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Penguin Othello Шекспир Уильям

Penguin Othello Шекспир Уильям

цена 1 878 руб.
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A soldier of great standing and a newly married man, Othello seems to be in an enviable position. And yet, when his supposed friend sows doubts in his mind about his wife's fidelity, he is gradually consumed by suspicion. In this tragedy of strange, ornate beauty and remarkable psychological power, innocence is corrupted, and goodness and happiness are wantonly destroyed подробнее
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Pericles was Shakespeare's first full-blown tragicomedy, the precursor to The Winter's Tale, Cymbeline and The Tempest, and one of his most popular plays in the seventeenth century. This Penguin edition is edited by Eugene Giddens • 'One sin, I know, another doth provoke • Murder's as near to lust as flame to smoke' • Pericles, Prince of Tyre, must solve a riddle in order to marry the daughter of the King of Antioch, or be put to death. But when the answer reveals a horrific secret, the young man faces his greatest dilemma. Danger and adventure follow as Pericles flees the city to find his fortune elsewhere, in a romantic drama of families lost and reunited, evil punished and virtue rewarded • This book contains a general introduction to Shakespeare's life and Elizabethan theatre, a separate introduction to Pericles, a chronology, suggestions for further reading, an essay discussing performance options on both stage and screen, and a commentary
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 878 руб.
"Отелло", напряжённая драма о люви, обмане, ревности и сломанных судьбах, давно считается одной из самых впечатляющих трагедий Шекспира. Любви венецианки Дездемоны к мавру Отелло не помеха различия между ними, но козни завистливого Яго - совсем другое дело. Это произведение, освещающее проблемы ксенофобии, места женщины в далёком прошлом, способности наших идентичностей раздирать душу на части и прячущихся под маской цивилизации зверств, вполне возможно, является одной из самых актуальных и доступных современному читателю работ Шекспира как драматурга. И как новые постановки "Отелло", так и экранизации великой трагедии помогают ей не растерять влияние на воображение публики • Составители настоящего издания, стремясь отразить значимость материала, не упускают из вида выводы, к которым приходят соврменные исследователи творчества Шекспира
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One winter morning, Lorimer Black - young, good-looking, but with a somewhat troubled expression - goes to keep a perfectly routine business appointment and finds a hanged man. A bad start to the day, by anyone's standards, and an ominous portent • For Lorimer works in the only-slightly corrupt business of financial adjusting, and he is about to learn that it is much uglier - and even more crooked - than he ever imagined. Suddenly, he's being unfairly blamed for all kinds of irregularities. Next, his life is threatened. And, lastly, he's coming to realise that the life he has led till now - the one someone wants to rub out - is one big fat lie
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Idoru - a gripping techno-thriller by William Gibson, bestselling author of Neuromancer • Tokyo, post-event • After an attack of scruples, Colin Laney's skipped out on his former employer Slitscan - avoiding the rash of media lawyers sent his way - and taken a job for the outfit managing Japanese rock duo, Lo/Rez. Rez has announced he's going to marry an 'idoru' by the name of Rei Toi - she exists only in virtual reality - and this creates complications that Laney, a net runner, is supposed to sort out. But when Chai, part of Lo/Rez's fan club, turns up unaware that she's carrying illegal nanoware for the Russian Kombinat, Laney's scruples nudge him towards trouble all over again. And this time lawyers'll be the least of his worries • William Gibson is a prophet and a satirist, a black comedian and an outstanding architect of cool
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A producer. A novelist. An actress • It is summer in 1968, the year of the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. There are riots in Paris and the Vietnam War is out of control. While the world is reeling our three characters are involved in making a Swingin' Sixties movie in sunny Brighton • All are leading secret lives. Elfrida is drowning her writer's block in vodka; Talbot, coping with the daily dysfunction of making a film, is hiding something in a secret apartment; and the glamorous Anny is wondering why the CIA is suddenly so interested in her • But the show must go on and, as it does, the trio's private worlds begin to take over their public ones. Pressures build inexorably - someone's going to crack. Or maybe they all will
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Фантастический боевик «Агент влияния» – это второй роман цикла «Периферийные устройства» от известного американского писателя и «отца» киберпанка Уильяма Гибсона. Хронологически эта книга следует за первой книгой, но на самом деле является одновременно ее сиквелом и… приквелом. Если вы спрашиваете себя, как такое возможно, значит, вы никогда раньше не читали Гибсона: у него возможно все! • Итак, познакомьтесь с нашей современницей Верити Джейн, заклинательницей приложений. Таинственная компания "Тульпагеникс" поручает ей бета-тестирование прототипа искусственного интеллекта под названием "Юнис" - что в альтернативном XXII веке привлекает внимание инспектора Эйнсли Лоубир, уже знакомой нам по "Периферийным устройствам". Срез, в котором живет Верити, создан "любителем адских миров" Веспасианом; здесь Дональд Трамп не выиграл президентские выборы и Британия проголосовала за то, чтобы остаться в Евросоюзе, - однако гибридная война в Сирии чревата глобальным и самым что ни на есть горячим конфликтом
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Уильям Шекспир - великий английский поэт, драматург, актер. Любовная лирика Уильяма Шекспира - величайшее явление мировой поэзии. Любовь, полет души и страсть, философские размышления и самоанализ, яркие образы и блестящие метафоры - все это в сонетах Шекспира
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
85 руб.
Уильям Шекспир на протяжении столетий является одним из самых любимых и читаемых писателей во всем мире. В эту книгу вошли две КУЛЬТОВЫЕ ТРАГЕДИИ великого английского драматурга — «Ромео и Джульетта» и «Гамлет», потрясающие внутренней правдой характеров и глубиной страстей, небывалой яркостью поэтического языка и верой автора в духовное величие человека • В бессмертных творениях Шекспира создана целая галерея ярких, наделенных могучей волей характеров, способных к героическому противоборству с судьбой, готовых погибнуть во имя великой идеи или страсти • Эти трагедии остаются непревзойденными шедеврами мировой культуры
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
170 руб.
William Shakespeare's comedy Love's Labours Lost is edited with an introduction by John Kerrigan in Penguin Shakespeare • 'What fool is not so wise • To lose an oath to win a paradise?' • Ferdinand, King of Navarre and his lords Berowne, Dumaine, and Longaville agree to form an austere academy, taking a solemn to have no contact with women for three years. But when the Princess of neighbouring France arrives with her female attendants, their pledge is quickly placed under strain. Soon all are smitten and confusion abounds, as each struggles to secretly declare his love in this comedy of deception, desire and mistaken identity • This book contains a general introduction to Shakespeare's life and Elizabethan theatre, a separate introduction to Love's Labours Lost, a chronology, suggestions for further reading, an essay discussing performance options on both stage and screen, and a commentary
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 878 руб.
William Shakespeare's comic encore for one of his best-loved characters - the rascally Falstaff from Henry IV and Henry V - The Merry Wives of Windsor is edited by G.R. Hibbard with an introduction by Catherine Richardson in Penguin Shakespeare • 'We'll leave a proof, by that which we will do, • Wives may be merry, and yet honest too' • In need of money, the fat and foolish Falstaff devises a scheme to seduce two married women and steal their husbands' wealth. By talking to each other, however, the wives soon discover his plan and begin to plot their own revenge. Relentlessly inventive, this comic humiliation of a foolish would-be seducer is a lively, compelling and ultimately joyous celebration of the all-conquering power of laughter • This book contains a general introduction to Shakespeare's life and Elizabethan theatre, a separate introduction to The Merry Wives of Windsor, a chronology, suggestions for further reading, an essay discussing performance options on both stage and screen, and a commentary
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 881 руб.
Inspired by Homer's Iliad and Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, Shakespeare's play explores heroism, love and betrayal against the backdrop of the Trojan War. This Penguin Shakespeare edition is edited by R. A. Foakes with an introduction by Colin Burrow • 'Lechery, still wars and lechery; nothing else holds fashion' • It is the seventh year of the Trojan War. The Greek army is camped outside Troy and Achilles - their military hero - refuses to fight. Inside the city Troilus, the Trojan King's son, falls in love with Cressida, whose father has defected to the Greek camp. In an exchange of prisoners the couple are split - they believe forever. The honour of lovers and soldiers is tested as a fierce battle begins and heroes must prove their worth • This book contains a general introduction to Shakespeare's life and Elizabethan theatre, a separate introduction to the play, a chronology, suggestions for further reading, an essay discussing performance options on both stage and screen, and a commentary
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 114 руб.
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