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Gray E Skills Builder STARTERS 2. Students Book. (Revised format 2007). Учебник

Gray E Skills Builder STARTERS 2. Students Book. (Revised format 2007). Учебник

цена 1 418 руб.
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Skills Builder is a series of six books, in full colour, providing systematic practice of all four major skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking). The series is divided into three levels - Starters, Movers and Flyers - with two books at each level • Skills Builder movers 2 is the fourth book in the series. It is designed for young learners at primary level and can be used to supplement any primary course • Key Features • - appropriately balanced practice of all four language skills - meaningful use of language in clear and accessible contexts - text and pictures presented in a clear and attractive way, which takes into account the age and interests of young learners • - motivating, learner-centred tasks which offer children opportunities to have fun while practising • - activities designed to familiarise young learners with real-world tasks, such as carrying out instructions, locating, summarising, note-taking, etc подробнее
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Skills Builder is a series of six books, in full colour, providing systematic practice of all four major skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking). The series is divided into three levels - Starters, Movers and Flyers - with two books at each level • Skills Builder movers 2 is the fourth book in the series. It is designed for young learners at primary level and can be used to supplement any primary course • Key Features • - appropriately balanced practice of all four language skills - meaningful use of language in clear and accessible contexts - text and pictures presented in a clear and attractive way, which takes into account the age and interests of young learners • - motivating, learner-centred tasks which offer children opportunities to have fun while practising • - activities designed to familiarise young learners with real-world tasks, such as carrying out instructions, locating, summarising, note-taking, etc
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
1 418 руб.
Skills Builder is a series of six books, in full colour, providing systematic practice of all four major skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking). The series is divided into three levels - Starters, Movers and Flyers - with two books at each level • Skills Builder movers 2 is the fourth book in the series. It is designed for young learners at primary level and can be used to supplement any primary course • Key Features • - appropriately balanced practice of all four language skills - meaningful use of language in clear and accessible contexts - text and pictures presented in a clear and attractive way, which takes into account the age and interests of young learners • - motivating, learner-centred tasks which offer children opportunities to have fun while practising • - activities designed to familiarise young learners with real-world tasks, such as carrying out instructions, locating, summarising, note-taking, etc
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
1 418 руб.
Skills Builder is a series of six books, in full colour, providing systematic practice of all four major skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking). The series is divided into three levels - Starters, Movers and Flyers - with two books at each level. Skills Builder starters is the first book in the series. It is designed for young learners at primary level and can be used to supplement any primary course. Key Features • - appropriately balanced practice of all four language skills • - meaningful use of language in clear and accessible contexts • - text and pictures presented in a clear and attractive way, which takes into account the age and interests of young learners • - motivating, learner-centred tasks which offer children opportunities to have fun while practising
My-shop.ru г. Москва
729 руб.
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Young Learners Practice Test Plus. Starters. Students' Book - Учебное пособие серии «Practice Tests Plus» • Материалы для подготовки к Кембриджским экзаменам KET, PET, FCE, CAE, IELTS, PTE Academic охватывают уровни А1 - С2 • Преимуществом серии является целенаправленная подготовка к экзамену: в пособия включены задания экзаменационного формата, примеры ответов и оценивания, советы по выполнению заданий и эффективные стратегии, обзор распространенных ошибок и способов их избежать, пробные практические тесты • Все виды практических упражнений, точное соответствие лексики и грамматики для углубленной подготовки к каждому типу экзамена, а также видеозаписи разговорных тестов на реальных экзаменах • Practice Test Plus series offers practice, practice and practice with hints and guidance on approaching different exam tasks
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Outcomes. Elementary. Students' Book with Access Code - Учебник с DVD-диском и онлайн-кодом доступа серии «Outcomes» • Шестиуровневый курс британского английского языка для любознательных студентов и взрослых • Продолжительность курса до 120 часов на уровень. Охватывает уровни A1-С1 • Потрясающий, очень красивый учебник! Много лексики, которая подается фразами через примеры, захватывающие видеоролики от National Geographic • Курс прекрасно развивает коммуникативные навыки. Полезная лексика и речевые обороты, реальный современный английский язык, используемый в разговорной речи • Интегрированная программа по произношению позволяет точно и бегло использовать язык в повседневной жизни • Interactive Vocabulary Builder - совершенно новый для второго издания ресурс
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