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Vermilion Save Our Sleep. Helping your baby to sleep through the night, from birth to two years Hall Tizzie

Vermilion Save Our Sleep. Helping your baby to sleep through the night, from birth to two years Hall Tizzie

цена 2 992 руб.
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Tizzie Hall is an international baby sleep expert who has been working with babies and their parents for over 15 years. Her customised sleep routines have helped thousands of restless babies sleep through the night, and now she shares the secrets of her success in this easy-to-use sleep guide, including • - Sleep routines from birth to introducing solids for breast- and bottle-fed babies • - Teaching your baby to settle and resettle themselves • - Solutions to sleep problems • - Common questions and case studies from parents • - How to overcome any breaks to the sleeping routine • Packed full of useful information about feeding, weaning, common health concerns and special situations that can affect your baby's sleep pattern, Save Our Sleep is the must-have book for all parents who want to save their sleep подробнее
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