, only to climb the steps to her flat, later that night. Or does he? • In Amos Oz's beguiling, intriguing story the reader never really knows where reality ends and invention begins
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
Книга "Девушка-гот и праздник хуже смерти", наполненная прекрасными черно-белыми иллюстрациями автора Криса Ридделла, рассказывает о приключениях Ады Гот в продолжении отмеченной наградами книги "Девушка-гот и призрак мыши" • Подготовка к вечеринке в саду Ужасный Горм идет полным ходом. Знаменитые повара прибывают в зал на большое мероприятие, и, как всегда, Малтраверс, домашний егерь, ведет себя подозрительно. В другом месте в Ужасном Горме горничная Ады, обитающая в гардеробе, Мэрилебон получила предложение руки и сердца. Ада клянется помочь "пути истинной любви" и выяснить, что задумал Малтраверс, но среди всей этой суеты все, включая ее отца, похоже, забыли о ее дне рождения! • Книга на английском языке • Packed full of beautiful black-and-white illustrations from author Chris Riddell, Goth Girl and the Fete Worse Than Death follows the adventures of Ada Goth in the sequel to the award-winning Goth Girl and the Ghost of a Mouse
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 512 руб.
Cane, Cob and Chimney Jewett are young Georgia sharecroppers held under the thumb of their God-fearing father, Pearl. When he dies unexpectedly, they set out on horseback for Canada, robbing and looting their way to wealth and infamy • But little goes to plan and soon they’re pursued by both the authorities and the stories emanating from their trail of destruction – making the Jewett Gang out to be the most fearsome trio of murdering bank robbers in the Midwest. The truth, though, is far more complex than the legend. And the heaven they’ve imagined may in fact be worse than the hell they sought to escape
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
‘Wait, wait! Save us! What’ll we do?’ • Simon is determined to become a painter when he grows up so he sets off to London to make his fortune. But the city is plagued by wolves and mysterious disappearances. The Twite household, where Simon is lodging, seems particularly shifty. Before he even gets a chance to open his glistening new paints Simon stumbles right into the centre of a plot to kill the King. And worse than that Simon is kidnapped and sent to sea! Luckily there are two friendly stowaways aboard – the feisty Dido Twite and the spoiled young Justin. But when the ship catches fire things look pretty dire. Can they escape? Will they save the king in time?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 623 руб.
Курт Воннегут – культовая фигура в литературе двадцатого века. Американский писатель, сатирик, журналист и художник, перед глазами которого «прошел» чуть ли не весь двадцатый. Многие важнейшие события этого сумасшедшего века в его произведениях обретают самые неожиданные формы, обрастают причудливыми образами. В сборник включены романы «Бойня номер пять» и «Дай вам Бог здоровья, мистер Розуотер»
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
488 руб.
This collection of Vonnegut’s letters is the autobiography he never wrote – from the letter he posted home upon being freed from a German POW camp, to notes of advice to his children: ‘Don’t let anybody tell you that smoking and boozing are bad for you. Here I am fifty-five years old, and I never felt better in my life’. Peppered with insights, one-liners and missives to the likes of Norman Mailer, Gunter Grass and Bernard Malamud, Vonnegut is funny, wise and modest. As he himself said: ‘I am an American fad—of a slightly higher order than the hula hoop’ • Like Vonnegut’s books, his letters make you think, they make you outraged and they make you laugh. Written over a sixty-year period, and never published before, these letters are alive with the unique point of view that made Vonnegut one of the most original writers in American fiction
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 523 руб.
Vonnegut's riotous urban fairytale about the various fiascos of the Nixon years - a firm fan favourite • Walter J. Starbuck’s life was on the up. With a Harvard education, a job in federal government and then in Nixon’s White House, everything was going great. Only things took a truly spectacular turn for the worse when his involvement in the Watergate scandal landed him in jail • Now, as the brave new world of the 1980s dawns, Starbuck is finally free and on his way back into the world. This is the story of the first twenty-four hours after his release, told with Kurt Vonnegut’s razor-sharp wit and satirical bite
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 384 руб.
First published on the anniversary of Kurt Vonnegut's death, Armageddon in Retrospect is a collection of twelve new writings - a fitting tribute to the author, and an essential contribution to the discussion of war, peace and humanity's tendency towards violence. Imbued with Vonnegut's trademark rueful humour, the pieces range from a visceral non-fiction recollection of the destruction of Dresden - to a painfully funny short story about three soldiers and their fantasies of the perfect meal
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
Manhattan has become the Island of Death • The former President of the United States stands barefoot in a purple toga around a cooking fire in the lobby of the Empire State Building • He is Dr Wilbur Daffodil-II Swain and Slapstick or Lonesome No More! is his story – one of monstrous twins, orgies, revenge, golf, utopian schemes, and very little tooth brushing. In this post-apocalyptic black comedy – dedicated to Laurel and Hardy – Vonnegut is at his most hilarious, grotesque, and personal
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 037 руб.
"В феврале 2001 года случилось невиданное доселе событие - Времетрясение, - рассказывает нам один из любимых персонажей автора Килгор Траут. - Вселенная пережила острый приступ неуверенности в себе. Стоит ли ей расширяться бесконечно? За каким дьяволом? Не вернуться ли на пару минут к началу начал, а потом снова устроить Большой Взрыв?" • Однако такой поступок требовал слишком большой смелости, и Вселенная вернулась всего на десять лет назад. А люди получили в подарок целых десять лет жизни и шанс переписать ее набело - ведь все ходы заранее известны! • Захватывающая книга Курта Воннегута "Времетрясение" никого не оставит равнодушным • Издание на английском языке • 'A wise, winning and utterly charming concoction of fiction, commentary and autobiography' Literary Review • 'Timequake is sweet, wild and cock-eyed
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 266 руб.
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