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Arcturus Philosophy. From the Ancient Greeks to Great Thinkers of Modern Times Руни Энн

Arcturus Philosophy. From the Ancient Greeks to Great Thinkers of Modern Times Руни Энн

цена 1 821 руб.
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The unexamined life is not worth living • - Plato (c.427-347BC) • This book traces the historical development of philosophical thought from the Ancient Greeks through the Enlightenment to the present day. It explores the five main branches of philosophy - metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, and aesthetics - and includes biographies of significant philosophers and accounts of important texts. It is an accessible and fascinating account of the preoccupations of some of the world's greatest thinkers • Topics include • The nature of being and reality • The existence of God • Free will and predestination • Ethics in daily life • How we might make a good society подробнее
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This book traces strands of thought in Western philosophy, from the Ancient Greeks to the present day. An accessible, fascinating account of the major preoccupations of the world's greatest thinkers, it explores the five branches of philosophy - metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, and aesthetics. It includes biographies of significant figures, accounts of important texts, and definitions of key concepts such as scepticism, relativism, and empiricism • Topics include • The nature of being and reality • The existence of God • Romanticism and existentialism • Free will and predestination • Ethics in daily life • How we might make a good society • Beautifully illustrated throughout
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Great advances in human history have often rested on and prompted progress in chemistry.The exploitation of fire, the development of pigments, and the discovery that metals could be smelted and worked laid the foundations of civilization.The search for better tools and weapons drove metallurgy, and the need for medicines and perfumes lay behind the first laboratories • This book traces a story of exploration and discovery, from the earliest applications of chemistry by our ancient forebears. For more than 1,000 years alchemists pursued the transformation of matter, until the advent of modern chemistry in the 17th century set us on the path to the complex science of today • Topics include • Prechemistry since prehistory • Alchemy and the transmutation of metals • The rise of the scientific method • Identifying the chemical elements • Understanding gases • The nature of the atom • Organic chemistry • Chemical analysis • Beautifully illustrated throughout
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Гордая и независимая Батшеба, хозяйка фермы в тихой провинции, мечтает о поклоннике, который будет ей восхищаться. Ее внимания добиваются трое: богатый джентльмен, отчаянный сержант и рассудительный фермер. Казалось бы, среди лесов и полей не встретить бушующих страстей, но в такой глуши могут скрываться даже интриги, тайны и преступления • "Вдали от обезумевшей толпы" Томаса Гарди - роман о нелегкой проблеме выбора, вечной драме отношений мужчины и женщины и настоящей страсти • Книга на английском языке • Into the sleepy village of Weatherbury arrives one day Bathsheba Everdene, come to take charge of her late uncle's thriving farm. Strong willed and beautiful, her presence ensures that life in the area will never be the same again • She attracts three suitors, each of whom is very different: faithful shepherd Gabriel Oak; dour gentleman-farmer William Boldwood; and dashing seducer Sergeant Francis (Frank) Troy
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What makes the English so . . . English? The English are often confused about who they are. They say ‘British’ when they mean ‘English’, and ‘English’ when they should say ‘British.’ And when England, more than the rest of the UK, voted to leave the EU, polls showed national identity was a big concern. So it’s time the English sorted out in their minds what it means to be English. A nation’s character is moulded by its history. In Who Do the English Think They Are? historian and journalist Derek J. Taylor travels the length and breadth of the country to find answers. He discovers that the first English came from Germany, and then in the later Middle Ages almost became French. He tracks down the origins of English respect for the rule of law, tolerance and a love of political stability
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В романе "Вдали от безумной толпы" Гарди раскрывает великую и вечную драму отношений мужчины и женщины • В свое время яркая, непростая история любовного треугольника независимой и гордой Батшебы, унаследовавшей ферму в глуши Северной Англии, крестьянина Габриэля Оука и "пришельца из городской цивилизации" сержанта Троя стала настоящим литературным скандалом. Что интересно, роман Гарди по-прежнему считается скандальным и нарушающим "основы основ" уже нынешнего общества • Так как же удалось Гарди затронуть струны души читателей трех столетий? • Книга на английском языке • Into the sleepy village of Weatherburv arrives one day Bathsheba Everdene, come to take charge of her late uncle's thriving farm. Strong-willed and beautiful, her presence ensures that life in the area will never be the same again
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The universe is everything we know — all time and all space • At least 93 billion light years across, and possibly much larger, it has grown from an infinitely tiny point over the course of 12-14 billion years. This book traces its growth from nothing to everything and reveals how the story has been interpreted by generations of scientists and philosophers • Topics include • The Big Bang and the first seconds of the universe • The making of matter • The life, death, and recycling of stars • How planets and moons form • Where our universe could be heading • Beautifully illustrated throughout
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1 494 руб.
This wonderful collection of wordsearch puzzles is a fun way to expand your French vocabulary. Each puzzle is themed with subjects such as food, getting around, the weather, and other useful topics that will be essential in your language learning. Each puzzle asks you to seek the words in French and provides the translation alongside it to help you learn the words. The pages are decorated with suitably French imagery to inspire you on your language journey! • Language learning: Boost your French skills and expand your vocabulary as you seek the French words hidden with the grids • Translations included: The English translations of the words you are seeking are provided beside them in the word lists ensuring your vocabulary and understanding improve
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This wonderful collection of wordsearch puzzles is a fun way to expand your Spanish vocabulary. Each puzzle is themed with subjects such as food, getting around, the weather, and other useful topics that will be essential in your language learning. Each puzzle asks you to seek the words in Spanish and provides the translation alongside it to help you learn the words. The pages are decorated with suitably Spanish imagery to inspire you on your language journey! • Language Learning: Boost your Spanish skills and expand your vocabulary as you seek the Spanish words hidden with the grids • Translations Included: The English translations of the words you are seeking are provided beside them in the word lists ensuring your vocabulary and understanding improve
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Однажды в сонную деревушку Уэзербери приезжает Батшеба Эвердин, чтобы взять на себя заботу о процветающей ферме своего покойного дяди. Волевая и красивая, ее присутствие гарантирует, что жизнь в этом районе уже никогда не будет прежней • Она привлекает трех женихов, каждый из которых очень непохож на других: верного пастуха Габриэля Оука; сурового джентльмена-фермера Уильяма Болдвуда; и лихого соблазнителя сержанта Фрэнсиса (Фрэнка) Троя. Импульсивная и независимая, непостоянные страсти Вирсавии не привязывают ее ни к одному из них - и в то же время ко всем - с некоторыми катастрофическими последствиями • "Вдали от обезумевшей толпы" (1874) был первым из уэссекских романов Харди и остается одним из его самых известных и популярных • Книга на английском языке
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They gave us democracy, philosophy, poetry, rational science, the joke. They built the Parthenon and the Library of Alexandria. They wrote the timeless myths of Odysseus and Oedipus, and the histories of Leonidas’s three hundred Spartans and Alexander the Great • But who were the ancient Greeks? And what was it that enabled them to achieve so much? • Here, Edith Hall gives us a revelatory way of viewing this geographically scattered people, visiting different communities at various key moments during twenty centuries of ancient history • Identifying ten unique traits central to the widespread ancient Greeks, Hall unveils a civilization of incomparable richness and a people of astounding complexity – and explains how they made us who we are today
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