г. Москва, Московская область
Wordsworth Art of War & The Book of Lord Shang Сунь-Цзы

Wordsworth Art of War & The Book of Lord Shang Сунь-Цзы

цена 981 руб.
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Перевод Юань Шибин и Я.Ю.Л. Дёвендака, с введением от Роберта Уилкинсона. Два классических политических трактата, вошедших в эту книгу, были плодом периода китайской истории, полного смуты. Они датируются эпохой "Сражающихся царств", иными словами, они были написаны почти за 2000 лет до "Государя" Макиавелли. "Искусство войны" - самое известное китайское сочинение на заглавную тему. В нём подвергается рассмотрению природа войны и излагается оптималльный путь к победе. "Книга правителя области Шан" предназначена для обучения властителей. Эти труды не содержат измышлений диванных генералов и кухонных политиков. Перед вами серьёзная, убедительная и практичная реакция на отчаянные ситуации тех времён, трактаты, оказавшие существенное влияние на мыслителей как в самом Китае, так и за его пределами подробнее
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'The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage, and strictness.' • For more than 2000 years, The Art of War has been studied by generations of military commanders as well as leaders from the worlds of business, politics, sport, and many other areas • Simply and succinctly, the axioms contained here present clear lessons on everything a great strategist needs to consider, including • Making plans • Tactics-and how to vary them • Conserving the energy of one's forces • Boosting morale, and • Assessing your opponents • Beautifully illustrated with works from Chinese antiquity, this edition of The Art of War is one to treasure
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The Art of War - is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician, and kindred to the Realpolitik of his time, termed in China as Legalism. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is commonly thought of as a definitive work on military strategy and tactics. It has been the most famous and influential of China's Seven Military Classics, and "for the last two thousand years it remained the most important military treatise in Asia, where even the common people knew it by name." It has had an influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond
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"Искусство войны" Сунь-цзы, написанное в 6 веке до нашей эры, является китайским военным трактатом, который до сих пор почитается как главный комментарий к войне и военной стратегии. Эта философия, основанная на принципе, согласно которому можно перехитрить своего противника ментально, очень тщательно продумав стратегию, прежде чем прибегать к физическому сражению, продолжает применяться в корпоративном и деловом мире • Вечная оценка Сунь-цзы различных аспектов ведения войны изложена в 13 главах, включая разделы "Разработка планов", "Ведение войны" и "Местность". Слова, которые сегодня так же звучат во всех аспектах нашей жизни, как и тогда, когда он их писал • Книга на английском языке • Written in the 6th century BC, Sun Tzu's The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise that is still revered today as the ultimate commentary on war and military strategy
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For two and a half thousand years The Art of War has been the core text of military strategy and planning, providing leaders with enduring insights into tactics, psychology, discipline and the nature of power • Favoured by countless great generals and military tacticians throughout history, over the last century the book has found a new lease of life, inspiring business leaders, politicians and sporting figures, and offering a profound understanding of such diverse topics as managing others and outwitting competitors • Thoroughly edited version of acclaimed Lionel Giles's translation. This edition contains textual notes and a note on author to provide readers with a useful context
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Sincerity is the end and the beginning of all things; without sincerity there would be nothing. - Inazo Nitobe, The Way of the Samurai • This beautiful jacketed hardback collection brings together five iconic works of Eastern philosophy. Full of timeless wisdom and invaluable advice, these classic Chinese and Japanese texts condense the spiritual teachings from thousands of years of history • Includes • The Art of War • Tao Te Ching • The Analects of Confucius • The Way of the Samurai • Mencius • Drawing upon military strategy, leadership, honor and spiritual philosophy, this collection offers penetrating insights which are still pertinent in the modern world
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Written over two thousand years ago, The Art of War contains penetrating insights into the nature of power, inter-state rivalry, realpolitik and military success, relevant to any age. It was first translated into English in the early 20th century. Sun Tzu's short lines of argument and pithy aphorisms are highly accessible to modern readers, and his text has almost achieved cult status. He is quoted everywhere 'from divorce courts to Facebook', and has something to offer anyone interested in honing leadership skills and achieving in any competitive environment 'from the boardroom to the bedroom'. Sun Tzu's advice is shrewd and pragmatic - he does not glory in slaughter and prefers to win battles off the battlefield if possible; he is a strong supporter of the use of deception, of varying your shots and above all, of doing your research: knowing your enemy is key; but of little use if you do not also 'know yourself'
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Poetic and immensely readable, The Art of War was written 2,500 years ago and the military manual is still relevant today. A fascinating historical document that sheds light on ancient warfare, it is also a profound meditation on human psychology, interrogating the subjects of leadership, self-discipline and self-awareness.This new edition of the classic work is specially designed for modern readers. It includes an insightful introduction to the historical and philosophical context, and is accompanied by explanation and analysis of how Sun Tzu's lessons have been applied in some of the world's most famous battles. Renowned strategists from Field Marshal Montgomery to General Schwarzkopf have cited the book as an inspiration.The ancient text, attributed to Sun Tzu, is divided into 13 chapters that provide a logical and strategic approach to conflict and competition
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