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Puffin Becoming. Adapted for Younger Readers Obama Michelle

What's important is our story, our whole story, including those moments when we feel a little vulnerable • Michelle Robinson started life sharing a bedroom with her older brother Craig, in their family's upstairs apartment in her great-aunt's house. Her parents, Fraser and Marian, poured their love and energy into their children. She would go on to become Michelle Obama, the inspirational First Lady of the United States of America • Now adapted for younger readers, with new photographs and a new introduction from Michelle Obama herself, this memoir tells a very personal, and completely inspiring, story of how, through hard work and determination, the girl from the South Side of Chicago built an extraordinary life • A tale of ups and downs, triumphs and failures, this is an incredibly honest account
Актуальные предложения интернет-магазинов
Все любят БДВ – Большого и Доброго Великана. А теперь дети могут воплотить истории о нём в жизнь, да так, что их друзья не поверят своим глазам! • Дэвид Вуд написал семь коротких пьес, которые можно не только прочитать, но и разыграть! Примечания объяснят, как обустроить сцену, обеспечить реквизит и обзавестись костюмами, так что поставить пьесы можно даже с минимумом ресурсов • Эта книга детей вдохновлена повестью «БДВ: Большой и Добрый Великан», по которой был снят одноимённый полнометражный фильм Стивена Спилберга • Её автор, Роальд Даль, – родившийся в Уэльсе британский писатель норвежского происхождения • Он умер в 1990 году, но его книги для детей и по сей день остаются бестселлерами: их общий тираж превысил 100 миллионов экземпляров! • Книга на английском языке
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 080 руб.
There was once a bear, a great, white bear - Queen of Beasts. But over the years the ice disappeared, slipping away like sand through an hourglass. Slowly, slowly, one by one, the other animals moved on.' • The great bear has no choice but to leave her snowy realm to search for food, friends and a new home • She soon discovers a world that is growing hotter whilst hearts grow colder - until one small act of kindness changes everything • The Bear in the Stars is a heartwarming and inspiring story about the power of kindness • A beautiful and inspirational tale of hope and change, perfect for younger readers
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 094 руб.
Bodyguard: Ransom is a bullet-proof thriller by Chris Bradford, bestselling author of the Young Samurai books. it's Lee Child for younger readers - Cherub meets Jason Bourne, a surefire winner for fans of Robert Muchamore and Anthony Horowitz's Alex Rider books. Connor Reeves is a bodyguard, trained in surveillance, anti-ambush technique, hostage survival and unarmed combat. He's already proven himself saving the American President's daughter from terrorists in Bodyguard: Hostage. Now he is on board the mega-yacht of a media mogul. His job: to protect the twin daughters of this wealthy man. His challenge: pirates storm the yacht and Connor is in very stormy waters
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 878 руб.
A Bad Spell for the Worst Witch is the third of Jill Murphy's much-loved The Worst Witch series, starring the lovable but disaster-prone Mildred Hubble - possibly the worst witch ever to go to Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches • A new term spells disaster for Mildred! • After a disastrous first year, Mildred is determined to lose her embarrassing reputation as the worst witch Miss Cackle's Academy has ever seen - but things rapidly get out of hand when her arch-enemy Ethel turns her into a frog • Jill Murphy started putting books together (literally with a stapler), when she was six. The Worst Witch was first published in 1974 and this much-loved classic has been enjoyed by readers for more than 30 years. Jill Murphy also written and illustrated several award-winning picture books for younger children
My-shop.ru г. Москва
959 руб.
The Hero Pup is a heartwarming and uplifting story from Megan Rix, bestselling author of The Great Escape, The Victory Dogs, The Bomber Dog and A Soldier's Friend • 'For now Patch is just a Helper Pup,' Joe said. 'But one day . . .' • Eleven-year-old Joe is dreading his first Christmas without Dad • But then Mum suggests they volunteer for Helper Dogs and train puppies to help people in need • Joe has always wanted a dog and when he meets golden Labrador Patch he knows he's found him. With Joe's love and training, can Patch go from playful pupy to heroic helper - and mend Joe's broken heart along the way? • A classic-in-the-making, Megan Rix takes little-known true stories of animal heroes and turns them into must-have heartwarming stories for 8+ readers, perfect for fans of Michael Morpurgo and Sarah Lean
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 668 руб.
Перед вами адаптация романа Роальда Даля «Ведьмы» в формате сценария для школьного театра. Неважно, кто примерит на себя роль Величайшей Самой Главной Ведьмы – дети останутся в восторге, а их друзья не поверят своим ушам, когда узнают о спектакле! • Признанный классик детской литературы (и автор множества рассказов для взрослых) Роальд Даль родился в Уэльсе в семье норвежцев. Его книги остаются бестселлерами и по сей день: всего продано свыше 100 миллионов их копий • «Ведьмы» – пожалуй, самая страшная из его книг для детей • По этому роману были сняты два одноимённых фильма • Книга на английском языке • The Witches by Roald Dahl adapted for school plays. Dare you take on the role of the Grand High Witch? • Children will have a splendiferous time - and their friends won't believe their gogglers! • Roald Dahl, the best-loved of children's writers, was born in Wales of Norwegian parents
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 078 руб.
'Far, far away in the high, high mountains in a deep, deep valley in a dark, dark cave - there lived a mighty dragon.' • He was an awesome and frightening creature, terrorising whole armies, destroying castles, demolishing forests and kidnapping princesses. But this mighty dragon had a deep, dark secret • Uncover a charming tale of adventure, a dragon, and an unlikely hero. Told with gentle humour and mesmerising illustrations, this is a picture book to enchant and delight • This stunning new edition is perfect for new readers, as well as fans of George, the Dragon and the Princess. This much-loved classic tale comes from the exceptional storyteller and illustrator, Chris Wormell
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 668 руб.
Puffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every child • Heracles hauling the triple-headed dog Cerberus from the underworld. Jason voyaging across oceans to seize the golden fleece. Odysseus and the Trojan wars. Tales of the Greek Heroes tells the mysterious and exciting legends of the gods and heroes in Ancient Greece • Greek mythology has inspired stories for thousands of years, with tales of lost love and magic. Join our heroes in their journeys of resilience and revenge, guilt and love, and trials and betrayal • This edition includes a special introduction by Rick Riordan, creator of the highly successful Percy Jackson series, inspired by the great Greek myths
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 908 руб.
Puffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every child • Yes,' she said, 'he is really quite a beauty, and he has such a sweet good-tempered face and such a fine intelligent eye - what do you say to calling him Black Beauty? • Black Beauty is a handsome, sweet-tempered but strong-spirited young horse, used to galloping free in the fresh green meadows with his beloved mother, Duchess, and their kind master. But when his owners are forced to sell him, Black Beauty goes from a life of comfort and kindness to one of hard labour and cruelty. He bravely works as hard as he can, enduring hardships and fostering loyal friendships along the way • Charming and timeless, Black Beauty is an uplifting story of strength, survival and empathy in the face of adversity
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 908 руб.
Roger Lancelyn Green's classic retelling of the adventures of the Greek Heroes has been in print for over 60 years and now a stunning Puffin Clothbound edition is available for readers and collectors • Discover the mysterious and exciting legends of the gods and heroes in Ancient Greece, from the adventures of Perseus, the labours of Heracles, the voyage of Jason and the Argonauts, to Odysseus and the Trojan wars
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 015 руб.
Splish splash with Eric Hill's famous puppy, Spot! This sweet bath book is padded, lightweight and fully immersible. It comes with a squeaker for added sound fun and is perfect for sharing with your baby at bath time. At bathtime, Spot plays with his sponge and rubber duck and dries off with his fluffy towel. The bright, simple images of familiar bathtime things will appeal to very young babies and help to stimulate developing eyesight in younger babies • This is a wonderfully fun bathtime book for babies, encouraging an early love of books
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 666 руб.
The original bestselling magical animal series, perfect for fans of Magic Animal Friends and Rainbow Magic • Flame is heir to the Lion throne but though powerful he is not yet strong enough to stand up to the evil uncle who is trying to claim the throne. Flame must hide in the human world as a kitten but can't stay in any place for too long. Flame travels from place to place in various kitten guises using his own special brand of magic to help children who need it along the way • Jemma really wants to win the dance audition to win a place at A-One stage school. But she doesn't see how she can when she has to stay at home and help her mum look after her younger brother and sister. But suddenly when a tiny tabby kitten with crackling whiskers turns up, it all seems possible
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 906 руб.
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