г. Москва, Московская область

Red. Architecture in Monochrome Phaidon Press

A visual exploration of red's vivid role in global architecture over the centuries. From the earliest structures to today's contemporary creations, red has been one of the most traditional, and, at the same time, most cutting-edge, colors in the built world. Through stunning photography with informative text, you can explore more than 150 of the most striking buildings in existence - from the deep red and stainless steel of LA's Petersen Automotive Museum to Moscow's red-brick State Museum and beyond. Visual pairings juxtapose striking works in a fresh, new approach to looking at and understanding architecture, including projects by some of the best architects of the twentieth and twenty first centuries. From the publisher of Black: Architecture in Monochrome
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Architecture in the 20th Century XL — иллюстрированный гид по архитектуре прошлого столетия, от Фрэнка Ллойда Райта и Фрэнка Гери до Антонио Гауди и Сигэру Бана. Хронологический обзор дополняют фотографии крупного формата, чертежи планировок и другие редк
Galerie 46 доставка из г. Санкт-Петербург
12 400 руб.
Блеск для губ M.A.C in Monochrome создан, чтобы привлекать внимание к твоим губам! Культовые оттенки, которые вселяют подлинную уверенность в себе. Теперь тебе точно есть, с чем носить яркие помады оттенков на пике моды: мы выпустили целую коллекцию в дополнение. В нее вошли блеск для губ Lipglass, румяна Powder Blush, тени для век Eye Shadow с эффектом Matte и Frost. Теперь об их обладательнице будут говорить еще больше. Поддайся одержимости! Присоединяйся к культу цвета
ИЛЬ ДЕ БОТЭ г. Москва
1 720 руб.
The ancient city of Asmara is the capital of Eritrea and it's largest settlement. Its beautiful architecture was rediscovered by outsiders in the early 1990s. In this book, the authors offer an original analysis of the colonial city, providing a history not only of the physical and visible urban reality, but also of a second, invisible city as it exists in the imagination. The colonial city becomes a fantastical set of cities where each one reflects the others as if in a kaleidoscope. This ambitious book breaks new ground, and moves us a little further along in the attempt to read Asmara into contemporary theory. This book brings together scholars from a multiplicity of disciplines who have shown the ways in which colonial and postcolonial criticism has served as a platform for new, diversified readings of Asmara, which compile cultural and social history, critical and political theory, anthropological fieldwork, visual culture studies, literary and cinematic analysis, gender studies, diaspora and urban studies
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 183 руб.
Phaidon's 'Vitamin' series has long proved an extraordinarily accurate predictor of tomorrow's stars. This paperback edition of the latest volume is a cutting-edge and indispensable survey of the very best of contemporary drawing, as chosen by a panel of the world's leading art experts • Over the past 50 years, drawing has been elevated from a supporting role to a primary medium, ranking alongside painting as a central art form. Since Phaidon's publication of the first such surveys (Vitamin D in 2005 and D2 in 2013), contemporary artists have continued to explore drawing's possibilities - from intimate to large-scale works, in a diversity of mark-making processes and materials. Vitamin D3 showcases more than 100 such artists, as nominated by a global panel of more than 70 international art experts
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 935 руб.
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Л'Этуаль г. Москва
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4 032 руб.
PRESS GURWITZ PERFUMERIE Шампунь-гель для душа 2в1 бессульфатный №2 300 Шампуни
Л'Этуаль г. Москва
1 890 руб.
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