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Puffin The Red Pyramid Риордан Рик

Puffin The Red Pyramid Риордан Рик

цена 1 716 руб.
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The Red Pyramid: the first book in Rick Riordan's The Kane Chronicles • Percy Jackson fought Greek Gods. Now the Gods of Egypt are waking in the modern world • 'I guess it started the night our dad blew up the British Museum . . .' • Carter and Sadie Kane's dad is a brilliant Egyptologist with a secret plan that goes horribly wrong. An explosion shatters the ancient Rosetta stone and unleashes Set, the evil god of chaos • Set imprisons Dr Kane in a golden coffin and Carter and Sadie must run for their lives. To save their dad, they embark on a terrifying quest from Cairo to Paris to the American South-west and discover the truth about their family's connection to the House of Life: an Egyptian temple of magic that has existed for thousands of years подробнее
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The bestselling Heroes of Olympus title by Percy Jackson creator, Rick Riordan - now in stunning graphic novel form! • Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, has come face to face with two snake-haired ladies who refuse to die • But they're the least of his problems. Because Percy finds himself at a camp for half-bloods, which doesn't ring any bells for him. There's just one name he remembers from his past. Annabeth • One thing is certain - Percy's adventuring days aren't over. He faces the most important quest of all: the Prophecy of Seven. If he fails, it's not just their camp at risk. Percy's old life, the gods, and the entire world might be destroyed
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Если вам нравятся отравления, предательства, увечья, убийства и плотоядные животные на фермах, продолжайте читать • В захватывающей истории Рика Риордана "Перси Джексон и греческие герои" полубог Перси Джексон рассказывает истории двенадцати древнегреческих героев во всей их кровавой красе • Хотите знать, кто отрубил голову Медузе? Какого героя вырастила медведица? Кто приручил Пегаса, крылатого коня? У Перси есть ответы на все вопросы • Книга на английском языке • If you like poisonings, betrayals, mutilations, murders and flesh-eating farmyard animals, keep reading • In this gripping follow-up to Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods, demigod Percy Jackson tells the stories of twelve of the original Greek heroes in all their gory, bloodthirsty glory
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Join Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Carter and Sadie Kane as they do battle with an ancient Egyptian magician determined to become a god. Against impossible odds, the four demigods and magicians team up to prevent the apocalypse. This book contains the short stories The Son of Sobek, The Staff of Serapis and The Crown of Ptolemy, together in one volume for the first time. And, read an exciting extract from The Sword of Summer, the first book in Rick Riordan's latest series, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
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Ever since the gods of Ancient Egypt were unleashed on the modern world, Carter Kane and his sister, Sadie, have been in big trouble • As descendants of the magical House of Life, they command certain powers. But now a terrifying enemy - Apophis, the giant snake of chaos - is rising • If Carter and Sadie don't destroy him, the world will end in five days' time. And in order to battle the forces of chaos, they must revive the sun god Ra - a feat no magician has ever achieved. Because first they must search the world for the three sections of the Book of Ra, then they have to learn how to chant its spells
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Half Boy. Half God. ALL Hero • Honestly, blowing up another school was the last thing I wanted to do • As the son of a Greek God, I've had my share of near-death disaster - and now my arch enemy Luke wants to invade our camp via an ancient labyrinth • If he succeeds, thousands of bloodthirsty monsters will attack. So it's goodbye sunshine, hello darkness as four of us descend into the terrifying underground and beyond
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Half boy. Half God. ALL Hero • Normally when you turn sixteen you get a really cool present • But, being sixteen and the son of Poseidon can never be that simple. So instead, I get a prophecy that says the fate of the entire world on my shoulders. Great • On top of that, Kronos, Lord of the Titans, is attacking New York City and the dreaded monster Typhon is heading our way. So, it's me and forty of my demi-god friends versus untold evil • Happy birthday to me! • WHAT TO EXPECT FROM PERCY JACKSON • · Monsters • · Greek Gods • · Laughs (and terrified screams)
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Half Boy. Half God. ALL Hero • It's not every day you find yourself in combat with a half-lion, half-human • But when you're the son of a Greek God, it happens. And now my friend Annabeth is missing, a Goddess is in chains and only five half-blood heroes can join the quest to defeat the doomsday monster • Oh and guess what. The Oracle has predicted that not all of us will survive
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In these top-secret files, Rick Riordan, Camp Half-Blood's senior scribe, gives you an inside look at the world of demigods that no regular human child is allowed to see. These highly classified archives include three of Percy Jackson's most perilous adventures, a "Spotter's Guide to Monsters", a "Who's Who in Greek Mythology", "Percy's Summer Camp Report" and much more. So, if you're armed with this book, you'll have everything you need to know to keep you alive in your training. Your own adventures have just begun
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A set of 6 much-loved stories from classic English literature for children, brought together by Puffin Classics in beautiful paperback cover designs • From the strange case of 'The Red-Headed League' to the extraordinary tale of 'The Engineer's Thumb', Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr Watson grapple with treachery, murder, and ingenious crimes of all kinds. But no case is too challenging for the immortal detective's unique power of deduction
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