г. Москва, Московская область

Science Scribble Book James Alice Usborne

Think like a scientist in this innovative activity book, full of science activities to explore, record, discover and invent. Investigate forces, turbines, mirror writing, skeletons, animal migration and lots more, all using only the book and your pencil case. Includes links to websites with even more science activities and downloadable templates
Актуальные предложения интернет-магазинов
Думай как ученый с этой инновационной рабочей тетрадью, полной научных заданий для исследований, записей, открытий и изобретений. Расследуй силы, турбины, зеркальное письмо, скелеты, миграцию животных и многое другое, используя только одну книгу и пенал. Включает ссылки на сайты с еще большим количеством научных заданий и скачиваемые материалы • Think like a scientist in this innovative activity book, full of science activities to explore, record, discover and invent. Investigate forces, turbines, mirror writing, skeletons, animal migration and lots more, all using only the book and your pencil case. Includes links to websites with even more science activities and downloadable templates
My-shop.ru г. Москва
866 руб.
Invent ways to reuse a plastic bag, design your own robot, discover accidental inventions and lots more in this exciting write-in activity book, filled with inventions to brainstorm, puzzles to solve and objects to design. Includes downloadable templates and links to specially selected websites to find out more about famous inventions
My-shop.ru г. Москва
866 руб.
Думайте как математик с книжкой Алисы Джеймс, Эдди Рейнолдса и Даррена Стоббарда "Математические каракули". Эта книжка полна математических головоломок, кодов, которые надо взломать, и узоров, которые надо нарисовать. С этой книгой дети научатся конструировать математические фигуры, показывать математические конкурсы и многое другое • Книга на английском языке • Think like a mathematician by scribbling your way through this jam-packed activity book, full of maths puzzles to solve, codes to crack and patterns to draw. Activities include inventing your own currency, designing symmetrical shapes and creating maths magic tricks. Includes links to websites with even more maths facts and activities
My-shop.ru г. Москва
866 руб.
A book for children to doodle and draw inside to help promote calmness and stress relief • Aimed at primary school children, this simple book offers plenty of empty pages and starter doodles to help children empty their worries onto the page in a calm and safe way. Includes mindfulness tips as well as doodling pages
My-shop.ru г. Москва
610 руб.
This write-in activity book explores all sorts of design skills, from how to create stunning lettering and logos to designing costumes, gadgets, games and websites. Aspiring designers will have hours of fun coming up with their own designs, with lots of handy tips and tricks to help them along the way
My-shop.ru г. Москва
866 руб.
This inspiring write-in book is an unworry toolkit, full of things to calm you down and places to put your worries - and we all worry! Activities include creating a worry box, making a mood grid and mindfulness activities such as colouring, doodling and mazes. Written with the help of a psychologist, there are links to websites for tips, advice and support too
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 027 руб.
Do fish wear pyjamas? What's the sound of an iceberg melting? How many sheep did it take to launch a Viking longship? Which is faster - a tsunami or a bullet train? Find the answers to these and many more questions in a book that explores the history, science, environment and art of our planet's seas and oceans. Richly illustrated and perfect for broadening children's knowledge of an essential subject, away from the classroom
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 142 руб.
Now breathe…and relax. This write-in activity book is all about taking a little time to breathe, focus and be calm, with the help of some friendly sloths. Try a spot of yoga, colour in soothing squiggles or go on a sense safari – take a quiet moment, just for you. With links to Usborne Quicklinks with specially selected websites for more relaxation activities
My-shop.ru г. Москва
775 руб.
This immersive and reassuring book is packed with activities, all designed to help the reader focus and engage in the here and now. Aimed primarily at children, it contains a range of things to do, make, write and draw, so there's something for every mood
My-shop.ru г. Москва
610 руб.
Did you know that rain sometimes falls red? Or that the equivalent of one truckload of plastic is dumped in our oceans every minute? This visually stunning book is filled with 100 fascinating facts, bright, infographic illustrations, information on ways we can help our planet and links to specially selected websites to find out more
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 142 руб.
This bright and inviting book contains all sorts of pictures and patterns to colour and get lost in. Aimed primarily at children, it has a cheerful approach and reassuring messages that encourage mindfulness and help calm anxieties. It includes links to music to listen to online, chosen to complement the illustrations to colour, and help the reader focus and unwind
My-shop.ru г. Москва
799 руб.
Думайте как архитектор и спланируйте подземный дом, спроектируйте свой собственный мост и многое другое в увлекательной книге Эдди Рейнольдса и Даррана Стоббарта "Архитектура. Книга каракулей", наполненной идеями, головоломками и объектами для проектирования • Книга на английском языке • Think like an architect and plan an underground house, design your own bridge and lots more in this entertaining write-in activity book, filled with ideas to brainstorm, puzzles to solve and objects to design. Includes downloadable templates and links to specially selected websites to find more architecture facts and activities
My-shop.ru г. Москва
866 руб.
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