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Владислав ПЬЯВКО - выдающийся русский тенор, народный артист Советского Союза, народный артист Кыргызстана, заслуженный деятель искусств Республики Монголия • В 1965-1989 годах солист Государственного академического Большого театра СССР. В 1967-1969 годах стажёр театра "Ла Скала", Милан. В 1989-1996 годах солист Государственной немецкой оперы (Штаатс-опер, Берлин) • С 1970-х годов постоянно публикуется в периодической печати по проблемам музыкального театра. В 1983 году снял на "Мосфильме" музыкальный фильм "Ты мой восторг, моё мученье..." как режиссёр, сценарист и исполнитель главной роли. В 1984 году в Италии награждён Золотой именной медалью города Ливорно "Владислав Пьявко - Великий Гульельмо Ратклифф" за исполнение архитрудной партии Гульельмо в опере П
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 443 руб.
The Philosophy of Modern Song is Bob Dylan’s first book of new writing since 2004’s Chronicles: Volume One — and since winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016 • Dylan, who began working on the book in 2010, offers his extraordinary insight into the nature of popular music. He writes over 60 essays focusing on songs by other artists, spanning from Stephen Foster to Elvis Costello, and in between ranging from Hank Williams to Nina Simone. He analyses what he calls the trap of easy rhymes, breaks down how the addition of a single syllable can diminish a song and even explains how bluegrass relates to heavy metal. These essays are written in Dylan’s unique prose. They are mysterious and mercurial, poignant and profound, and often laugh-out-loud funny
My-shop.ru г. Москва
5 290 руб.
William Wordsworth’s description of poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” is exemplified by the vivid use of imagery and sensory experience in his verse • His childhood in Cumbria imbued the poet with a deep love of nature; and his youthful interest in politics inspired a passion for democracy and a hatred of tyranny. These qualities, together with those of spiritual and epistemological speculation, dominate his poetical and prose writings • This collection features many of Wordsworth’s most notable poems, including “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tin tern Abbey”, “Ode: Intimations on Immortality”, and “Composed upon Westminster Bridge”, and is a perfect introduction to the works of one of the founding fathers of English Romantic poetry
My-shop.ru г. Москва
914 руб.
The Art of David Webb: Jewelry and Culture — издание, посвящённая работе экстраординарного ювелира Дэвида Уэбба. Уэбб приехал в Нью-Йорк в возрасте 17 лет и был очарован музеями, архитектурой и модой того времени: вскоре город стал его главной музой
Galerie 46 доставка из г. Санкт-Петербург
17 300 руб.
South Africa, 1884. William Abbey, an English doctor, watches white colonists lynch a Zulu child. As the boy dies, his mother curses William: wherever he goes, the shadow of her son will follow him. It will never stop, never rest. It can cross oceans and mountains. And if it catches him, the person he loves most in the world will die • But to those in power, William's curse might be a blessing, and as the world slides towards war, William must decide what he's willing to sacrifice in order to survive • Moving, thought-provoking and utterly gripping, Claire North's extraordinary new novel proves again that she is one of the most original and innovative voices in modern fiction
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 628 руб.
B.K.S. Iyengar has devoted his life to the practice and study of yoga. It was B.K.S. Iyengar’s unique teaching style, bringing precision and clarity to the practice, as well as a mindset of ‘yoga for all’, which has made it into a worldwide phenomenon • His seminal book, ‘Light on Yoga’, is widely called ‘the bible of yoga’ and has served as the source book for generations of yoga students around the world. In ‘Core of the Yoga Sutras’, he applies this same clarity to the philosophical core of yoga–the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are 196 aphorisms forming the foundational text of yoga philosophy. Each sutra is short and to the point – each being only a line or two long. B.K.S. Iyengar has translated each one, providing an insightful commentary and explanation for modern readers, as well as linking the various themes throughout the sutras to one another
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 452 руб.
A century has always had a special resonance, in all walks of life, and none more so than in cricket. Scoring one hundred runs is the ultimate for a batsman. As former England captain Andrew Strauss admits, it's incredibly hard to do; for Ricky Ponting, it's a transformational moment in the career of a cricketer. Or in the words of Geoffrey Boycott, 'a century has its own magic' • In The Art of Centuries, Steve James applies his award-winning forensic insight to the very heart of batting. Through interviews with the leading run-scorers in cricket history and his own experiences, Steve discovers what mental and physical efforts are required to reach those magical three figures. Despite his own haul of 47 first-class tons, he himself felt at times that he was poorly equipped for the task
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 996 руб.
Increasingly Samuel Beckett’s writing is seen as the culmination of the great literature of the twentieth century – succeeding the work of Proust, Joyce and Kafka. Beckett is a writer whose relevance to his time and use of poetic imagery can be compared to Shakespeare’s in the late Renaissance. John Calder has examined the work of Beckett principally for what it has to say about our time in terms of philosophy, theology and ethics, and he points to aspects of his subject’s thinking that others have ignored or preferred not to see. Samuel Beckett’s acute mind pulled apart with courage and much humour the basic assumptions and beliefs by which most people live. His satire can be biting and his wit devastating. He found no escape from human tragedy in the comforts we build to shield ourselves from reality – even in art, which for most intellectuals has replaced religion
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 037 руб.
There are things happening in Alkmeenon that Conan does not understand - strange, terrible things • Will Conan get the jewels, or will Zargeba? And what is the secret of Alkmeenon? • Text adaptation by Bill Bowler
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 648 руб.
Третья в серии "Современная классика и бестселлеры", посвященной путешествиям по книгам, которая прославляет все лучшее в жизни: книги, приключения, дружбу - и торт • Происходят странные вещи. Мужчина заходит в Pages & Co в поисках книги... и вдруг не может ее вспомнить. Тилли и ее семья чувствуют, что мир меняется, но не могут точно сказать, почему • Тем временем Андервуды расширяют свой контроль над буквоедством – и они по-прежнему нацелены на Тилли. Покинув безопасный книжный магазин, Тилли отправляется в Америку, чтобы найти легендарных архивариусов и спасти книготорговлю… • или, по крайней мере, таков план. Блуждая по слоям истории, Тилли и ее друг Оскар сталкиваются с опасностями, которых они никак не могли ожидать, объединяются с неожиданно знакомым лицом и в конечном счете обнаруживают, что сталкиваются с самой большой угрозой для историй, которая когда–либо существовала, - и только их мужество и изобретательность могут им помочь
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 048 руб.
Raises one of the deepest and most puzzling questions we can put to ourselves ' What is Love?' • Drawing on writers and thinkers as diverse as Plato, Tolstoy, Freud and Stendhal, John Armstrong explores how our perception of love is formed by culture and history • For anyone who believes or disbelieves in love
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 164 руб.
В данное издание включены новеллы из различных сборников и романов знаменитого британского писателя Дж.К. Джерома (1859-1927), по уровню писательского мастерства не уступающие самой известной его книге - роману "Трое в лодке, не считая собаки". Неадаптированный текст на языке оригинала снабжен постраничными комментариями и словарем
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
183 руб.
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