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Quercus Tell Me How It Ends Grey V. B

Quercus Tell Me How It Ends Grey V. B

цена 1 944 руб.
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Delia Maxwell is an international singing sensation, an icon of 1950s glamour who is still riding high on the new 60s scene. Adored by millions, all men want to be with her, all women want to be her. But one woman wants it maybe a little too much • Lily Brooks has watched Delia all her life, studying her music and her on-stage mannerisms. Now she has a dream job as Delia's assistant - but is there more to her attachment than the admiration of a fan? Private investigator Frank is beginning to wonder • As Lily steps into Delia's spotlight, and Delia encourages her ambitious protegee, Frank's suspicions of Lily's ulterior motives increase. But are his own feelings for Delia clouding his judgement? • The truth is something far darker: the shocking result of years of pain and rage, rooted in Europe's darkest hour подробнее
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In this tender, impassioned fourth novel, James Baldwin created one of his most striking characters: a man struggling to become himself • 'Everyone wishes to be loved, but in the event, nearly no one can bear it' • At the height of his theatrical career, the actor Leo Proudhammer is nearly felled by a heart attack. As he hovers between life and death, we see the choices that have made him enviably famous and terrifyingly vulnerable. For between Leo's childhood on the streets of Harlem and his arrival into the world of the theatre lies a wilderness of desire and loss, shame and rage. And everywhere there is the anguish of being black in a society that seems poised on the brink of racial war. In this tender, angry 1968 novel, James Baldwin created one of his most striking characters: a man struggling to become himself
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Лак Infinite Shine - это уникальное профессиональное покрытие, соединяющее в себе свойства лака и геля, при этом не требующее отмачивания и применения ламп. В состав покрытия входят полимеры, который затвердевают от дневного света. Благодаря этому покрытие быстро высыхает, долго держится на ногтях и не теряет блеска, не требует полимеризации в лампе, снимается как обычный лак • Infinite Shine – это выбор взыскательного клиента. Покрыв ногти этим лаком, вы получаете еще больший блеск и стойкость. Лаки имеют запатентованную формулу. Каждый флакон снабжен эксклюзивной кистью ProWide™ для идеального нанесения • Способ применения: нанесение лаков Infinite Shine осуществляется в три шага: первым наносится базовое покрытие Infinite Shine Primer, которое предотвращает появление пятен на натуральной ногтевой пластине и продлевает стойкость лака
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A hauntingly beautiful novel about an unforgettable new heroine, and a story of undying love • Nives has recently lost her husband of fifty years. She didn’t cry when she found him dead in the pig pen, she didn’t cry at the funeral, but now loneliness has set in. When she decides to bring her favourite chicken inside for company, she is surprised to discover that the chicken’s company is a more than adequate replacement for her dead husband • But one day, Giacomina goes stiff in front of the tv. Unable to rouse the paralysed chicken, Nives has no choice but to call the town veterinarian, Loriano Bottai, an old acquaintance of hers. What follows is a phone call that seems to last a lifetime, a phone call that becomes a novel. Their conversation veers from the chicken to the past—to the life they once shared, the secrets they never had the courage to reveal, wounds that never healed
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Ever wondered why some people are left handed? Or how it is that we always awaken from sleep? This book contains hundreds of truly fascinating questions and answers, all about our bodies - you'll learn how colour blindness works, who discovered the structure of DNA and when and how respiration occurs. This book provides the answers to these questions and hundreds more, telling you all about the who, what, when, where and why of the human body. Find out how cells form, what makes hair curly and how fingerprints differ, with fact files on each page to pull out the key information. Use this book to settle debates, help with school projects and prepare quizzes; this easy-to-use reference guide will provide hours of entertainment for kids with questions!
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You can't stop watching her • Violet Young is a hugely popular journalist-turned-mummy-influencer, with three children, a successful husband and a million subscribers on YouTube who tune in daily to watch her everyday life unfold • Until the day she's no longer there • But one day she disappears from the online world - her entire social media presence deleted overnight, with no explanation. Has she simply decided that baring her life to all online is no longer a good idea, or has something more sinister happened to Violet? • But do you really know who Violet is? • Her fans are obsessed with finding out the truth, but their search quickly reveals a web of lies, betrayal, and shocking consequences
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Claire Wright isn't who she seems • A British drama student, in New York without a green card, Claire takes the only job she can get: working for a firm of divorce lawyers, posing as an easy pick-up in hotel bars to entrap straying husbands • When one of her targets becomes the subject of a murder investigation, the police ask Claire to use her acting skills to help lure their suspect into a confession. But right from the start, she has doubts about the part she's being asked to play. Is Patrick Fogler really a killer . . . Or the only decent husband she's ever met? And is there more to this set-up than she's being told? • And that's when Claire realises she's playing the deadliest role of her life
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