г. Москва, Московская область
Harpercollins Diary of an Ugly Duckling Langhorne Karyn

Harpercollins Diary of an Ugly Duckling Langhorne Karyn

цена 1 016 руб.
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What makes an otherwise sane woman appear on a reality TV show? Especially one as drastic as Ugly Duckling? For Audra Marks, the last straw comes when she loses her shot with handsome Art Bradshaw to the prettier and lighter-skinned Esmeralda Prince. Audra's always lived in a classic movies fantasy world of diva dames and handsome heroes, where the costumes are gorgeous, the good guys always win, and love always triumphs. But now, her heart broken, she's decided to do anything to get back her man and show her hypercritical mother she can pretty up with the best of them in the bargain. After all, if the folks at Ugly Duckling can transform a homely, buck-toothed white girl into a ravishing beauty, just think what they'll be able to do with Audra! But until she truly believes she's beautiful inside, it won't matter how hot and pretty they make the outside package подробнее
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'Could you show me a djinn?' I asked. 'Certainly,' replied the Sufi. 'But you would run away.' • From the author of the Samuel Johnson prize shortlisted 'The Return of a King', this is William Dalrymple's captivating memoir of a year spent in Delhi, a city watched over and protected by the mischievous invisible djinns. Lodging with the beady-eyed Mrs Puri and encountering an extraordinary array of characters - from elusive eunuchs to the last remnants of the Raj - William Dalrymple comes to know the bewildering city intimately • He pursues Delhi's interlacing layers of history along narrow alleys and broad boulevards, brilliantly conveying its intoxicating mix of mysticism and mayhem • 'City of Djinns' is an astonishing and sensitive portrait of a city, and confirms William Dalrymple as one of the most compelling explorers of India's past and present
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A hilarious warts-and-all novel about modern motherhood – and how having it all sometimes isn’t what you think it might be • She used to want it all • Now she just wants a nap • Tara Gallagher is knackered. She used to dream of being Beyonce but suddenly she’s thirty-six and instead of headlining Glastonbury, she’s in her pyjamas on a Friday night, watching Gogglebox • It’s time for a mammy makeover. She’s going to show her teenage daughter she’s still cool. Show her husband she’s still an absolute ride. And show her colleagues she’s still a Boss Bish • But most of all, she’s going to prove to herself that she can still be a mum, still work full time, and still be Beyonce…
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Following on from his epic ‘1812: Napoleon's Fatal March on Moscow’, bestselling author Adam Zamoyski has written the dramatic story of the Congress of Vienna • In the wake of his disastrous Russian campaign of 1812, Napoleon's imperious grip on Europe began to weaken, raising the question of how the Continent was to be reconstructed after his defeat. There were many who dreamed of a peace to end all wars, in which the interests of peoples as well as those of rulers would be taken into account. But what followed was an unseemly and at times brutal scramble for territory by the most powerful states, in which countries were traded as if they had been private and their inhabitants counted like cattle • The results, fixed at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, not only laid the foundations of the European world we know; it put in place a social order and a security system that lie at the root of many of the problems which dog the world today
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