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Lovecraft H The Dunwich Horror and Other Stories = Данвичский ужас и другие рассказы

Lovecraft H The Dunwich Horror and Other Stories = Данвичский ужас и другие рассказы

цена 262 руб.
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Howard Lovecraft (1890—1937) was an American writer who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. Despite the fact that he was virtually unknown before he died, today he is known as the most influential author in his genre. "The Dunwich Horror and Other Stories" is a collection of wonderful short stories such as "The Rats in the Walls", "The Strange High House in the Mist" and others. These stories, full of mystery and fantastic creatures, have captured the minds of readers all over the world подробнее
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Howard Lovecraft (1890—1937) was an American writer who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. Despite the fact that he was virtually unknown before he died, today he is known as the most influential author in his genre. "From Beyond and Other Stories" is a collection of wonderful short stories such as "The Statement of Randolph Carter", "The Temple", "From Beyond" and others. These stories, full of mystery and fantastic creatures, have captured the minds of readers all over the world
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
256 руб.
Howard Lovecraft (1890—1937) was an American writer who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. Despite the fact that he was virtually unknown before he died, today he is known as the most influential author in his genre. "The Outsider and Other Stories" is a collection of wonderful short stories such as "The Book", "He, What the Moon Brings", "Hypnos" and others. These stories, full of mystery and fantastic creatures, have captured the minds of readers all over the world
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300 руб.
Howard Lovecraft (1890—1937) was an American writer who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. Despite the fact that he was virtually unknown before he died, today he is known as the most influential author in his genre. "The Alchemist and Other Stories" is a collection of wonderful short stories such as "The Beast in the Cave", "The Alchemist", "Polaris" and others. These stories, full of mystery and fantastic creatures, have captured the minds of readers all over the world
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Таинственный город Каркоза, полный древних проклятий и тёмной магии. Ужасная пьеса «Король в жёлтом», сводящая своих читателей с ума. Полубог из другого измерения, жаждущий захватить мир • Приводящие в ужас и наполненные потусторонними кошмарами рассказы Роберта Чамберса оказали большое влияние на становление жанра хоррор. Они вдохновили поколения писателей, среди которых Роберт Ирвин Говард, Карл Эдвард Вагнер и Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт, а также Ник Пиццолатто – создатель сериала «Настоящий детектив» • В сборнике «The Yellow Sign and Other Stories» ценители жанра хоррор найдут рассказы «Восстановитель репутаций», «Маска», «Во дворе дракона», «Создатель Лун», «The Harbour-Master» и др • Книга на английском языке • A mysterious city called Carcosa filled with ancient curses and dark magics
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Jack London was an American novelist, journalist and social activist Pioneering the genre of magazine fiction and prototyping science fiction, he became one of the first writers, who gained worldwide fame and a large fortune. "Moon-Face and Other Stories" is a collection that contains such wonderful stories as "Local Colour", "Amateur Night" and "The Leopard Man's Story" — a short mystery story about the ingenious murder of "King Wallace", a fearless lion-tamer
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Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. His works also include fantasy and science fiction, as well as plays, romances, non-fiction and historical novels. "Danger! And Other Stories" is a collection of fascinating short stories like "One Crowded Hour", "A Point of View", "How It Happened", "The Prisoner's Defence" and "Three of Them."
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This collection features several disturbing tales from one of horror's true masters. Including such terrifying tales as 'The Great God Pan', 'The Bowmen' and the uncanny atmosphere of 'The Black Seal', these stories are filled with eldritch relics, supernatural horrors and occult corruptions • At the heart of all these stories are the fascinating characters brought face to face with these primeval terrors. Whether eccentric academics or men filled with hubris, their encounters with the supernatural uncover the consequences of delving too deep into the forgotten mysteries of the world • Machen's evocative writing is sure to send a chill down every reader's spine
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В книге "Синяя спальня и другие рассказы" перед нами оживают люди разного возраста и положения. Восьмилетний мальчик, впервые столкнувшийся со смертью. Одинокая старая дева, с радостью понимающая, что она кому-то нужна. Девочка, помогающая нелюбимой мачехе перед родами. Молодая женщина, оставшаяся после гибели мужа с двумя детьми и нуждающаяся в поддержке. Юная пара, впервые устраивающая у себя званый ужин. И еще многие другие герои, о которых с такой любовью рассказывает здесь Розамунда Пилчер, открывают для себя что-то новое, делают свой, пусть маленький, но очень важный для них шаг в познании мира, людей, собственных возможностей • Книга на английском языке • The big bedroom was lovely: all pale blue and white, satin and muslin, cool and airy, the windows looking out over the garden to the creek
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William Sydney Porter known by his pen name O. Henry, was an American short story writer. His stories are known for their surprise endings. Most of O. Henry's stories are set in his own time, the early 20th century. Many take place in New York City and deal for the most part with ordinary people: policemen, waitresses, etc. This book includes wonderfull stories like "The Trimmed Lamp", "A Madison Square Arabian Night", "The Pendulum" and other interesting tales
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«Дама с собачкой и другие рассказы 1896–1904» — это очаровательный сборник сказок, показывающий Антона Чехова на пике его писательского творчества. Это издание Penguin Classics переведено Рональдом Уилксом с предисловием Пола Дебрецени • В последние годы своей жизни Чехов написал несколько рассказов, которые вошли в число его шедевров и вошли в число самых уважаемых произведений русской литературы. Пронзительные «Дама с собачкой» и «О любви» исследуют природу любви вне брака – ее романтический идеализм и страх разочарования. А в таких рассказах, как «Крестьяне», «Дом с мезонином» и «Моя жизнь», Чехов рисует яркую картину положения бедняков и их бессилия перед эксплуатацией и лишениями. Собрав здесь произведения, Чехов отошел от реализма своих ранних рассказов, расширив диапазон персонажей и сюжетов, одновременно выработав сдержанный минималистический стиль, который вдохновил таких современных авторов рассказов, как Эрнеста Хемингуэя и Уильяма Фолкнера
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Sara, the American wife of a French aristocrat, has had two encounters with her compatriot Cedric Killian, one a youthful idyll in North Carolina and the other during the First World War, when he was a soldier about to go to battle. When, years later and after the death of her husband, Cedric contacts her out of the blue, Sara finds herself eager to see him again – against the wishes of her in-laws – and to find out the secret of this man she loves yet knows so little about • A poignant tale of thwarted love, ‘The Intimate Strangers’ explores many of Fitzgerald’s favourite themes, such as the constraints of society on romance and the American fascination for Old Europe. This volume also includes other lesser-known stories he wrote from the mid-1930s until the end of his life, revealing new facets to the author of The Great Gatsby and Tender Is the Night
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1 947 руб.
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