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Vintage books Earthly Possessions Тайлер Энн

Vintage books Earthly Possessions Тайлер Энн

цена 2 142 руб.
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For thirty-five year old Charlotte Emory, leaving her husband seems to offer the only way out from the mundaneness of every day life's earthly possessions and emotional complications. In the bank, she withdraws enough money to escape a life and a marriage gone sour. But Charlotte is about to escape in a way she never expected, as a young bank robber takes her hostage, and they head south for Florida in a stolen car подробнее
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За роман "Уроки дыхания" Энн Тайлер получила Пулитцеровскую премию • Мэгги порывиста и непосредственна, Айра обстоятелен и нетороплив. Мэгги совершает глупости. За Айрой такого греха не водится. Они женаты двадцать восемь лет. Их жизнь обычна, спокойна и... скучна. В один невеселый день они отправляются в автомобильное путешествие - на похороны старого друга. Но внезапно Мэгги слышит по радио, как в прямом эфире ее бывшая невестка объявляет, что снова собирается замуж. И поездка на похороны оборачивается экспедицией по спасению брака сына. Трогательная, ироничная, смешная и горькая хроника одного дня из жизни Мэгги и Айры - это глубокое погружение в самую суть семейных отношений, комедия, скрещенная с высокой драмой • Книга на английском языке
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Jeremy is a child-like, painfully shy bachelor who has never left home. He lives on the third floor of his mother's boarding house and spends his days cutting up coloured paper to make small collages - until the day his mother dies and the beautiful Mary Tell arrives to turn his world upside down
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2 144 руб.
Kate Battista is stuck • How did she end up running house and home for her eccentric scientist father and infuriating younger sister Bunny? • Dr Battista has other problems. His brilliant young lab assistant, Pyotr, is about to be deported. And without Pyotr, his new scientific breakthrough will fall through • When Dr Battista cooks up an outrageous plan that will enable Pyotr to stay in the country, he's relying - as usual - on Kate to help him. Will Kate be able to resist the two men's touchingly ludicrous campaign to win her round? • Anne Tyler's brilliant retelling of The Taming of the Shrew asks whether a thoroughly modern woman like Kate would ever sacrifice herself for a man. The answer is as surprising as Kate herself
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2 144 руб.
A bittersweet novel of family and self-discovery from the bestselling, award-winning author of A Spool of Blue Thread • Willa Drake can count on one hand the defining moments of her life: her mother’s disappearance when she was just a child, being proposed to at an airport at the age of twenty-one, the accident that would leave her a widow in her forties. Each time, Willa ended up on a path laid out for her by others • So when she receives a phone call from a stranger informing her that her son’s ex-girlfriend has been shot, she drops everything and flies across the country. The spur-of-the moment decision to look after this woman and her nine-year-old daughter leads Willa into uncharted territory and the eventual realisation that it’s never too late to choose your own path
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When eighteen-year-old Ian Bedloe pricks the bubble of his family's optimistic self-deception, his brother Danny drives into a wall, his sister-in-law falls apart, and his parents age before his eyes. Consumed by guilt Ian finds the hope of forgiveness at the Church of the Second Chance, and leaves college to cope with the three children he has inherited and his own embarrassing religion • Twenty years on, Ian's prospects of a second chance are receding fast when, out of the heart of the domesticity that has engulfed him, strides a new figure who will bring him new life
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Discover the lesser-known but brilliant novel by the hugely under-appreciated Anne Bronte • When Agnes’s father loses the family savings, young Agnes determines to make her own living – as a governess. Working for the Bloomfields, her enthusiasm is soon dampened by isolation and the cruelty of the children in her charge. Agnes hopes for better in her second job, but when the scheming elder daughter Rosalie makes designs on Agnes’s new friend, the kind curate Mr Weston, she feels herself silenced and sidelined. Becoming a governess is one thing, becoming invisible is quite another
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The nine surviving children of the Hegarty clan gather in Dublin for the wake of their wayward brother Liam. It wasn't the drink that killed him - although that certainly helped - it was what happened to him as a boy in his grandmother's house, in the winter of 1968 • The Gathering is a novel about love and disappointment, about thwarted lust and limitless desire, and how our fate is written in the body, not in the stars
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Новый роман живого классика американской литературы Энн Тайлер "Рыжик на обочине" • Мика Мортимер отмеряет свои дни, выполняя поручения на работе, поддерживая безупречный режим уборки и совершая пробежки (каждое утро в 7:15). У него длительные отношения со своей подругой Кассией, но они живут порознь. Его тщательно выверенная жизнь регулярна, размеренна, сбалансирована • Но затем порядок вещей начинает меняться. Кассии угрожают выселением, и когда подросток появляется на пороге дома Мики, утверждая, что он его сын, он сталкивается с еще одним сюрпризом, с которым, похоже, плохо подготовлен • Сможет ли Мика, мужчина, для которого окружающие всегда кажутся недосягаемыми, найти способ вернуться к своей совершенно несовершенной истории любви? • Книга на английском языке
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1 348 руб.
From the Pulitzer prize-winning Sunday Times bestseller Anne Tyler. A Patchwork Planet is now re-jacketed along with the rest of Tyler's books in striking new backlist style • Barnaby Gailtin has less in life than he once had • His ex-wife Natalie left him and their native Baltimore several years ago, taking their baby daughter Opal with her, and he has acquired an unalterably fixed position as the black sheep of the family in a family where black sheep aren't tolerated. Then the angelic Sophia enters his life and it seems as if all this is set to change. But can he shake off his past? • **ANNE TYLER HAS SOLD OVER 1 MILLION BOOKS WORLDWIDE** • 'One of my favourite authors' Liane Moriarty • 'She spins gold' Elizabeth Buchan • 'Anne Tyler has no peer' Anita Shreve • 'A masterly author' Sebastian Faulks
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 142 руб.
From the Pulitzer prize-winning Sunday Times bestseller Anne Tyler. The Tin Can Tree is now re-jacketed along with the rest of Tyler's books in striking new backlist style • Read Pulitzer Prize-winning, Sunday Times bestselling author Anne Tyler's classic exploration of the impact of grief on a family • When young Janie Pike dies in a tragic accident, she leaves behind a family numbed with grief and torn with guilt and recrimination. In this compassionate and haunting novel Anne Tyler explores how each member of the family learns to face the future in their own way • **ANNE TYLER HAS SOLD OVER 1 MILLION BOOKS WORLDWIDE** • 'One of my favourite authors' Liane Moriarty • 'She spins gold' Elizabeth Buchan • 'Anne Tyler has no peer' Anita Shreve • 'A masterly author' Sebastian Faulks
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«В «Доводах рассудка» Джейн Остин берётся за перо, чтобы помочь нам понять, кто мы такие и чего мы хотим», – Independent • Восемь лет назад семья Энн Элиот и её подруга леди Рассел убедили девушку разорвать помолвку с капитаном Фредериком Уэнтвортом в надежде на более выгодную партию. Их мечтам так и не суждено было сбыться. Теперь самой Энн почти тридцать. В этом возрасте найти хорошего мужа в начале XIX века не так просто, особенно леди из семьи, лишившейся немалой части своего состояния. И тут она снова встречается с капитаном. Чувства девушки разгораются с новой силой, но её возлюбленный ведёт себя холодно и даже открыто ухаживает за Луизой, молодой подругой Энн. Неужели его появление стало жестокой насмешкой судьбы? Или та всё-таки дала им второй шанс? • «Доводы рассудка» – нестареющая история любви, полная юмора, нежности и проницательных мыслей
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Dazzlingly inventive and utterly original, All Shall Be Well... is a surprise and a delight • Meet Burt Hecker, aka Eckbert Attquiet, a 63-year-old medieval re-enactor with a momentous nose, who dresses in tunics and drinks too much home-made mead. His treasured wife Kitty has died and their strange and beautiful relationship is now the stuff of history; he has sold all of his possessions and bought a one-way ticket to Europe, bent on rescuing his beloved son Tristan from the 'evil' city of Prague. If only he knew that his son doesn't want to be rescued, or found • This is the story of Burt's painful, hilarious and doomed attempts to come to terms with his own past
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