г. Москва, Московская область

The Walking Dead Psychology. Psych of the Living Dead Langley Travis Sterling Publishing

The characters of The Walking Dead live in a desolate postapocalyptic world, filled with relentless violence and death. In reality, how would such neverending trauma affect the psyche? By understanding the psychological forces that drive the show's action, fans can better grasp this compelling fictional universe. Is the Governor a psychopath, a sociopath, or neither? What does Terror Management Theory tell us about what it means to constantly fight for survival - as Rick must? What is the emotional cost of killing a walker or even another living person? What is groupthink and how does it affect the decisions made by the people of Terminus, Woodbury, and Rick's gang? In 19 essays from a range of esteemed contributors, plus "Case Files" sidebars ...
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Faber Stories, a landmark series of individual volumes, presents masters of the short story form at work in a range of genres and styles • A chance encounter leads a man to spend the afternoon with an older woman, now a widow, who escaped him fifteen years earlier. Neither of them doubts that the day will end in disgust, but for one intimate moment each finds a way to overcome mortality • Written in 1969, before Milan Kundera was known to English-speaking readers, this story renders male and female characters painful equals, and prompted Philip Roth to admire its ‘detached Chekhovian tenderness’ • Bringing together past, present and future in our ninetieth year, Faber Stories is a celebratory compendium of collectable work
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From cyborgs, starships, UFOs, aliens and antimatter to telepathy, invisibility, psychokinesis and precognition, Michio Kaku's Physics of the Impossible is an exciting look at how science fiction could soon become science fact • Albert Einstein said, 'If at first an idea does not sound absurd, there is no hope for it.' Physics of the Impossible shows how our most far-fetched ideas today - from Star Trek's phasers and teleportation to time travel as envisioned by Back to the Future - are destined to become tomorrow's reality • Michio Kaku, bestselling science author and one of the world's most acclaimed physicists, looks at the technologies of the future and explains what's just around the corner, what we might have to wait a few millennia to get our hands on and how surprisingly little of it is truly impossible
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Собравшая массу прекрасных отзывов и награду хитовая инди-игра The Escapists объединяется со всемирно известным и любимым сериалом Ходячие мертвецы, а результатом чудного союза стала игра The Escapists: The Walking Dead. В этой уникальной игре, полностью воссоздающей очаровательную 8-битную пиксельную графику в старом стиле игры The Escapists, играя за Рика Граймса вам придется противостоять ордам ходячих мертвецов, захватившим мир
БУКА г. Москва
499 руб.
Собравшая массу прекрасных отзывов и награду хитовая инди-игра The Escapists объединяется со всемирно известным и любимым сериалом Ходячие мертвецы, а результатом чудного союза стала игра The Escapists: The Walking Dead. В этой уникальной игре, полностью воссоздающей очаровательную 8-битную пиксельную графику в старом стиле игры The Escapists, играя за Рика Граймса вам придется противостоять ордам ходячих мертвецов, захватившим мир
БУКА г. Москва
449 руб.
To Christina Olson, the entire world is her family’s remote farm in the small coastal town of Cushing, Maine. Born in the home her family has lived in for generations, and tied to the farm by health and circumstance, Christina seems destined for a small life. Instead, by chance she becomes the inspiration for the artist Andrew Wyeth, and eventually the subject of one of the best-known paintings of the twentieth century, Christina’s World
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1 545 руб.
БУКА г. Москва
2 399 руб.
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3 400 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
7 000 руб.
The present book includes the first full catalogue of Russian porcelain of the 18th and 19th centuries from the Vladimir Tsarenkov Collection. The collection has over 250 outstanding works by leading Russian manufactories - the Imperial Porcelain Factory in Saint Petersburg and the Gardner Porcelain Factory in the Moscow region - with a particular focus on the Age of Catherine the Great. The bulk of the collection consists of table and tea and coffee services, including the Private Service of Empress Elizabeth of Russia; the Everyday ("Rose"), Arabesque and Yacht Services of the Age of Catherine the Great; the Dowry Services of the daughters of Emperor Paul I and Empress Maria Feodorovna, which are the pearl of the collection; the dejeuner services of the Ages of Paul I and Alexander I; the Coronation Service of the Age of Nicholas I
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