Spanning thirteen centuries from the age of Trajan to the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, Decline & fall is one of the greatest narratives in European Literature. David Womersley's masterly selection and bridging commentary enables the readerto acquire a general sense of the progress and argument of the whole work and displays the full variety of Gibbon's achievement
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For thousands of years the human heart remained the deepest of mysteries; both home to the soul and an organ too complex to touch, let alone operate on. Then, in the late nineteenth century, medics began going where no one had dared go before • In eleven landmark operations, Thomas Morris tells us stories of triumph, reckless bravery, swaggering arrogance, jealousy and rivalry, and incredible ingenuity, from the trail-blazing ‘blue baby’ procedure to the first human heart transplant. The Matter of the Heart gives us a view over the surgeon’s shoulder, showing us the heart’s inner workings and failings. It describes both a human story and a history of risk-taking that has ultimately saved millions of lives
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Arlyne Brickman dated the wiseguys but she was wiser than them all… • Born in 1934, the daughter of a Jewish mobster, Arlyne Brickman (then Weiss) grew up on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. She idolised gangster’s moll Virginia Hill and apsired to the same glamorous life • Addicted to the rush of danger and lawlessness, Brickman became involved with a succession of wiseguys, including Joe Colombo and Bonanna hitman Tony Mirra. But when a crew of loan sharks threatened her daughter, she turned informant • Wearing a wire for the FBI, she emerged as a key witness in the case against the Colombo crime family and ultimately brought down one of its top lieutenants, Anthony Scarpati • Mob Girl, by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Teresa Carpenter, is a gripping insider account of a woman’s life in the New York underworld that reveals how you get out when you’re in too deep
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The thrilling, long-awaited return of the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Revenant • In 1866, with the country barely recovered from the Civil War, new war breaks out on the western frontier – a clash of cultures between a young, ambitious nation and the Native tribes who have lived on the land for centuries. Colonel Henry Carrington arrives in Wyoming’s Powder River Valley to lead the US Army in defending the opening of a new road for gold miners and settlers. Carrington intends to build a fort in the middle of critical hunting grounds, the home of the Lakota. Red Cloud, one of the Lakota’s most respected chiefs, and Crazy Horse, a young but visionary warrior, understand full well the implications of this invasion. For the Lakota, the stakes are their home, their culture, their lives
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To Christina Olson, the entire world is her family’s remote farm in the small coastal town of Cushing, Maine. Born in the home her family has lived in for generations, and tied to the farm by health and circumstance, Christina seems destined for a small life. Instead, by chance she becomes the inspiration for the artist Andrew Wyeth, and eventually the subject of one of the best-known paintings of the twentieth century, Christina’s World
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The novel that inspired the epic new movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy • Hugh Glass isn’t afraid to die. He’s done it once already • Rocky Mountains, 1823 • The trappers of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company live a brutal frontier life. Hugh Glass is one of the most respected men in the company, an experienced frontiersman and an expert tracker • But when a scouting mission puts Glass face-to-face with a grizzly bear, he is viciously mauled and not expected to survive. Two men from the company are ordered to remain with him until his inevitable death. But, fearing an imminent attack, they abandon Glass, stripping him of his prized rifle and hatchet • As Glass watches the men flee, he is driven to survive by one all-consuming desire: revenge
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'I'll tell you what happened because it will be a good way to introduce my brother. His name's Simon. I think you're going to like him. I really do. But in a couple of pages he'll be dead. And he was never the same after that.' • There are books you can't stop reading, which keep you up all night • There are books which let us into the hidden parts of life and make them vividly real • There are books which, because of the sheer skill with which every word is chosen, linger in your mind for days • The Shock of the Fall is all of these books • The Shock of the Fall is an extraordinary portrait of one man's descent into mental illness. It is a brave and groundbreaking novel from one of the most exciting new voices in fiction
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In this bold and brilliant work from the award-winning author of The Nine-Chambered Heart, journeys across continents and centuries intertwine in a multi-layered saga that unfolds through the lives of four unique characters • For Shai, lost and drifting, a visit to her hometown in India’s Northeast offers the possibility of new ways of living • For Evelyn, a Cambridge student, scientific inspiration guides her to the forests of the lower Himalayas and a world she has only read about • For Johann, a German writer, travelling through Italy inspires him to develop ground-breaking ideas that will cement his place in history • And for a young Swede, an unwavering curiosity for earth’s natural wonders takes him on an expedition that will forever alter the way we understand the world around us
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"Я Хитклиф. Истории, вдохновленные "Грозовым перевалом". Шестнадцать историй, вдохновленных "Грозовым перевалом" • 16 суперзвезд современной фантастики проливают поразительный свет на романтику и боль печально известной литературной пары Хитклифф и Кэти • Короткие истории, которые будоражат сердце и пробуждают жизненно важный разговор о любви • Полный список авторов таков: Лейла Абулела, Ханан Аль-Шейх, Джоанна Кэннон, Элисон Кейс, Джуно Доусон, Луиза Даути, Софи Ханна, Анна Джеймс, Эрин Келли, Дороти Кумсон, Грейс Маклин, Лиза Макинерни, Лори Пенни, Никеш Шукла, Майкл Стюарт и Луиза Янг • Книга на английском языке • 16 modern fiction superstars shine a startling light on the romance and pain of the infamous literary pair Heathcliff and Cathy • Short stories to stir the heart and awaken vital conversation about love
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What makes the English so . . . English? The English are often confused about who they are. They say ‘British’ when they mean ‘English’, and ‘English’ when they should say ‘British.’ And when England, more than the rest of the UK, voted to leave the EU, polls showed national identity was a big concern. So it’s time the English sorted out in their minds what it means to be English. A nation’s character is moulded by its history. In Who Do the English Think They Are? historian and journalist Derek J. Taylor travels the length and breadth of the country to find answers. He discovers that the first English came from Germany, and then in the later Middle Ages almost became French. He tracks down the origins of English respect for the rule of law, tolerance and a love of political stability
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