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Tinder Press I Am, I Am, I Am. Seventeen Brushes With Death O`Farrell Maggie

Tinder Press I Am, I Am, I Am. Seventeen Brushes With Death O`Farrell Maggie

цена 1 882 руб.
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I am, I Am, I Am is a memoir with a difference - the unputdownable story of an extraordinary woman's life in near-death experiences. Insightful, inspirational, gorgeously written, it is a book to be read at a sitting, a story you finish newly conscious of life's fragility, determined to make every heartbeat count • A childhood illness she was not expected to survive. A teenage yearning to escape that nearly ended in disaster. A terrifying encounter on a remote path. A mismanaged labour in an understaffed hospital. Shocking, electric, unforgettable, this is the extraordinary memoir from Costa Novel-Award winner and Sunday Times bestselling author Maggie O'Farrell. It is a book to make you question yourself. What would you do if your life was in danger, and what would you stand to lose? подробнее
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