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Sort of Books Things Remembered and Things Forgotten Nakajima Kyoko

Sort of Books Things Remembered and Things Forgotten Nakajima Kyoko

цена 1 768 руб.
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‘If we want to understand what has been lost to time, there is no way other than through the exercise of imagination. …imagination applied with delicate rather than broad strokes.’ So wrote the award winning Japanese author Kyoko Nakajima of her story Things Remembered and Things Forgotten, a prose piece that illuminates, as if by throwing a switch, the layers of wartime devastation that lie just below the surface of Tokyo’s insistently modern culture • Of the ten acclaimed stories in this collection are pervaded by an air of Japanese ghostliness. In beautifully crafted and deceptively light prose, Nakajima portrays men and women beset by cultural amnesia and unaware of how haunted they are – by fragmented memories of war and occupation, by fading traditions, by buildings lost to firestorms and bulldozers, by the spirits of their recent past подробнее
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В этой книге мы впервые встречаем молодого Муми-тролля, его Муми-маму и Сниффа. Они ходят по затопленному лесу в поисках Муми-папы, которого последний раз видели в компании Хаттифнатов. По пути с ними случаются поразительные вещи: они встречают Хемулей, потерявшихся котят и синеволосую Тюлиппу • «Маленькие тролли и большое наводнение» – это первая книга в серии сказко про Муми-троллей, опубликованная в 1945 году. Непреходящая классика предлагает взглянуть на мир глазами Туве Янссон и содержит черно-белые иллюстрации, выполненные в ее фирменном стиле • Книги Туве Янссон станут прекрасным подарком для детей • По мотивам книги был снят мультфильм • Книга на английском языке • And so, for the very first time, we meet the young Moomin, Moominmamma and Sniff as they search through forest and flood for long lost Moominpappa, last seen wandering with the Hattifatteners
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2 451 руб.
Истории финской художницы Туве Янссон о Муми-троллях уже больше 50 лет выпускаются более чем на 35 языках. В Европе за ними уже давно закрепился статус любимой детской классики, а благодаря современному сериалу BBC Two новые поколения детей смогут познакомиться с очаровательными и смешными обитателями долины Муми-троллей • Издательство Sort of Books с гордостью представляет книгу «Что дальше? Книга о Муми-троллях, Мюмбле и Малышке Мю» с цветными иллюстрациями, вырезанными элементами и в переводе одной из самых известных британских поэтесс современности Софи Ханны • Книги о Муми-троллях станут прекрасным подарком для детей • Книга на английском языке • Finnish artist Tove Jansson’s Moomin stories have been continually in print for more than half a century, in 35 languages
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Chris Stewart’s Driving over Lemons told the story of his move to a remote mountain farm in Las Alpujarras – an oddball region of Spain, south of Granada. Funny, insightful and real, the book became an international bestseller • A Parrot in the Pepper Tree, the sequel to Lemons, follows the lives of Chris, Ana and their daughter, Chloe, as they get to grips with a misanthropic parrot who joins their home, Spanish school life, neighbours in love, their amazement at Chris appearing on the bestseller lists… and their shock at discovering that their beloved valley is once more under threat of a dam • A Parrot in the Pepper Tree also looks back on Chris Stewart’s former life – the hard times shearing in midwinter Sweden (and driving across the frozen sea to reach island farms); his first taste of Spain, learning flamenco guitar as a 20-year old; and his illustrious music career, drumming for his school band Genesis (sacked at 17, he never quite became Phil Collins), and then for a circus
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An elderly artist and her six-year-old grand-daughter while away a summer together on a tiny island in the gulf of Finland. As the two learn to adjust to each other’s fears, whims and yearnings, a fierce yet understated love emerges – one that encompasses not only the summer inhabitants but the very island itself • Written in a clear, unsentimental style, full of brusque humour, and wisdom, The Summer Book is a profoundly life-affirming story. Tove Jansson captured much of her own life and spirit in the book, which was her favourite of her adult novels. This new edition, with a Foreword by Esther Freud, sees the return of a European literary gem – fresh, authentic and deeply humane
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1 768 руб.
It is the summer of 1947. A novice Lutheran priest, his wife and baby daughter arrive at a windswept island off the coast of Finland, where they are welcomed by its frugal, self-sufficient community of fisher folk turned reluctant farmers. In this deeply atmospheric and quietly epic tale, Lundberg uses a wealth of everyday detail to draw us irresistibly into a life and mindset far removed from our own – stoic and devout yet touched with humour and a propensity for song. With each season, the young family’s love of the island and its disparate and scattered inhabitants deepens, and when the winter brings ice, new and precarious links appear. Told in spare, simple prose that mirrors the islanders’ unadorned style, this is a story as immersive as it is heartrending
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1 885 руб.
Aunt Gerda – the good listener – fears the encroaching forgetfulness of old age. Her solution is to create an artwork that will record and, inevitably, betray the secrets long confided in her. So begins Jansson’s short story debut, a tour de force of scalpel-sharp narration that takes us from a disquieting homage to the artist Edward Gorey, to perfect evocations of childhood innocence and recklessness, to a city ravaged by storms, or the slow halting thaw of spring. These stories are gifts of originality and depth • The Finnish-Swedish writer and artist Tove Jansson achieved worldwide fame as the creator of the Moomin stories, written between 1945 and 1970 and still in print in more than twenty languages. However, the Moomins were only a part of her prolific output
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Tove Jansson’s first book for adults drew on her childhood memories to capture afresh the enchantments and fears of growing up in Helsinki in the 1910s and 20s. Described as both a memoir and ‘a book of superb stories’ by Ali Smith, Jansson’s startlingly evocative prose offers a glimpse of the mysteries of winter ice, the bonhomie of balalaika parties, and the vastness of Christmas viewed from beneath the tree
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 768 руб.
Drawn from youth and older age, and spanning most of the twentieth century, this newly translated selection provides a thrilling showcase of the great Finnish writer’s prose, scattered with insights and home truths. It has been selected and is introduced by Ali Smith, and there are afterwords by Philip Pullman, Esther Freud and Frank Cottrell Boyce • The Winter Book features thirteen stories from Tove Jansson’s first book for adults, The Sculptor’s Daughter (1968) along with seven of her most cherished later stories (from 1971 to 1996), translated into English and published here for the first time
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 768 руб.
Five close friends in their 90s meet – as they have for decades –for their monthly ‘ladies’ lunch’ to puzzle over and laugh at the enigmas and affronts of ageing. When one of their number is placed unhappily in a home the others conspire to spring her • Lore Segal’s witty yet poignant short story, Ladies’ Lunch, appeared in the New Yorker in 2017, when she herself turned ninety. It was followed by four sequels. For this sparkling collection, Segal has returned to her group of erudite, sharp-minded nonagenarians in Manhattan to create a novella from the linked stories, offering startling insights into friendship and mortality • In the book’s Other Stories, Segal includes tales from her acclaimed and prizewinning oeuvre to illuminate the hinterland of her characters – one of whom, like her, was a kindertransport refugee
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1 697 руб.
The Almond Blossom Appreciation Society finds Chris and his family still living on their farm, El Valero, and with its easy ‘Sun-Lit’ charm and funny, evocative anecdotes, it will draw in new and old readers alike • You will find yourself laughing out loud as Chris is instructed by his daughter on local teenage mores; bluffs his way in art history to millionaire Bostonians; is rescued off a snowy peak by the Guardia Civil; and joins an Almond Blossom Appreciation Society • You’ll cringe with Chris as he stries his hand at office work in an immigrants’ advice centre in Granada, spurred into action by the arrival of four destitute young Moroccans at El Valero. And you’ll never see olive oil in quite the same way again… • In this sequel to ‘Lemons’ and ‘Parrot’, Chris Stewart’s optimism and zest for life is as infectious as ever
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In the deep winter snows of a Swedish hamlet, a strange young woman fakes a break-in at the house of an elderly artist in order to persuade her that she needs companionship. But what does she hope to gain by doing this? And who ultimately is deceiving whom? In this portrayal of two women encircling each other with truth and lies, nothing can be taken for granted. By the time the snow thaws, both their lives will have changed irrevocably
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 768 руб.
«Давным-давно, унылым и ветреным августовским вечером, на ступенях сиротского муми-приюта была найдена простая плетёная сумка, с какой хозяйки ходят на рынок. В сумке лежал не кто иной, как я, небрежно завёрнутый в старые газеты.» • С этой фразы начинаются мемуары Муми-папы, которые он написал, чтобы порадовать Муми-тролля и его друзей. «Мемуары Муми-папы» – это сказка о сказке, в которой мы узнаем о молодости Муми-папы, а также его друзей – папе Сниффа Шусселе и папе Снусмумрика Юскаре. Кроме того, мы познакомимся с гениальным изобратетелем Фредриксоном и узнаем, как Муми-папа впервые встретил Муми-маму • «Мемуары Муми-папы» из серии коллекционных изданий сказок о Муми-троллях теперь доступны для читателей из Великобритании • Книги Туве Янссон станут прекрасным подарком для детей
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2 298 руб.
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