г. Москва, Московская область

Romance of The Western Chamber Higher Education Press

A young scholar who has traveled to the capitol in order to take the highest imperial examination falls in love with the daughter of the Prime Minister during his stay at a local temple in director Hou Yao's adaptation of the famous play by Wang Shifu. Zhang Sheng has prepared himself to take the ultimate test, but when a group of bandits besiege the royal family beautiful Cui Yingyang's desperate mother pledges to marry her daughter off to any man who successfully rescues her. Though Zhang eventually succeeds in the task, Cui's mother subsequently reneges on her promise citing that there is no way she will allow her daughter to wed an impoverished scholar. As a result the bond between Zhang and Cui only strengthens, and with a little assistance ...
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Издание на английском языке. Объединенные под одним переплетом романы Анны Рэдклифф и Джейн Остин представляют два основных жанрово-стилистических направления английской прозы рубежа XVIII - XIX вв. "Роман в лесу" знакомит читателей с творчеством Анны Рэдклифф, крупнейшей представительницы так называемого "готического романа". "Нортэнгерское аббатство" - пародия на жанр "готического романа" - принадлежит перу Джейн Остин, писательницы-реалистки, мастера психологической прозы. Издание, сопровождающееся предисловием и комментариями к тексту, широко иллюстрировано гравюрами той эпохи
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Троецарствие — исторический роман XIV века, авторство которого приписывается Ло Гуаньчжуну • Новый сокращенный перевод одного из четырех классических китайских романов - эпической истории о враждующих группировках в эпоху китайской династии Хань • Отчасти историческое, отчасти легендарное, "Троецарствие" драматизирует жизнь феодалов и их вассалов, рассказывая об их личных и военных битвах, интригах и борьбе за господство на протяжении почти ста лет. Это одно из самых любимых произведений восточноазиатской литературы и самый известный исторический роман в Китае • Книга на английском языке • A new translation and abridgement of one of the four classical Chinese novels - an epic story of warring factions in the era of China's Han dynasty • Part historical and part legend, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms dramatizes the lives of feudal lords and their retainers, recounting their personal and military battles, intrigues and struggles to achieve dominance for almost a hundred years
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Christianity is the most enduring and influential legacy of the ancient world, and its emergence the single most transformative development in Western history. Even the increasing number in the West today who have abandoned the faith of their forebears, and dismiss all religion as pointless superstition, remain recognisably its heirs. Seen close-up, the division between a sceptic and a believer may seem unbridgeable. Widen the focus, though, and Christianity's enduring impact upon the West can be seen in the emergence of much that has traditionally been cast as its nemesis: in science, in secularism, and yes, even in atheism • That is why Dominion will place the story of how we came to be what we are, and how we think the way that we do, in the broadest historical context
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Dominion tells the epic story of how those in the West came to be what they are, and why they think the way they do. Ranging from Moses to Merkel, from Babylon to Beverley Hills, from the emergence of secularism to the abolition of slavery, it explores why, in a society that has become increasingly doubtful of religion's claims, so many of its instincts remain irredeemably Christian. Christianity's enduring impact is not confined to churches. It can be seen everywhere in the West: in science, in secularism, in gay rights, even in atheism. It is - to coin a phrase - the greatest story ever told
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2 201 руб.
В своём романе, написанном в 1922 году, Джеймс Оливер Кервуд продолжает лучшие традиции американской приключенческой литературы • Главный герой — мужественный и честный человек, Роджер Маккей, — встав на защиту индейцев, был вынужден нарушить закон. Скрываясь от полиции Канады, он поселяется в глухом уголке страны, где встречает свою любовь. Однако преследования стражей порядка заставляют влюблённых расстаться. Маккей и его верный пёс Питер отправляются в долгое, полное опасностей путешествие на Север, навстречу своей судьбе… • Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень Intermediate
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СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
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СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
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СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
349 руб.
The completely updated edition of J. M. Roberts and Odd Arne Westad's widely acclaimed, landmark bestseller The Penguin History of the World • For generations of readers The Penguin History of the World has been one of the great cultural experiences - the entire story of human endeavour laid out in all its grandeur and folly, drama and pain in a single authoritative book. Now, for the first time, it has been completely overhauled for its 6th edition - not just bringing it up to date, but revising it throughout in the light of new research and discoveries, such as the revolution in our understanding of many civilizations in the Ancient World. The closing sections of the book reflect what now seems to be the inexorable rise of Asia and the increasingly troubled situation in the West
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 606 руб.
'The Boy-scouts mistook my signal, and have killed the postman. I've had very little practice in this sort of thing, you see' • The British short story tradition is probably the richest, most varied and historically extensive in the world. This new anthology celebrates the full diversity and energy of its writers, subjects and tones, from the story's origins with Defoe, Swift and Fielding, to the 'golden age' of the fin de siecle and Edwardian period, ending with the First World War. Including the most famous authors as well as some magnificent, little-known stories never republished since their first appearance in magazines and periodicals, these stories are by turns topical and playful, ghostly and theatrical, rumbustious and sublime • Edited with an introduction by Philip Hensher
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