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Sphere Season Of Passion Стил Даниэла

Sphere Season Of Passion Стил Даниэла

цена 2 197 руб.
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Can love conquer all? • Kate and Tom are the original star-crossed lovers. Kate is a beautiful model; Tom a successful football star at the peak of his career. It seems as though nothing can come between them. Together, they are invincible • But when tragedy strikes and Tom is left a broken man, Kate finds herself frightened and alone. She must face her greatest fear: will she ever love again? • An epic and romantic tale from one of the best-loved writers of all time. Perfect for fans of Penny Vincenzi, Lucinda Riley and Maeve Binchy подробнее
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Bill is a dedicated young lawyer working in New York. He leaves everything he trained for to follow his dream to become a minister in rural Wyoming. Jenny, his fashion stylist wife, leaves the milieu and life she loves to join him. The certainty they share is that their destinies are linked forever • Fast forward thirty-eight years. Robert is a hard-working independent book publisher in Manhattan, looking for one big hit novel to publish. Lillibet is a young Amish woman, living as though in the seventeenth century, caring for her widowed father and three young brothers on their family farm. In secret at night, by candlelight, she has written the novel that burns within her. When it falls into Robert’s hands, he falls in love first with the book, and then with the woman he has never met
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 387 руб.
Даниэла Стил - автор многочисленных романов, ставших бестселлерами. Суммарный тираж её книг на сегодняшний день составляет свыше 510 млн экземпляров. Она продала более 550 миллионов книг. Её романы находились в списке бестселлеров «Нью-Йорк Таймс» 412 недель. Писательница живет в Сан-Франциско, но также любит ездить во Францию. Кстати, действие большинства её романов проходит именно в Сан-Франциско. В комплект вошли 4 книги: "Чарлз-стрит, 44", "Её королевское высочество", "Потрясающая красота", "Игра в большинстве"
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A queen of hearts . . . alone • To the doctors the woman in the ambulance was just another casualty - just more beautiful than most, more badly hurt, like a delicate damaged butterfly . . . surely someone was waiting for her to come home? Surely a husband or a lover would call? • Daphne Fields is loved and known by millions. Her novels turn pain to joy, give her readers hope and the promise of new love when tears blind them. Her stories are drawn from her own struggle: to choose between two men . . . to choose between being a mother, an artist, or a lover • She has now found strength, friendship, passion . . . but now, when she needs it, can she hope to find the reality of true love more than once in a lifetime?
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1 919 руб.
Майкл и Нэнси пообещали друг другу никогда не расставаться • Но беззаботные и полные невинности дни подошли к концу, и их любовь ждёт тяжелейшее испытание • Он - красивый наследник богатой и влиятельной предпринимательской империи. Она - молодая красавица, которой всего двадцать один год. И сирота, у которой никого больше нет. Одним судьбоносным днём, окончив учёбу, они решили навеки связать себя узами любви, но их преданность друг другу подвергнется проверке на прочность перед лицом повергающих в смятение бед, сомнений и отчаяния • Роман Даниэлы Стил "Обещание" - их история • По роману был снят одноименный фильм • Книга на английском языке • They promised never to say goodbye • For Michael and Nancy, the carefree days of innocence were drawing to an end, bringing the hardest test of their love for each other
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 944 руб.
Living on the crest of a highly successful career, he was moving too fast to realise that he had everything – except what he wanted most • Sent to San Francisco to open the smartest department store in California, Bernie Fine becomes aware of the hollowness of his personal life. Despite his success he grows increasingly disenchanted with his existence – until five-year-old Jane O’Reilly gets lost in the store • Through Jane, Bernie meets her mother Liz, who finally offers him the possibility of love. But the rare happiness they find together is disrupted by tragedy and Bernie must face the terrible price we sometimes have to pay for loving • An epic and romantic tale from one of the best-loved writers of all time. Perfect for fans of Penny Vincenzi, Lucinda Riley and Maeve Binchy
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The ring sealed their fate for ever • In the turbulent days of Germany in the thirties, Kassandra von Gotthard met the man who would change her life: Dolff Sterne. She was the beautiful wife of a wealthy Berlin banker. He was a famous Jewish writer. Together they shared a love that happens only once in a lifetime. But theirs was a love fated to end in tragedy • The terrible day came when Dolff was wrenched from Kassandra's arms by Nazi soldiers - leaving her heartbroken and humiliated. And Kassandra decided that her life was no longer worth living. All that she leaves for her descendents is her memory of pain and a diamond signet ring. A ring that will carry the destiny of the von Gotthards to new lives and new loves
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 162 руб.
Their lives were torn apart . . . but can love bring them together? • Heart surgeon Dr Peter Hallam was trained to fight time, to conquer odds beyond hope. He had saved the lives of countless strangers, only to see his own wife die tragically beyond the reach of his healing hands. Months later the deep wound of loss had begun to heal as he learned to live without love • Melanie Adams, television newscaster, lived for her work and her children: nothing else mattered. On screen she was the ultimate professional, covering the biggest stories and meeting the hardest deadlines, but she was lonely inside. After heartbreak and desertion she had made her way to the top alone. And she, like Peter, had learned to live without love • But one day, for Peter and Melanie, everything changes
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 021 руб.
Hollywood, 1945. Every choice has its price • Shipping heir Ward Thayer and screen star Faye Price are reunited after a chance meeting two years earlier. Unable to forget the connection they shared and helpless to resist it, romance quickly sparks • But for Faye, daring and passionate, the life she's heading for with Ward is a threat to her ambition. How can she decide between Hollywood and motherhood? Is it right to choose fame over family? Faye is on the brink of an impossible choice that will shape her life - and the lives of those she loves - in ways she could scarcely have imagined
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 944 руб.
Every dream demands a sacrifice • For Crystal Wyatt, growing up on a ranch in Northern California, Hollywood seems a million miles away. Bold, passionate and enchantingly beautiful, she knows her destiny is waiting for her • But no one said it was going to be easy. Singled out for her devastating looks and captivating singing voice, Crystal soon embarks on the dangerous road to stardom. Her dreams are creeping closer, but then so are those determined to stop her. And when the darkest of scandals comes out, Crystal must face the challenge of her life
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1 944 руб.
Tom, devoted single father to Hannah, is the manager of a tiny local theatre. On each of her birthdays, its colourful cast of part-time actors have staged a fantastical production just for her - a day of wonder • But there is a reason for these shows . . . Hannah has a heart condition and Tom wants to make every moment magical for her • Now, as she approaches adulthood and begins to spread her wings, and with the theatre under threat of closure, Hannah and Tom have to learn a new way of living. But maybe, just maybe, one final day of magic might just save them both • A story about finding joy in everyday life, Days of Wonder is the most beautiful and uplifting novel you'll read all year
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 021 руб.
Tony Hill and Carol Jordan make a nail-biting return • 'You should have been a detective. If there s one thing the last year has proved, it s how good you are at finding things out. Not simple things. Hard things. Things that nobody is supposed to be able to find out. Things that are buried so deep nobody even thinks twice about them. The sort of things that turn people s lives inside out once they re exposed.' • Meet Tony Hill s most twisted adversary - a killer with a shopping list of victims, a killer unmoved by youth and innocence, a killer driven by the most perverted of desires. The murder and mutilation of teenager Jennifer Maidment is horrific enough on its own. But it s not long before Tony realises it s just the start of a brutal and ruthless campaign that s targeting an apparently unconnected group of young people
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 021 руб.
A violent quarrel with the future King John destroys the young Fulke FitzWarin's greatest ambition: to become Lord of the White Castle. Instead of accepting his fate, Fulke rebels. But the danger pursuing Fulke reaches new heights as he begins a passionate love affair with Maude Walter - the wealthy widow chosen by John himself • Negotiating a maze of deceit, treachery and shifting alliances, Fulke's route to success is fraught. And when the turmoil of the Magna Carta rebellion combines with a shocking tragedy, everything Fulke has fought for is thrown into the path of destruction
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