г. Москва, Московская область

Suspension Of The Power Of Alienation and Postponement of Vesting Under the Law of State Of New York (1891) Stewart Chaplin Книга по Требованию

Эта книга будет изготовлена в соответствии с Вашим заказом по технологии Print-on-Demand • Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1891 года (издательство "New York, Homans publishing company"). Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться небольшие "огрехи": помарки, кляксы и т.п.
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A unique collection of advice for life, Baltasar Gracian's The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence is a philosophical gem, and perhaps the first 'self-help' book ever written. This Penguin Classics edition is translated from the Spanish with an introduction by Jeremy Robbins • Written over 350 years ago, The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence is a subtle collection of 300 witty and thought-provoking aphorisms. From the art of being lucky to the healthy use of caution, these elegant maxims were created as a guide to life, with further suggestions given on cultivating good taste, knowing how to refuse, the foolishness of complaining and the wisdom of controlling one's passions. Baltasar Gracian intended these ingenious, pragmatic aphorisms to challenge the mind, and recognised that few would be capable of applying them
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 941 руб.
James Hogg's The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner is a Scottish classic, a quintessentially Gothic tale of psychological horror, and a relentless attack on Calvinist dogma. The Penguin Classics edition is edited with an introduction and notes by Karl Miller • Robert Wringham's family is composed of a dissolute father and brother, a pious mother, and a rival father in the person of a fanatical Calvinist minister. He comes to believe that he is one of the elect, predestined to be saved, while others are damned. Sure of his freedom from the dictates of morality, he embarks on a series of crimes in the company of a new friend Gil-Martin, a man of many likenesses who can be mistaken for Robert, and who explains that they are as one in the holy work of purifying the world
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 573 руб.
It is Scotland in the early eighteenth century. Fear and superstition grip the land. Robert Wringhim, a boy of strict Calvinist upbringing, is corrupted by a shadowy figure who calls himself Gil-Martin. Under his influence Robert commits a series of murders which he regards as ‘justified’ by God under the tenets of his faith • Hogg’s masterpiece is a brilliant portrayal of the power of evil and a scathing critique of organised religion. Superbly crafted and deftly executed, it resists any easy explanation of events: is this stranger a figment of Robert’s imagination, or the devil himself?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 396 руб.
Whisky is the world’s favourite spirit and is enjoying booming sales, yet too often it’s shrouded in mystery, myth and complex-sounding terminology • This authoritative book, written by three world experts, gives simple advice on how to seek out and enjoy the immense diversity of flavours and styles on offer, and how to become more adventurous • As with any subject, the more you know, the more you can appreciate and enjoy it. This book aims to equip you with enough knowledge to be able to find your way around the whisky sections of a specialist drinks retailer and to help you feel confident choosing whisky in a bar or restaurant. We aim to demystify whisky without taking away the magic. The history of whisky and production methods are clearly explained, and there is advice on how to nose, taste and savour, as well as a selection of classic whisky cocktails and advice on matching food and whisky
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 637 руб.
In 2006, an oddball group of bankers, traders and brokers from some of the largest financial institutions made a startling realization: Libor the London interbank offered rate, which determines the interest rates on trillions in loans worldwide was set daily by a small group of easily manipulated administrators, and that they could reap huge profits by nudging it fractions of a percent to suit their trading portfolios. Tom Hayes, a brilliant but troubled mathematician, became the lynchpin of a wild alliance that included a prickly French trader nicknamed Gollum; the broker Abbo, who liked to publicly strip naked when drinking; a nervous Kazakh chicken farmer known as Derka Derka; a broker known as Village (short for Village Idiot) who racked up huge expense account bills; an executive called Clumpy because of his patchwork hair loss; and a broker uncreatively nicknamed Big Nose who had once been a semi-professional boxer
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 491 руб.
As Macbeth said to Hamlet in Midsummer Night's Dream, 'we've been done up like a couple of kippers - Del • In this pukka 42-carat gold-plated bargain, you have the wit and wisdom of Del Boy, Rodney, Albert, Boycie and Trigger at your disposal. Packed with all the funniest and most memorable lines from the classic British sit-com as it turns 40, this quote book is the creme de la menthe. Never be caught short again
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 004 руб.
Физический мир бесконечно сложен, но большинство из нас способны ориентироваться в нем. Мы можем ходить по незнакомым улицам, сохраняя чувство направления, срезать путь по тропинкам, которыми мы никогда не пользовались, и на долгие годы запоминать места, которые посетили всего один раз. Это замечательные достижения • В книге "Поиск пути. Искусство и наука о том, как мы находим и теряем свой путь" Майкл Бонд исследует, как мы это делаем: как наш мозг создает "когнитивные карты", которые помогают нам ориентироваться даже в незнакомых местах. Он рассматривает, как мы относимся к местам, и спрашивает, как наше понимание окружающего мира влияет на нашу психологию и поведение • То, как мы думаем о физическом пространстве, сыграло решающую роль в нашей эволюции: способность перемещаться на большие расстояния в доисторические времена дала Homo sapiens преимущество перед остальными представителями человеческого рода
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 865 руб.
Издание представляет краткую историю русской государственности с IX века по XX век. Представлены все правители от Рюрика до Никлая II. Буклет снабжен яркими иллюстрациями и фотографиями. Фотографы: А. Маркушев, Н. Рахманов, Г. Шпикалов
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
60 руб.
Увлекательные и веселые правдивые истории из Периодической таблицы Менделеева - номинированы на премию Королевского общества Уинтона за научные книги 2011 года • Почему Ганди ненавидел йод (I, 53)? Почему японцы убили Годзиллу ракетами, изготовленными из кадмия (Cd, 48)? Как радий (Ra, 88) едва не погубил репутацию Марии Кюри? И почему теллур (Te, 52) привел к самой странной золотой лихорадке в истории? • Периодическая таблица Менделеева - одно из наших главных научных достижений, но это также сокровищница страсти, приключений, предательства и одержимости. Увлекательные истории в "Исчезающей ложке" рассказывают об углероде, неоне, кремнии, золоте и каждом отдельном элементе на столе, поскольку они играют свою роль в истории человечества, финансах, мифологии, конфликтах, искусстве, медицине и жизнях (часто) безумных ученых, которые их открыли
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 197 руб.
To define Nigeria is to tell a half-truth. Many have tried, but most have concluded that it is impossible to capture the true scope and significance of Africa's most populous nation through words or images • And yet here, through personal essays from 24 of its writers, a more accurate picture comes into view: one that details the realities and contradictions of patriotism, examines the role of class and privilege in Nigerian society, juxtaposes inherited tradition with the diasporic experience and explores the power of storytelling and its intrinsic link to Nigeria's history • Within these pages, acclaimed and award-winning writers share memories and experiences of Nigeria that can be found nowhere else, bringing to the fore a country whose influence can be found everywhere
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 317 руб.
NEW YORK PERFUME Парфюмерная вода NINE 50.0 Женская парфюмерия
Л'Этуаль г. Москва
553 руб.
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