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Tennyson A The Collected Poems

Tennyson A The Collected Poems

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Featuring poems scattered over nearly thirty years of writing and salvaged from the diaries 'authored' by one Sue Townsend, this slim volume features more than thirty pieces of Adrian's unique art • From his timeless first documented poem - The Tap - via classic odes to his muse, first and only true love Pandora (I adore ya), we follow Adrian's life in verse form. We not only witness his burgeoning political anger in works like Mrs Thatcher (Do you weep, Mrs Thatcher, do you weep?) but also see in later poems his merciless examination of the hollow shell of masculinity as well as documenting his declining libido in tragic pieces like To My Organ • For the first time in a single volume, these are the collected poems of misunderstood intellectual and tortured poet Adrian Mole
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 174 руб.
As a young man, Proust wrote both poetry and prose. Even after he embarked on his masterful In Search of Lost Time at the age of thirty-eight, he never stopped writing poetry. His verse is often playful, filled with affection and satire, and is peppered with witty barbs at friends and people in his social circle of aristocrats, writers, musicians, and courtesans • Few of the poems collected here under the editorship of Harold Augenbraum, founder of the Proust Society of America, have ever been published in book form or translated into English until now. In this dual-language edition of new translations, Augenbraum has brought together nineteen renowned poets and poetry translators to bring Proust's exuberant verse back to life • Marcel Proust (1871-1922) is generally viewed as the greatest French novelist and perhaps the greatest European novelist of the 20th century
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 993 руб.
В сборнике "Собрание стихотворений Элизабет Барретт Браунинг" читатели найдут не только ее хорошо известную серию любовных стихотворений "Сонеты с португальского", но и менее известные сонеты • Эта обширная подборка ее стихов показывает реальную историю ее продолжительной творческой жизни, которая началась с ее детских поэтических амбиций и закончилась только с ее смертью • Книга на английском языке • Elizabeth Barrett Browning was such an acclaimed poet in her own lifetime that she was suggested as a candidate for the Poet Laureateship when Wordsworth died in 1850. Yet today we have only a limited knowledge of her considerable life's work as a poet, in part because of a lack of representative but accessible editions of her work. Readers will find here not only her well-known sonnet sequence of love poems, Sonnets From the Portuguese, but also lesser known sonnets, some in praise of the cross-dressing bohemian writer George Sand, others to contemporary poets and artists
My-shop.ru г. Москва
981 руб.
В этот сборник вошли стихи Томаса Гарди, автора знаменитых романов "Тэсс из рода д’Эрбервиллей" и "Джуд незаметный". Он начал писать стихи во времена, когда ведущими британскими поэтами были Альфред Теннисон и Роберт Браунинг. И 60 лет спустя, когда главными мастерами искусства стихосложения были Элиот и Йейтс, он продолжал сочинять невероятно пронзительные произведения. Несравненная продуктивность Гарди и уникальность его творческого видения возвысили его стихи над веяниями литературной моды. К началу XXI века его репутация лучше, чем когда бы то ни было - лучше, чем в годы его жизни. Теперь он известен благодаря не только качеству своих стихов, но и их популярности среди ценителей поэзии. Его произведения очень непосредственны, человечны и полны юмора; они непременно придутся по вкусу как филологам, так и простым читателям
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 950 руб.
The premature death of Sydney Goodsir Smith at the age of fifty-nine, while this volume of his Collected Poems was in production, deprived the world of one of the major personalities in twentieth-century British literature • The poems included in this volume, mostly written in Scots dialect – from ‘Skail Wind’, first published in 1941, to the moving poems of his maturity and the gentle, philosophical poems of his later years – show us the journey of a man who understood the world only too well
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The Collected Stories - a stunning volume of William Trevor's unforgettable short stories • William Trevor is one of the most renowned figures in contemporary literature, described as 'the greatest living writer of short stories in the English language' by the New Yorker and acclaimed for his haunting and profound insights into the human heart. Here is a collection of his short fiction, with dozens of tales spanning his career and ranging from the moving to the macabre, the humorous to the haunting. From the penetrating 'Memories of Youghal' to the bittersweet 'Bodily Secrets' and the elegiac 'Two More Gallants', here are masterpieces of insight, depth, drama and humanity, acutely rendered by a modern master
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 850 руб.
Classic short stories that expand the epic Legend of Drizzt®! • For years, the Legend of Drizzt has included short stories published in Forgotten Realms® anthologies and Dragon™ magazine. Collected here for the first time are all the classic stories—and one all new tale—by The New York Times best-selling author R.A. Salvatore! • From the startling origin of Drizzt’s panther companion, to the tale of Jarlaxle and Entreri’s first encounter with the dragon sisters, the tales in The Collected Stories enrich this epic series, and many are available here for the first time in years
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
491 руб.
В этот сборник входят лучшие рассказы Фрэнсиса Скотта Фицджеральда, начиная с ранних рассказов эпохи джаза («Бриллиант размером с Ритц»), и заканчивая мрачными тридцатыми годами («Потерянное десятилетие») • В истории Американской литературы Фицджеральд стал почти мифологической фигурой, а его роман «Великий Гэтсби» многими считается величайшим американским романом. В 1920 году он женился на Зельде Сейр, звезде ранней американской эмансипации. Их нездоровый брак и прогрессирующее безумие жены оказали ключевое влияние на творчество писателя • Издание сборника «Flappers and Philosophers. The Collected Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald» выдающегося американского писателя Фрэнсиса Скотта Фицджеральда, входящее в серию «Penguin Modern Classics» от издательства Penguin, станет отличным подарком поклонникам творчества автора
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 101 руб.
The centenary of Patrick Kavanagh's birth in 2004 provides the ideal opportunity to reappraise one of modern Ireland's greatest poets. From a harsh, humble background that he himself described so brilliantly, Kavanagh burst through immense constraints to redefine Irish poetry - a poetry appropriate for a fully independent country, both politically and culturally. Moving beyond Irish verse's preoccupation with history, national politics and identity, he turned to the land and scenery of his native Inniskeen, portraying the closely-observed minutiae of everyday rural and urban life in an uninhibited, groundbreaking style. Lucid, various, direct and engaging, Kavanagh's poems have a unique place in the canon and a unique accessibility • This major new edition is the culmination of many years of work by Antoinette Quinn in creating authoritative texts for Kavanagh's poetry - from his early works such as 'Inniskeen Road: July Evening' to his masterpiece, the epic 'The Great Hunger', allowing us to see the development of Kavanagh's genius as never before
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2 584 руб.
The poems of Emily Jane Brontл are passionate and powerful works that convey the vitality of the human spirit and of the natural world. Only twenty-one of her poems were published during her lifetime - this volume contains those and all others attributed to her. Many poems describe the mythic country of Gondal and its citizens that she imagined with Anne, and remain the only surviving record of their joint creation. Other visionary works, including 'Remembrance' and 'No coward soul is mine', boldly confront mortality and anticipate life after death. And poems such as 'Redbreast early in the morning' and 'The blue bell is the sweetest flower' evoke the wild beauties of nature she observed on the Yorkshire moors, while also examining the state of her psyche
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3 054 руб.
Collected Stories includes both volumes of National Book Award-winning author Shirley Hazzard's short story collections - Cliffs of Fall and People in Glass Houses - alongside uncollected works and two previously unpublished stories • Twenty-eight works of short fiction in all, Shirley Hazzard's Collected Stories is a work of staggering breadth and talent. Taken together, Hazzard's short stories are masterworks in telescoping focus, 'at once surgical and symphonic' (New Yorker), ranging from quotidian struggles between beauty and pragmatism to satirical sendups of international bureaucracy, from the Italian countryside to suburban Connecticut • In an interview, Hazzard once said, 'The idea that somebody has expressed something, in a supreme way, that it can be expressed; this is, I think, an enormous feature of literature'
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 162 руб.
The new expanded Everyman edition of Pushkin's prose fiction contains all his mature work. In addition to 'The Captain's Daughter' and 'The Tales of Belkin', the volume now includes many more short pieces and 'The History of Pugachev', a vivid account of an eighteenth-century Russian rebellion. Pushkin's prose tales are the foundation stones of Russian literature. They made possible the great achievements of Dostosvsky, Tolstoy and Chekhov. But they are also, of course, brilliant and fascinating in their own right. At this volume makes clear, Pushkins is one of the world's great story-tellers' direct, dramatic, tender, with the author 's voices always peruasively present. Paul Debreceny's highly acclaimed translation was first published in 1983
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 930 руб.
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