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Harpercollins Why Can’t We All Just Get Along. Shout Less. Listen More Dale Iain

Harpercollins Why Can’t We All Just Get Along. Shout Less. Listen More Dale Iain

цена 1 545 руб.
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Why Can’t We All Just Get Along is part-memoir, part-polemic about the state of public discourse in Britain and the world today • In an increasingly divided society, Iain examines why we’ve all become so disrespectful and intolerant. Using experiences from his career in politics and the media, he says it doesn’t have to be this way, and suggests how we can all emerge from tribalism and division and become more respectful to each other and those who govern us. It is a book that is optimistic about the fundamental decencies embedded in human nature and uses deeply personal anecdotes to explain why we can look forward in a positive way to a better life both in personal and material terms подробнее
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‘How could I explain to her that nothing in my life felt real? That in a country like Kuwait, where everyone knew everything about each other, the most monumental thing to ever happen to me was buried and covered over? For the sake of my reputation, my future, my sister’s and cousins; the family honor sat on my little shoulders, so no-one could ever know.’ • Dahlia has two lives. In one, she is a young woman with a good job, great friends and a busy social life. In the other, she is an unmarried daughter living at home, struggling with a burgeoning anxiety disorder and a deeply buried secret: a violent betrayal too shameful to speak of • With her thirtieth birthday fast-approaching, pressure from her mother to accept a marriage proposal begins to strain the family
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Learn to add with The Cat in the Hat in this fun-filled learning activity book, complete with stickers! • Come and join the Cat in the Hat and have lots of fun with adding numbers! With strange animals and peculiar items to count – and loads of stickers – you’ll soon realise how easy it is to complete simple addition • The Learn With Dr. Seuss books have been specially designed to combine learning with fun. A range of zany characters and hilarious rhymes work together to introduce your child to counting and writing activities, building up the numerary and literacy skills they’ll need for school
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Я Кот в шляпе • и я хочу, чтобы вы, пожалуйста, • уделили несколько минут • взгляду на деревья! • Присоединяйтесь к Коту в шляпе, который знакомит начинающих читателей с деревьями • Это название и другие являются частью серии книг, в которых дается необычный взгляд на природу и естественные науки с помощью забавного сочетания русских стишков и забавных иллюстраций. Ориентированные на ранних читателей – от четырех до семи лет – книги призваны преодолеть разрыв между концептуальными книгами, написанными для дошкольников, и более формальными научно-популярными изданиями, требующими навыков беглого чтения. Представляя факты в живой и ритмичной манере, они обеспечивают критическую основу, на которой в конечном итоге могут быть построены сложные факты и идеи
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