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Vintage books Charlie Savage Дойл Родди

Vintage books Charlie Savage Дойл Родди

цена 1 908 руб.
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Meet Charlie Savage • Charlie is a middle-aged Dubliner with an indefatigable wife, an exasperated daughter, a drinking buddy who’s realised that he’s been a woman all along … • Compiled here for the first time is a whole year’s worth of Roddy Doyle’s hilarious series for the Irish Independent. Giving a unique voice to the everyday, he draws a portrait of a man – funny, loyal, somewhat bewildered – trying to keep pace with the modern world (if his knees don’t give out first) подробнее
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Longlisted for the 2015 IMPAC Dublin Literary Award • Jimmy Rabbitte is back • The man who invented the Commitments back in the eighties is now forty-seven, with a loving wife, four kids ... and bowel cancer. He isn’t dying, he thinks, but he might be • Jimmy still loves his music, and he still loves to hustle. On his path through Dublin he meets two of the Commitments – Outspan, whose own illness is probably terminal, and Imelda Quirk, still as gorgeous as ever • This warm, funny novel is about friendship and family, about facing death and opting for life • Includes the short story Jimmy Jazz
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
Barrytown, Dublin, has something to sing about • The Commitments are spreading the gospel of the soul. Ably managed by Jimmy Rabbitte, brilliantly coached by Joey 'The Lips' Fagan, their twin assault on Motown and Barrytown takes them by leaps and bounds from the parish hall to the steps of the studio door • But can The Commitments live up to their name? • The bestselling book behind the long-running West End stage show
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2 146 руб.
Jimmy Rabbitte is unemployed and rapidly running out of money. His best friend Bimbo has been made redundant at the company where he has worked for many years. The two old friends are out of luck and out of options. That is, until Bimbo finds a dilapidated 'chipper van' and the pair decide to go into business • By the bestselling author of The Commitments and The Snapper, The Van is a tender tale of male friendship, swimming in grease and stained with ketchup
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 144 руб.
Meet the Rabbitte family, motley bunch of loveable ne'er-do-wells whose everyday purgatory is rich with hangovers, dogshit and dirty dishes. When the older sister announces her pregnancy, the family are forced to rally together and discover the strangeness of intimacy • But the question remains: which friend of the family is the father of Sharon's child? • By the bestselling author of The Commitments, now a long-running West End stage show
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 385 руб.
Ten years on from The Woman Who Walked into Doors, Booker Prize-winning author, Roddy Doyle, returns to one of his greatest characters, Paula Spencer • Paula Spencer is turning forty-eight, and hasn't had a drink for four months and five days. Her youngest children, Jack and Leanne, are still living with her. They're grand kids, but she worries about Leanne • Paula still works as a cleaner, but all the others doing the job seem to come from Eastern Europe. You can get a cappuccino in the cafe and the checkout girls are all Nigerian. Ireland is certainly changing, but then so too is Paula - dry, and determined to put her family back together again
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
He was the very first icon of the silver screen, and is one of the most recognisable faces in Hollywood, even a hundred years on from his first film. But what of the man behind the moustache? The director holding the camera as well as acting in front of it? • Peter Ackroyd's new biography turns the spotlight on Chaplin's life as well as his work, from his humble theatrical beginnings in music halls to winning an honorary Academy Award. Everything is here, from the glamour of his golden age to the murky scandals of the 1940s and eventual exile to Switzerland. This masterful brief life offers fresh revelations about one of the most familiar faces of the last century and brings the Little Tramp into vivid colour
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Charlie, drifting through life and dodging full-time employment, is in love with Miranda, a bright student who lives with a terrible secret • When Charlie comes into money, he buys Adam, one of the first batch of synthetic humans. With Miranda’s assistance, he co-designs Adam’s personality • This near-perfect human is beautiful, strong and clever – and soon a love triangle forms, which leads Charlie, Miranda and Adam to a profound moral dilemma. Can you design the perfect partner? What makes us human? Our outward deeds or our inner lives? • Provocative and moving, Machines Like Me explores whether a machine can ever truly understand the human heart
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 384 руб.
Charlie, a wealthy banker with an uneasy conscience, invites his troubled cousin Matthew to visit him and his wife in their idyllic mountain-top house over the summer. As the days grow hotter, the friendship between the three begins to reveal its fault lines • When a fourth person arrives, the household finds itself suddenly in the grip of uncontrollable passions. Who is the real victim? Who is the perpetrator? And who, ultimately, is the fall guy?
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2 144 руб.
A dissection of greed-obsessed America a decade after The Bonfire of the Vanities and on the cusp of the millennium, from the master chronicler of American culture Tom Wolfe • Charlie Croker, once a fabled college football star, is now a late-middle-aged Atlanta real estate entrepreneur-turned conglomerate king. His expansionist ambitions and outsize ego have at last hit up against reality. Charlie has a 28,000 acre quail shooting plantation, a young and demanding second wife and a half-empty downtown tower with a staggering load of debt. Wolfe shows us contemporary America with all the verve, wit, and insight that have made him our most admired novelist
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2 621 руб.
Когда доктор Ватсон въезжал в квартиру на Бейкер-стрит вместе с эксцентричным Шерлоком Холмсом, он не ожидал, что вскоре окажется вовлечён в расследование загадочного убийства. Найденное в закрытой комнате тело не несёт следов насилия, но Холмс уверен, что жертву убили. Заручившись поддержкой Ватсона, он намерен применить свою феноменальную способность к дедукции, чтобы раскрыть это исключительное дело и поймать преступника • Первая повесть культового британского писателя Артура Конана Дойла о гениальном детективе Шерлоке Холмсе в оригинале. В издание также входит рассказ «Скандал в Богемии» • Книга на английском языке • Discover the first classic Sherlock Holmes novel in this stunning edition, featuring an introduction from Mark Billingham. The is edition also features the short story ‘A Scandal in Bohemia’
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 906 руб.
Дано • Украденный драгоценный камень, необъяснимая смерть молодой девушки, пропажа одного из лучших скаковых коней Англии, отсутствующий дворецкий, загадочные пляшущие человечки, разбитый бюст Наполеона, кучер с простреленным сердцем • Решение • Элементарно! Вызвать Шерлока Холмса – гениального сыщика из дома 221Б на Бейкер-стрит • Сборник рассказов культового британского писателя сэра Артура Конана Дойла в оригинале. Включает словарь терминов и задания, с помощью которых можно проверить собственную внимательность и дедуктивные способности • Книга на английском языке • 'On the contrary, my dear Watson, you can see everything. You fail, however, to reason from what you see' • Herein lie the problems: a stolen jewel, the inexplicable death of a young woman, the disappearance of one of the most remarkable racehorses in England, a missing butler, the curious symbols of dancing men, a broken bust of Napoleon, a possible kidnapping and the bad business of a coachman shot through the heart
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 667 руб.
В этот сборник входят самые любопытные и запоминающиеся рассказы сэра Артура Конана Дойла о культовом сыщике Шерлоке Холмсе, включая истории о стычках с опасными загадочными незнакомцами, изобретательных ограблениях, смертельных заговорах и спрятанных бриллиантах. В погоне за новыми делами проницательный детектив и его отважный помощник посещают самые разные места – от привычных лондонских улочек до живописных английских деревень и холодных швейцарских скал, которые тонут в брызгах Райхенбахского водопада • Книга на английском языке • This volume collects together Sherlock Holmes's most memorable and intriguing cases, including adventures with mysterious masked strangers, ingenious heists, murderous plots and hidden jewels, which take the famous detective and his faithful sidekick Dr Watson from the streets of London and the English countryside to a chilling encounter at the Reichenbach Falls in Switzerland
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 144 руб.
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