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Austen J Lady Susan & Other Works

Austen J Lady Susan & Other Works

цена 213 руб.
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This collection brings together Jane Austen’s earliest experiments in the art of fiction and novels that she left incomplete at the time of her premature death in 1817. Her fragmentary juvenilia show Austen developing her own sense of narrative form whilst parodying popular kinds of fiction of her day. Lady Susan is a wickedly funny epistolary novel about a captivating but unscrupulous widow seeking to snare husbands for her daughter and herself. The Watsons explores themes of family relationships, the marriage market, and attitudes to rank, which became the hallmarks of her major novels. InSanditon, Austen exercises her acute powers of social observation in the setting of a newly fashionable seaside resort. These novels are here joined by shorter fictions that survive in Austen’s manuscripts, including critically acclaimed works like Catharine, Love and Freindship [sic], and The History of England подробнее
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Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
220 руб.
Collecting three lesser-known works by one of the nineteenth century's greatest authors, Jane Austen's Lady Susan, The Watsons and Sanditon is edited with an introduction by Margaret Drabble in Penguin Classics • These three short works show Austen experimenting with a variety of different literary styles, from melodrama to satire, and exploring a range of social classes and settings. The early epistolary novel Lady Susan depicts an unscrupulous coquette, toying with the affections of several men. In contrast, The Watsons is a delightful fragment, whose spirited heroine Emma Watson finds her marriage opportunities limited by poverty and pride. Written in the last months of Austen's life, the uncompleted novel Sanditon, set in a newly established seaside resort, offers a glorious cast of hypochondriacs and speculators, and shows an author contemplating a the great social upheavals of the Industrial Revolution with a mixture of scepticism and amusement
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Jane Austen's funniest novel is also her least known - until now • Impossibly beautiful, disarmingly witty, and completely self-absorbed: meet Lady Susan Vernon, both the heart and the thorn of LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP. Recently widowed with a daughter who's coming of age as quickly as their funds are dwindling, Lady Susan makes it her mission to find them wealthy husbands - and fast. But when her attempts to secure their futures result only in the wrath of a prominent conquest's wife and the title of 'most accomplished coquette in England', Lady Susan must rethink her strategy • Unannounced, she arrives at her brother-in-law's country estate. Here she intends to take refuge - in no less than luxury, of course - from the colorful rumors trailing her, while finding another avenue to 'I do'
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"Сэндитон, леди Сьюзен и история Англии" Джейн Остин - редкая коллекция, обязательная для всех любителей Джейн Остин • Представляя собой то, что Ричард Черч считал литературной копилкой Джейн Остин, этот сборник содержит не только ее веселую историю Англии, проиллюстрированную ее любимой сестрой Кассандрой, но и незаконченный "Сэндитон", роман ее зрелости, над которым она работала до своей смерти в возрасте сорока двух лет. Также включены два эпистолярных романа "Леди Сьюзен" и "Любовь и дружба", а также другие, более короткие произведения: "Уотсоны", "Кэтрин", "Лесли Касл", "Эвелин", "Фредерик и Эльфрида", "Джек и Элис", "Эдгар и Эмма", "Генри и Элиза" и "Три сестры" • Книга на английском языке • Sanditon, Lady Susan, & The History of England: The Juvenilia and Shorter Works of Jane Austen is a rare collection and a must for all Jane-ites
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Comprising one finished novel, Lady Susan, which was published posthumously, and two unfinished fragments, Sanditon and The Watsons, this collection – full of melodrama and burlesque, and exploring a range of literary styles and social classes – spans the entirety of Jane Austen’s writing life • The epistolary novel Lady Susan is the darkly humorous tale of the amatory schemes and machinations of an ambitious and unprincipled coquette. The Watsons is the tale of the refined and well-educated Emma Watson, forced by the second marriage of her aunt to return to the house of her impecunious father and face the marital plots and intrigues of her sisters. Begun in the last few months of Jane Austen’s life, Sanditon, set in a fast-growing former fishing village, swiftly becoming a fashionable resort, pokes fun at the inhabitants of the new coastal town, with all their hypochondria, witlessness and self-obsession
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In Austen's early, epistolary novel Lady Susan, a flirtatious widow seeks a second husband; while Emma, heroine of the unfinished The Watsons, must care for her sick father. Sanditon, left incomplete on the authora€s death, portrays the social climbers of a Georgian spa town
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Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith • Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil • Recently widowed, the unscrupulous and beautiful Lady Susan Vernon is determined to scheme her way through high society in the hope of a profitable new match - all while trying to marry off her unfortunate daughter
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1 535 руб.
"Леди Сьюзен" - порочно забавный эпистолярный роман о очаровательной, но беспринципной вдове, стремящейся заманить в ловушку мужей для своей дочери и для себя самой. "Уотсоны" исследуют темы семейных отношений, брачного рынка и отношения к рангу, которые стали отличительными чертами ее главных романов. В Сэндитоне Остин пользуется фешенебельным морским курортом. К этим романам здесь присоединяются более короткие художественные произведения, сохранившиеся в рукописях Остин, включая такие признанные критиками произведения, как "Кэтрин", "Любовь и дружба" и "История Англии" • Книга на английском языке • Tins collection brings together Jane Austen's earliest experiments in the art of fiction and novels that she left incomplete at the time of her premature death in 1817
My-shop.ru г. Москва
680 руб.
Gogol's works constitute one of Russian literature's supreme achievements, yet the nature of their brilliant originality, comic genius, and complex workings is difficult to summarize precisely. The Government Inspector, a perennial favourite on stage and screen, is considered a national institution in Russia, and Gogol's stories present us with one of the most marvellous worlds a writer has ever created
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
231 руб.
В этих "научных романах" Герберт Уэллс видит настоящее, отраженное в будущем, и будущее в настоящем. Его цель - спровоцировать, а не предсказать. Спящий впадает в транс и просыпается два столетия спустя самым богатым человеком в мире новых технологий, жадных до власти лидеров, чувственной элиты и жестоких промышленных рабов. Прибыв в 802,701 год, Путешественник во времени обнаруживает, что человечество эволюционировало в два совершенно разных вида; пройдя еще дальше, он становится свидетелем окончательной судьбы Солнечной системы • В повести«Аргонавтах хроноса", положенной в основу легендарного романа "Машины времени", ученый со смелыми взглядами на время и пространство противостоит суеверным деревенским жителям • Книга на английском языке • In these 'scientific romances' H
My-shop.ru г. Москва
563 руб.
Вольтер - один из трех величайших французских писателей XVIII века. Он боролся против религиозных преследований, фанатизма и несправедливости на протяжении всей своей жизни и является одним из мыслителей, подготовивших почву для Французской революции. Этот том содержит: "Задиг" (1748), историю молодого человека, который становится царем Вавилона; "Кандид" (1759), самую известную повесть Вольтера из всех; и (в новом переводе редактора Джеймса Фаулера) "Инженю" (1767), в котором герой, воспитанный индейцами гурон, открывает для себя Европу. Герои этих сказок молоды,красивы, талантливы и наивны. Все трое вдохновлены искрометным остроумием Вольтера,но также и его мрачной сатирой на общество старого режима. Том завершается новым переводом "Нанины",трехактной комедии Вольтера, которая была воспринята сначала как опасно меритократическая, а затем как антиреволюционная
My-shop.ru г. Москва
680 руб.
'Love and Friendship' and 'Lesley Castle' provide parodies of the gentry and the fashionable idea of sensibility of the time. 'A History of England' supplies us with a lively chronicle of English monarchic history. Also included in this collection are 'The Three Sisters', 'Catharine', the series of vignettes known as 'A Collection of Letters' and 'Lady Susan', an epistolary story which was recently adapted for the cinema. Taken together, these pieces display all the wry humour, shrewd observation and satirical insight of Emma or Pride and Prejudice.These inventive and entertaining pieces display the early sparkles of wit and imagination of Jane Austen's mature fiction. Written when she was only in her teens, they are by turns amusing, acerbic and occasionally downright silly
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
648 руб.
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