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The Janes family. A genealogy and brief history of the descendants of William Janes the emigrant ancestor of 1637, with an extended notice of Bishop Edmund ... D. D., and other biographical sketches Janes Frederic Книга по Требованию

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"Ворота в Китай. Новая история Народной Республики и Гонконга" - это великолепная история возвышения Китая и падения Гонконга в результате авторитарного правления • В этой новой истории Майкл Шеридан с уникальной проницательностью рассказывает о возвышении Китая и падении авторитарного правления в Гонконге, опираясь на свидетельства очевидцев за три десятилетия, интервью с ключевыми фигурами и документы из архивов Китая и Запада • Книга Шеридана рассказывает о том, как Гонконг открыл путь для Народной Республики, когда она реформировала свою экономику и изменила мир, став вызовом Западу с новым порядком, который поднимает фундаментальные вопросы о прогрессе, идентичности и свободе. Это важное чтение для всех, кто изучает Китай, торгует им или имеет дело с ним
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 864 руб.
The British monarchy is at a turning point. Concise and engaging, this book charts the very beginnings of British reign through to the longest serving monarch, Queen Elizabeth II - and looks forward to the reign of King Charles III • Much more than a linear history, this is the intertwined story of royalty and state, of divisions, invasions, rivalries, death and glory; the story of nation fates deeply tied with the personal endeavours of monarchs through the ages. Black expertly weaves together thematic chapters from the origins of monarchy, medieval times and sixteenth-century developments, to the crises of the seventeenth-century, settlement and imperialism, and the challenges of the modern age. Exploring the House of Wessex, the Norman Conquest, Henry VIII and the Tudors, Victorianism and key events such as abdication of Edward VIII, this book is a necessary and comprehensive guide to the British Monarchy and how it has shaped history - and our lives today
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 879 руб.
Starting AD 400 (around the time of their invasion of England) and running through to the 1100s (the 'Aftermath'), historian Geoffrey Hindley shows the Anglo-Saxons as formative in the history not only of England but also of Europe • The society inspired by the warrior world of the Old English poem Beowulf saw England become the world's first nation state and Europe's first country to conduct affairs in its own language, and Bede and Boniface of Wessex establish the dating convention we still use today. Including all the latest research, this is a fascinating assessment of a vital historical period
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 263 руб.
Set during the Pugachov rebellion against Catherine the Great, The Captain's Daughter was Pushkin's only completed novel and remains one of his most popular works. The inexperienced and impetuous young nobleman Pyotr Grinyev is sent on military service to a remote fortress, where he falls in love with Masha, Captain Mironov's daughter - but then the ruthless Cossack Pugachov lays siege to the stronghold, setting in motion a tragic train of events • This volume also contains another work by Pushkin on the same theme, A History of Pugachov, which presents an impartial, meticulously researched history of the revolt, but was regarded in aristocratic circles as subversive on its publication. Together, these two works provide a fascinating insight into the character of the peasant who tried to overthrow an empress, written with the clarity and insight of Russia's greatest poet
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 834 руб.
This series of textbooks is adapted from a CCTV documentary program of the same name, including two volumes and altogether 16 lessons. It tells the stories about more than 20 Chinese people from all walks of life, ranging from taxi driver, retiree and fitness coach to fashion designer, collector and archaeologist, etc. The accompanying DVD videos present the authentic life, work and spirit of modern Chinese people in an audio-visual and lively way. Through an innovative combination of audiovisual and reading materials, the series turns "reading" texts into "watching" texts and integrates Chinese language learning into the learning of China's conditions and culture, therefore can largely enhance the instructive effect and deepen the students' understanding of China
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
2 709 руб.
A gloriously moving and entertaining, picaresque debut novel, about a young man’s sentimental education in late 19th-Century Europe; inspired by a real historical figure: ‘Captain’ Paul Boyton – the ‘Fearless Frogman’ • ‘“But who among you might assist me on this adventure?” the Captain shouts • And then the Captain’s eyes fall on me, as was his plan all along, and he points me out, making sure just so’s everyone can see • “What about you, sir?” • “Me?” • “A strong young man to journey with me across the wild continent, to support me in my life-saving work, and take the name of his village to the farthest corners of civilisation – and paid a wage, of course!” • “Of course!” everyone shouts.’ • The 1880s are drawing to a close, and 14(-maybe-15)-year-old Daniel Bones fears that the prospects for him and his younger brother Will may be dimming with the century
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 390 руб.
"Большая книга Великобритании. Факты, фольклор и достопримечательности со всего Соединенного Королевства" знакомит читателей с обычаями и культурой Соединенного Королевства • В этой большой книге вы можете • - Узнайте о таком виде спорта, как "двайл-флонкинг" • - Узнайте, откуда берутся черные бриллианты • - Познакомьтесь со сверхъестественным животным, которое обитает в Шотландском нагорье • - Откройте для себя британские сладости, которые помогли Хиллари и Тенцингу взобраться на Эверест • Наполненная фактами о дикой природе, еде, спорте, географии, языке и некоторыми очень глупыми названиями мест, эта книга поможет вам раскрыть национальные секреты и раскопать местные легенды Англии, Уэльса, Шотландии и Северной Ирландии • Книга на английском языке
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 895 руб.
Серия книг «Зарубежная классика — читай в оригинале» — это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
220 руб.
The completely updated edition of J. M. Roberts and Odd Arne Westad's widely acclaimed, landmark bestseller The Penguin History of the World • For generations of readers The Penguin History of the World has been one of the great cultural experiences - the entire story of human endeavour laid out in all its grandeur and folly, drama and pain in a single authoritative book. Now, for the first time, it has been completely overhauled for its 6th edition - not just bringing it up to date, but revising it throughout in the light of new research and discoveries, such as the revolution in our understanding of many civilizations in the Ancient World. The closing sections of the book reflect what now seems to be the inexorable rise of Asia and the increasingly troubled situation in the West
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 606 руб.
See history as it happened - from the evolution of early humans to the space race - with 130 detailed maps that bring pivotal episodes of world history to life.Including a foreword by renowned broadcaster and historian Peter Snow, this history atlas shows you the history of the world in thrilling action. Follow Napoleon as he conquers Europe, explore the rise of the Roman Empire, or chart the progress of the Russian Revolution as each map presents an overview of the story then takes you, step by step, through how it developed, leaving its mark on land and ocean.With cutting-edge design and breathtaking scope, History of the World Map by Map charts ancient, medieval, and modern history in all corners of the world. Discover how patterns of global trade, exploration, conflict, and technological advances shaped key moments in human civilization, such as the success of ancient Egypt, the conquest of Peru, the decolonization of Africa and Asia, the American Civil War, and the energy and environmental challenges of the 21st century
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
1 878 руб.
This new edition of Brogan's superb one-volume history - from early British colonisation to the Reagan years - captures an array of dynamic personalities and events. In a broad sweep of America's triumphant progress. Brogan explores the period leading to Independence from both the American and the British points of view, touching on permanent features of 'the American character' - both the good and the bad. He provides a masterly synthesis of all the latest research illustrating America's rapid growth from humble beginnings to global dominance
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 214 руб.
Акулы - безжалостные хищники. Они старше деревьев, пережили пять случаев вымирания и необходимы для поддержания сбалансированных океанских экосистем, но много ли мы на самом деле знаем об их жизни? • Первая книга, раскрывающая скрытый мир акул, "Императоры морских глубин" опирается на новейшие научные исследования, позволяющие детально изучить четыре вида - мако, тигровую, молотоголовую и большую белую акулу - как никогда раньше. Ознакомительный тур по местам обитания акул простирается от коралловых рифов Центральной части Тихого океана, где каждую осень таинственным образом собираются большие белые акулы, до того, что исследователи называют фестивалем акул, от тропических мангровых лесов, где детеныши лимонных акул играют социальными группами, и до холодных вод Северной Атлантики, где обитают 400-летние старые гренландские акулы, самые долгоживущие позвоночные в мире
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 545 руб.
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