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Simon & Schuster Someone I Used to Know Toon Paige

Simon & Schuster Someone I Used to Know Toon Paige

цена 1 442 руб.
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За полжизни многое может измениться… • Тогда • Лия и Джордж – сводные брат и сестра. Агрессивный и проблемный мальчик пытается примириться с новыми жизненными обстоятельствами, а Лия понимает, что ее влечет к нему • Богатые родители Тео забирают его из школы-интерната. Теперь он учится в общественной школе вместе с Лией и Джорджем. Тем летом их миры пересекаются. Трое подростков становятся друзьями. Им кажется, что это навсегда, но в реальной жизни все идет не по плану… • Сейчас • Лия приезжает в Йоркшир вместе с маленькой дочкой, но ее отец Тео не с ними. В город внезапно возвращается Джордж. Удалось ли им залечить раны прошлого? Или возвращение домой все изменит? • Someone I Used to Know – это прекрасная история о любви и втором шансе от Пейдж Тун, автора бестселлеров по версии Sunday Times подробнее
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1 442 руб.
Apply the knowledge of The Secret to three key areas of your life with this 3-in-1 masterclass guide to attracting fulfilling relationships, the best health and more money from #1 bestselling author Rhonda Byrne • In The Secret to Love, Health and Money, Rhonda Byrne presents many inspiring examples of real-life cases from people who have used The Secret to achieve personal happiness, wellbeing and success. Subjects covered in Part I include the power of positive thoughts and feelings, gratitude in relationships, imagining the perfect partner, and the creative process for attracting new and better relationships • Part 2 features a series of focused and intensive lessons about topics including health and wellbeing, self-healing, overcoming chronic and incurable diseases, weight loss, the subconscious mind and the immune system and the placebo of positive thinking
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On paper, Merina Wilde has it all: a successful career writing the kind of romantic novels that make even the hardest hearts swoon, a perfect carousel of book launches and parties to keep her social life buzzing, and a childhood sweetheart who thinks she’s a goddess. But Merry has a secret: the magic has stopped flowing from her fingers. Try as she might, she can’t summon up the sparkle that makes her stories shine. And as her deadline whooshes by, her personal life falls apart too. Alex tells her he wants something other than the future she’d always imagined for them and Merry finds herself single for the first time since – well, ever • Desperate to get her life back on track, Merry leaves London and escapes to the windswept Orkney Islands, locking herself away in a secluded clifftop cottage to try to heal her heart and rediscover her passion for writing
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When Nick Hansen sees the young woman at the grocery store, his heart stops. She’s the spitting image of his college girlfriend, Marissa Minor, who died in a campus house fire twenty years earlier. But when Nick tries to speak to her, she acts skittish and rushes off. The next morning the police arrive at Nick’s house and show him a photo of the woman from the store. She’s been found dead, murdered in a local motel, with Nick’s name and address on a piece of paper in her pocket. Convinced there's a connection between the two women, Nick enlists the help of his college friend Laurel Davidson to investigate the events leading up to the night of Marissa’s death. But the young woman’s murder is only the beginning...and the truths Nick uncovers may make him wish he never doubted the lies
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Десять лет назад Анника и Джордан нежно любили друг друга, но после учебы он перебрался в Нью-Йорк, а она осталась в Чикаго. Судьба - удивительная штука, и спустя годы Анника случайно встречает Джордана в супермаркете • Он пережил развод и готовится к новой жизни. Анника работает в библиотеке и руководит детским театральным кружком. Ей некомфортно в обществе людей. "Тревожное расстройство", как сказали бы психологи. Лучше остаться дома и читать книги • Роман Трейси Гарвис-Грейвс "Девушка из его прошлого" - история любви, которой не страшны годы разлуки • Книга на английском языке • What if you had a second chance at first love? • Annika Rose likes being alone • She feels lost in social situations, saying the wrong thing or acting the wrong way. She just can't read people
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The perfect couple • The perfect crime? • Erin is a documentary filmmaker on the brink of a professional breakthrough; Mark a handsome investment banker with a bright future. They seem to have it all. But do they? • On a dream honeymoon to the tropical island of Bora Bora, Mark takes Erin scuba diving. Everything is perfect. Until they find something in the water. Something that will change their lives forever • Erin and Mark decide to keep their discovery a secret. No one else need know; they trust each other implicitly • But someone else does know. And in situations like these, it is far better to trust no one, not even those closest to you … • Set to be the blockbuster read of the summer, this is an unmissable, fast-paced, jaw-dropping thriller from a debut writer destined for great things
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1 442 руб.
Everyone wanted her life • Someone wanted her dead • It was Hannah who found April’s body ten years ago • It was Hannah who didn’t question what she saw that day • Did her testimony put an innocent man in prison? • She needs to know the truth • Even if it means questioning her own friends • Even if it means putting her own life at risk • Because if the killer wasn’t a stranger, it's someone she knows…
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It is 1939 and peace has flourished since the Great War ended. But much has changed for the Deverill family and now a new generation is waiting in the wings • Martha Wallace came to Dublin from her home in America to find her birth mother. But instead she has lost her heart to the impossibly charming JP Deverill. Then she discovers that her mother comes from the same place as JP, and her fate seems sealed • Bridie Doyle, now Countess di Marcantonio and mistress of Castle Deverill, is determined to make the castle she used to work in her home. But her flamboyant husband Cesare has other ideas. And as his eye strays away from his wife, those close to the couple start to wonder if he really is who he says he is • Kitty Deverill has come to terms with her life with her husband Robert, and their two children
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1 442 руб.
Flappy returns in the fabulously fun follow-up to Flappy Entertains from bestselling author Santa Montefiore, and this time something is amiss in the village of Badley Compton • Binoculars at the ready, Flappy Scott-Booth is set to investigate. Newcomers have moved in, a young couple from London, delightful no doubt but they do need to know their place. Who better to teach them the ways of this close-knit community than Flappy herself? • But Flappy has other distractions. An ardent admirer, a New Year’s Ball to organize and manifold appearances to be kept up. How much time and effort it all takes! Add to the mix the sudden arrival of her son Jasper with his utterly charming persona and total lack of ambition and drive, accompanied by his pretentious wife and their two highly-strung children - and Flappy is on ultra-high alert
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From the million-copy Sunday Times bestseller comes a gripping story of family secrets, all-consuming love and the chaos of war • 2011. When Lucy’s troubled father Tom passes away, she travels to Cornwall to visit his childhood home – the once-beautiful Carlyon Manor. Before he died, Tom had been researching an uncle she never knew he had. Determined to find out why, Lucy tracks down Beatrice Ashton, a local woman who seems to know more than she lets on, and has an extraordinary story to tell • 1935. Growing up in Cornwall, Beatrice plays with the children of Carlyon Manor – especially pretty, blonde Angelina Wincanton. Then, one summer at the age of fifteen, she falls in love with a young visitor to the town: Rafe, whom she rescues from a storm-tossed sea
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How can we think about the future? What do we need to do - and who do we need to be? • In her bold and invigorating new book, distinguished businesswoman and author Margaret Heffernan explores the people and organisations who aren't daunted by uncertainty. We are addicted to prediction, desperate for certainty about the future. But the complexity of modern life won't provide that; experts in forecasting are reluctant to look more than 400 days out. History doesn't repeat itself and even genetics won't tell you everything you want to know. Ineradicable uncertainty is now a fact of life • In complex environments, efficiency is a hazard not a help; being robust is the better, safer option. Drawing on a wide array of people and places, Margaret Heffernan looks at long-term projects developed over generations that could never have been planned the way that they have been run
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This comprehensive and practical month-by-month guide clearly explains everything parents need to know – or might be worrying about – in the first year with a new baby • Including:- • All-new chapter on buying for baby; helping parents navigate through the dizzying gamut of baby products, nursery items and gear • Baby care fundamentals, from crib and sleep safety to vitamin supplements • Feeding for every age and stage, including tips on breastfeeding, preparing homemade baby food and the latest recommendations on starting solids • Charts for key development stages and sleeping habits, as well as sleep strategies that really work • Research on the impact of screen time (TVs, tablets, apps, computers) • The most up-to-date medical advice on vaccines, illnesses, SIDS, safety, and more, plus handy first-aid guides
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