г. Москва, Московская область
Юпитер-Импэкс Director’s Choice. Faberge Museum Voronchenko Vladimir

Юпитер-Импэкс Director’s Choice. Faberge Museum Voronchenko Vladimir

цена 1 783 руб.
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Vadimir Voronchenko is a well-known businessman, art collector and connoisseur who serves as chairman of The Link of Times Foundation and as director of the Faberge Museum in St Petersburg. He is on the board of trustees of several major international institutions, among them the Paris Biennale, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and the Carl Faberge International Jeweller Contest, where he serves as co-chairman. In 2004 The Link of Times Foundation purchased Malcolm Forbes's famous collection of Faberge masterpieces from his heirs. Over the following ten years, the foundation continued acquiring Russian decorative and fine art of the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries at an unprecedented scale. 'I bis resulted in the formation of the world's largest collection of Faberge pieces, with over 1,000 items подробнее
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177 руб.
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