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Random House A Briefer History of Time Млодинов Леонард, Hawking Stephen

Stephen Hawking's worldwide bestseller, "A Brief History of Time", has been a landmark volume in scientific writing. Its author's engaging voice is one reason, and the compelling subjects he addresses is another: the nature of space and time, the role of God in creation, the history and future of the universe. But it is also true that in the years since its publication, readers have repeatedly told Professor Hawking of their great difficulty in understanding some of the book's most important concepts. This is the origin of and the reason for "A Briefer History of Time": its author's wish to make its content accessible to readers - as well as to bring it up-to-date with the latest scientific observations and findings.Although this book is literally somewhat 'briefer', it actually expands on the great subjects of the original
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2 467 руб.
#1 New York Times Bestseller • - "A thrilling finale to a trilogy that will stand as one of the great achievements in American fantasy fiction."-Stephen King • You followed The Passage. You faced The Twelve. Now enter The City of Mirrors for the final reckoning. As the bestselling epic races to its breathtaking finale, Justin Cronin's band of hardened survivors await the second coming of unspeakable darkness • The world we knew is gone. What world will rise in its place? • The Twelve have been destroyed and the terrifying hundred-year reign of darkness that descended upon the world has ended. The survivors are stepping outside their walls, determined to build society anew-and daring to dream of a hopeful future • But far from them, in a dead metropolis, he waits: Zero
My-shop.ru г. Москва
871 руб.
"Мгновение на экране" - сборник коротких рассказов Терри Пратчетта, охватывающий всю его писательскую карьеру от школьных лет до Плоского мира и наших дней • За четыре десятилетия, прошедшие с тех пор, как его первая книга появилась в печати, Терри Пратчетт стал одним из самых продаваемых и любимых авторов в мире. Здесь впервые представлены его рассказы и другая художественная литература в короткой форме, собранные в один том • Книга на английском языке • A collection of shorter fiction from Terry Pratchett, spanning the whole of his writing career from schooldays to Discworld and the present day • In the four decades since his first book appeared in print, Terry Pratchett has become one of the world's best-selling and best-loved authors. Here for the first time are his short stories and other short form fiction collected into one volume
My-shop.ru г. Москва
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1 355 руб.
DYING • Giant corporations collapse overnight. Newspapers are being swallowed. Stock prices plummet with a tweet • NEW IDOLS ARE RISING IN THEIR PLACE • More crime now happens online than offline. Facebook has grown bigger than any state, bots battle elections, coders write policy, and algorithms shape our lives in more ways than we can imagine • The Death of the Gods is an exploration of power in the digital age, and a journey in search of the new centres of control. From a cyber-crime raid in British suburbia to the engine rooms of Silicon Valley, pioneering technology researcher Carl Miller traces how power is being transformed, fought over, lost and won
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2 004 руб.
A P.G. Wodehouse novel Seize this wonderful chance to embark on a Wodehousian voyage on the luxurious liner S.S. Atlantic - in the company of Monty Bodkin, whose passion for Gertrude Butterwick knows no bounds (except those set by the wild-at-heart Hollywood starlet Lotus Blossom and her pet alligator). Also aboard are a movie mogul, the centre-forward for the All-England ladies hockey team and the two Tennyson brothers (one of whom has been mistaken for the late poet laureate and given a fat movie contract...). Also a chatty steward, and a mouse doll in which all manner of things can be hidden. This hilarious comic novel is Wodehouse at full sail - a voyage of pure delight
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1 795 руб.
The Baskerville family curse tells of how a terrifying, supernatural hound roams the moors around Baskerville Hall and preys on members of the family in revenge for a terrible crime committed by one of their ancestors. When Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead in his grounds, with a large animal footprint near his lifeless body, the locals are convinced that the hound is back. It is up to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to uncover the truth
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If you've ever wondered what happened to the young fellow from Malta who bought his grandfather an altar… • If you're concerned about the camper called Jack who found a huge snake in his pack… • And if you suspect that an eccentric landowner called Grey spent Christmas a very strange way but aren't sure precisely what that entailed… • Then a dip into Michael Palin's Sackful of Limericks will provide all the answers - and a lot of fun besides
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 603 руб.
Получившая признание "Наука о плоском мире" основана на оригинальной истории Пратчетта о волшебниках плоского мира. В нем они случайно стали свидетелями сотворения и эволюции нашей вселенной, сюжет которой был переплетен с научно-популярным повествованием Коэна и Стюарта о Большой науке • В "Науке плоского мира II: Глобус" наши авторы снова объединяют усилия, чтобы увидеть, что происходит, когда волшебники вмешиваются в историю в битве против эльфов за будущее человечества на Земле. На смену Лондону приходит сонная неандертальская деревня. Ренессансу дан толчок. Раскрывается роль толстых женщин в искусстве. И вот рождается один очень известный драматург и пишет пьесу • Переплетая быстро развивающуюся новеллу о плоском мире с передовыми научными комментариями об эволюции человеческого разума, культуры, языка, искусства и науки, "Глобус" представляет увлекательный и блестяще оригинальный взгляд на мир, в котором мы живем
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1 416 руб.
In Hands of Time, watchmaker and historian Rebecca Struthers welcomes us into the hidden world of watchmaking, and to a history of time that spans centuries and continents • The invention of timepieces was more significant for human culture than the printing press, or even the wheel. They have travelled the world with us, from the depths of the oceans to the summit of Everest, and even to the Moon. They regulate our daily lives and have sculpted the social and economic development of society in surprising and dramatic ways • From her workshop bench, Rebecca explores the ways in which timekeeping has indelibly shaped our attitudes to work, leisure, trade, politics, exploration and mortality, and introduces us to some extraordinary devices, each with their own story to tell
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On the Shoulders of Giants tells a compelling story, using original papers from Einstein, Copernicus, Galilei, Kepler and Newton. Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking explains how these works changed the course of science, ushering astronomy and physics out of the Middle Ages and into the modern world
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