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Li Mingqi Intermediate Chinese Listening 2

Li Mingqi Intermediate Chinese Listening 2

цена 1 632 руб.
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Listening to Chinese (2nd Edition) is a set of textbooks compiled for adult Chinese language students to improve their listening skills. Based on the first edition, it has replaced the outdated language data and added after-class exercises referring to the outline of the new HSK. This series is divided into three levels, elementary, intermediate and advanced, for students having learned 500-5000 Chinese words to choose the right levels according to their Chinese proficiency • This is Book 1 of the intermediate level. It has altogether 12 lessons in three units. Each unit is composed of four lessons and followed by a unit test. Each lesson includes the "intensive listening part"(including the words, texts and warm-up exercises for the new HSK) and the "extensive listening part" (can be used as the selective or supportive teaching materials) подробнее
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Listening to Chinese (2nd Edition) is a set of textbooks compiled for adult Chinese language students to improve their listening skills. Based on the first edition, it has replaced the outdated language data and added after-class exercises referring to the outline of the new HSK. This series is divided into three levels, elementary, intermediate and advanced, for students having learned 500-5000 Chinese words to choose the right levels according to their Chinese proficiency • This is Book 1 of the intermediate level. It has altogether 12 lessons in three units. Each unit is composed of four lessons and followed by a unit test. Each lesson includes the "intensive listening part"(including the words, texts and warm-up exercises for the new HSK) and the "extensive listening part" (can be used as the selective or supportive teaching materials)
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
1 464 руб.
Listening to Chinese is a set of textbooks compiled for adult Chinese language students to improve their listening skills. Based on the first edition, it has replaced the outdated language data and added after-class exercises referring to the outline of the new HSK. This series is divided into three levels, elementary, intermediate and advanced, for students having learned 600-5000 Chinese words to choose the right levels according to their Chinese proficiency. This is Book 1 of the elementary level. It has altogether 16 lessons in four units. Each unit is composed of four lessons and followed by a unit test. Besides the lessons teaching pronunciation, each lesson includes the "intensive listening part"(including words, texts and warm-up exercises for the new HSK) and the "extensive listening part" (can be used as the selective or supportive teaching materials)
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
2 903 руб.
Listening to Chinese is a set of textbooks compiled for adult Chinese language students to improve their listening skills. Based on the first edition, it has replaced the outdated language data and added after-class exercises referring to the outline of the new HSK. This series is divided into three levels, elementary, intermediate and advanced, for students having learned 600-5000 Chinese words to choose the right levels according to their Chinese proficiency. This is Book 1 of the elementary level. It has altogether 16 lessons in four units. Each unit is composed of four lessons and followed by a unit test. Besides the lessons teaching pronunciation, each lesson includes the "intensive listening part"(including words, texts and warm-up exercises for the new HSK) and the "extensive listening part" (can be used as the selective or supportive teaching materials)
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
1 658 руб.
This book is the listening course book matching Book 3 of Chinese Course (3rd Edition). It can also be used independently as a practice book of elementary listening • As the third book in the series, this book focuses on training students’ discourse and semantic comprehension, and based on which, intensifies the training of pragmatic comprehension. This book contains 30 lessons in total, each consisting of two parts—Listening Comprehension and Extensive Listening. Though the lessons are consistent in format, the listening materials progress from paragraphs to passages, showing an increase in difficulty. Besides, a great number of Chinese cultural elements are integrated in the materials so that students may learn more about Chinese culture while improving their listening comprehension skills
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 393 руб.
This book is the listening course book matching Book 1 of Chinese Course (3rd Edition). It can also be used independently as a practice book of elementary listening. The book has 25 lessons in total, with the practice of pronunciation and intonation (initials, finals, tones, sentence stress, etc.) throughout the book to help students lay a solid foundation for listening and sound discrimination. The exercises are arranged following a progressive order: the first five lessons focus on comprehensive practice of initials, finals, tones, pronunciation and intonation; lessons 6-15 have dialogue listening comprehension in addition to the comprehensive exercises on pronunciation and intonation; lessons 16-25 move toward listening comprehension of dialogues and short passages and meanwhile further the practice of pronunciation and intonation
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 534 руб.
This series of textbooks is adapted from a CCTV documentary program of the same name, including two volumes and altogether 16 lessons. It tells the stories about more than 20 Chinese people from all walks of life, ranging from taxi driver, retiree and fitness coach to fashion designer, collector and archaeologist, etc. The accompanying DVD videos present the authentic life, work and spirit of modern Chinese people in an audio-visual and lively way. Through an innovative combination of audiovisual and reading materials, the series turns "reading" texts into "watching" texts and integrates Chinese language learning into the learning of China's conditions and culture, therefore can largely enhance the instructive effect and deepen the students' understanding of China
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
2 709 руб.
Chinese for Beginners is an excellent, user–friendly book for learning the Chinese language • Yi Ren has taught thousands of Americans to speak Chinese fluently. Now, she and co-author Xiayuan Liang share their secrets for fast mastery of Mandarin Chinese with you. China has 1.3 billion people, and due to initiatives to phase out regional dialects in favor of Mandarin Chinese, nearly all of them can communicate in Mandarin. Don't let yourself be intimidated by this rewarding language. Although it is true that mastery of the Chinese language takes time, Mandarin Chinese has simpler grammar than English, and there are no conjugations—meaning anyone can learn a few critical phrases in no time • Chock full of extra hints and tips from the authors' many years of experience teaching Mandarin Chinese in adult evening classes, Chinese for Beginners focuses on realistic situations you'll encounter when you meet people in China
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
1 768 руб.
LI-50B - предназначен для фотоаппаратов Casio Exilim EX-TR15, Olympus D-750/D-755. Компактная, надежная и легкая модель батареи обеспечит работоспособность техники в любых условиях. Аккумулятор быстро заряжается, гарантирует продолжительную работу и легко восстанавливается после «глубокого» заряда. Характеристики аккумулятора: Выходное напряжение - 3,7 В. Емкость - 800 мАч. Тип - Li-Ion. Обратите внимание! Товар является аналогом следующих моделей — D-Li92, DB-100, GB-50, GB-50A, LB-050, LI-50B, NP-150. Если ваше устройство поддерживает их, то данный аккумулятор вам подходит. Имея в распоряжении аккумулятор Pitatel, вы сможете запечатлевать самые важные моменты жизни
Bestbatt г. Москва
1 069 руб.
Li'l Woodzeez Набор игровой Магазин со сладостями Набор аксессуаров Li'l Woodzeez Полки для кафе станет интересным дополнением к игрушкам Li'l Woodzeez, будет поощрять творчество и сюжетно-ролевую игру детей. Небольшой магазинчик со сладостями непременно понравится малышкам. На прилавке более чем 20 различных сладостей, здесь есть леденцы на палочке, всевозможные конфеты и печенье. В наборе есть все необходимое для увлекательной игры. Состав набора: 1 деревянная полка, 1 полка для демонстрации леденцов, 1 весы для конфет, 1 мерная ложка, 1 конфетное яблоко, 1 плитка шоколада, 1 жестянка из-под мяты, 1 жестянка из-под конфет, 6 леденцов на палочке, 1 баночка-колокольчик, 1 пачка печенья, 2 леденцовых трости, 1 тарелка карамели, 1 тарелка желудей и 1 кувшин
Akusherstvo.ru г. Москва
2 690 руб.
Li'l Woodzeez Набор мебели игровой Ванная комната Держите своих животных в чистоте с набором для ванной и стирки от Li’l Woodzeez! В этом мебельном наборе есть множество аксессуаров для долгих игр. Ваши персонажи - животные будут хорошо отмыты в ванне, с помощью набора, в который входят мыло, губка и даже некоторые игрушки для ванны! Также есть раковина с настоящим зеркалом, унитаз и стирально-сушильная машина для белья. Переложите всю сухую одежду в корзину, а когда она будет аккуратно сложена, не забудьте убедиться, что ваши маленькие друзья чистят зубы! Набор для ванной и стирки станет прекрасным дополнением вашего дома. Фигурки животных Li’l Woodzeez продаются отдельно. Наборы Семейств животных продаются отдельно. Состав набора: 1 раковина, 1 унитаз, 1 ерш для унитаза, 1 стирально-сушильная машина, 1 упаковка порошка стирального, 1 корзина для белья, 1 ванна с душем, 1 столик для ванной, 1 полотенце, 1 игрушечная лодка, 1 игрушечная утка, 1 мыло, 1 щетка, 1 мочалка, 2 зубные щетки
Akusherstvo.ru г. Москва
3 390 руб.
Li'l Woodzeez Набор Семья собак Набор Cемья собак Li'l Woodzeez состоит из 4 персонажей. Все фигурки — флокированные, очень приятны на ощупь. У фигурок подвижные лапки, ножки и голова. При необходимости фигуркам можно легко менять одежду, благодаря удобным липучкам. Игровые фигурки развивают творческую фантазию ребенка, который будет придумывать с ними сюжетно-ролевые игры, улучшая тактильное и зрительное восприятие. С помощью фигурок ребенок тренирует память, запоминая разнообразных героев. Малыш может собирать большие коллекции и играть вместе с друзьями. Все персонажи из коллекции идеально дополняют остальные игровые наборы Li'l Woodzeez. Пластик, флок
Akusherstvo.ru г. Москва
3 690 руб.
Li'l Woodzeez Набор Кафе-мороженое с аксессуарами В жаркий день любой захочет насладиться мороженым. Тебе один шарик или два? Набор станет полезным дополнением к игрушкам Li'l Woodzeez. Всего 23 элемента в наборе: 2 стула, кафе-мороженое, прилавок для мороженого, 2 выдвижных ящика, 2 фруктовых мороженых, 2 шоколадных мороженых, 1 ванильное мороженое, 1 клубничное мороженое, 1 банановый сплит, 1 шоколадный соус, 1 клубничный соус, 1 карамельный соус, 1 бутылка взбитых сливок, 1 стаканчик с мороженым, 1 шарик мороженого, 1 сливочное мороженое, 3 бутерброда с мороженым. Персонажи в комплект не входят
Akusherstvo.ru г. Москва
3 990 руб.
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