г. Москва, Московская область

The ecclesiastical history of M. l'abbe Fleury, from the Second Ecumenical Council to the end of the fourth century / translated with notes and an essay on the miracles of the period Fleury Claude Книга по Требованию

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Книга на английском языке
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
284 руб.
With the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815, the next two centuries for France would be tumultuous. Bestselling historian and political commentator Jonathan Fenby provides an expert and riveting journey through this period as he recounts and analyses the extraordinary sequence of events of this period from the end of the First Revolution through two others, a return of Empire, three catastrophic wars with Germany, periods of stability and hope interspersed with years of uncertainty and high tensions. As her cross-Channel neighbour Great Britain would equally suffer, France was to undergo the wrenching loss of colonies in the post-Second World War as the new modern world we know today took shape. Her attempts to become the leader of the European union is a constant struggle, as was her lack of support for America in the two Gulf Wars of the past twenty years
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 661 руб.
The most timely and informative history book you will read this year, tracing a century of pandemics, with a new chapter on COVID-19 • Ever since the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic, scientists have dreamed of preventing catastrophic outbreaks of infectious disease. Yet, despite a century of medical progress, viral and bacterial disasters continue to take us by surprise, inciting panic and dominating news cycles. From the Spanish flu and the 1924 outbreak of pneumonic plague in Los Angeles, to the 1930 'parrot fever' pandemic and the more recent SARS, Ebola, Zika and - now - COVID-19 epidemics, the last 100 years have been marked by a succession of unanticipated pandemic alarms • In The Pandemic Century, Mark Honigsbaum chronicles 100 years of history in 10 outbreaks
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 491 руб.
The never-before-seen history of Westeros and the lands beyond. With hundreds of pages of all-new material from George R.R. Martin • If the past is prologue, then George R.R. Martin's masterwork-the most inventive and entertaining fantasy saga of our time-warrants one hell of an introduction. At long last, it has arrived with The World of Ice and Fire • George R.R. Martin, in collaboration with Elio M. Garcia, Jr. and Linda Antonsson, has written a comprehensive history of the Seven Kingdoms, featuring the epic battles, bitter rivalries, and daring rebellions that lead up to the events in the bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire series • Collected within this volume is the accumulated knowledge, scholarly speculation, and inherited folk tales of maesters and septons, maegi and singers, including over 170 full-colour illustrations and maps, family trees for the Houses Stark, Lannister and Targaryen, and in-depth explanations of the history and culture of Westeros
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 392 руб.
Сборник "Некрономикон. Истории сверхъестественного ужаса от мастеров жанра" • Более 40 ужасающих историй от мастеров вселенского ужаса • Невыразимое зло, древние боги и забытые ужасы живут на страницах этого тома. Появление ужасающего Ктулху в "Зове Ктулху", или возвышение древнего языческого божества в "Великом боге Пане", - истории, собранные здесь, являются предметом ночных кошмаров • В этот сборник вошли блестящие и ужасающие рассказы • - Г. П. Лавкрафта • - Роберта И. Говарда • - Артура Мейчена • - Лафкадио Херна • - Роберта У. Чемберса • Книга на английском языке • More than 40 terrifying tales from the masters of cosmic horror • Unspeakable evils, elder gods, and forgotten terrors haunt the pages within this volume. Whether telling of the emergence of the tentacled Cthulhu in "The Call of Cthulhu" or the rise of an ancient pagan deity in "The Great God Pan", the stories found here are the stuff of nightmares
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 987 руб.
Данный подарочный набор книг в открытом футляре, несомненно, обрадует любого ценителя ужасов и нестандартной фантастики. В него вошли сборники пяти авторов XIX и начала XX века: Артура Мейчена, Роберта Чемберса, Лафкадио Хирна, Роберта Говарда и Говарда Лавкрафта • Всего вниманию читателя предлагаются 80 ужасающих историй о привидениях и других мистических и противоестественных угрозах: от вдохновлённых японским фольклором коротких стихотворений Хирна до жуткой повести «Хозяин судьбы» из-под пера творца «Конана-варвара», от «Чёрной печати» до «Жёлтого знака». И, конечно, нельзя забывать о культовом рассказе «Зов Ктулху» и других знаковых произведениях Лавкрафта • Именно творчеству Лавкрафта мы обязаны культовой настольной игрой «Ужас Аркхэма», фильмами «Дагон» и «Цвет из иных миров», книгой «Страна Лавкрафта» и снятым по ней одноимённым сериалом, а также множеством других знаковых образцов современной массовой культурой
My-shop.ru г. Москва
9 108 руб.
Ясная, достоверная история экономической мылси, которую легко читать, от древнего мира и до наших дней. От Гомера до Маркса и Джона Стюарта Милля, Бэкхаус показывает, как отделить кейнсианцев от посткейнсианцев и новых кейнсианцев. Ключевая книга • язык издания: Английский • A very clear, reliable and readable history of economic thought from the ancient world to the present day. From Homer to Marx to John Stuart Mill, Backhouse shows how to keep your Keynsians from your post-Keynsians and New Keynsians. A core book
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 164 руб.
The completely updated edition of J. M. Roberts and Odd Arne Westad's widely acclaimed, landmark bestseller The Penguin History of the World • For generations of readers The Penguin History of the World has been one of the great cultural experiences - the entire story of human endeavour laid out in all its grandeur and folly, drama and pain in a single authoritative book. Now, for the first time, it has been completely overhauled for its 6th edition - not just bringing it up to date, but revising it throughout in the light of new research and discoveries, such as the revolution in our understanding of many civilizations in the Ancient World. The closing sections of the book reflect what now seems to be the inexorable rise of Asia and the increasingly troubled situation in the West
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 606 руб.
This new edition of Brogan's superb one-volume history - from early British colonisation to the Reagan years - captures an array of dynamic personalities and events. In a broad sweep of America's triumphant progress. Brogan explores the period leading to Independence from both the American and the British points of view, touching on permanent features of 'the American character' - both the good and the bad. He provides a masterly synthesis of all the latest research illustrating America's rapid growth from humble beginnings to global dominance
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 214 руб.
Знаменитая "История Латинской Америки" от Эдвина Уилльямсона, полностью обновленная до 2009 года, рассказывает о ее бурной истории от Колумба до Чавеса. Начиная с испанских и португальских завоеваний Нового Света, она охватывает столетия потрясений, революций и модернизации вплоть до наших дней, подробно рассматривая Аргентину, Мексику, Бразилию, Чили и Кубу, и дает обзор культурных событий, которые сделали Латинскую Америку источником восхищения для всего мира • Книга на английском языке • Now fully updated to 2009, this acclaimed history of Latin America tells its turbulent story from Columbus to Chavez. Beginning with the Spanish and Portugese conquests of the New World, it takes in centuries of upheaval, revolution and modernization up to the present day, looking in detail at Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Cuba, and gives an overview of the cultural developments that have made Latin America a source of fascination for the world
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 225 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
457 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
1 030 руб.
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