г. Москва, Московская область
Puffin The Throne of Fire. The Graphic Novel Риордан Рик

Puffin The Throne of Fire. The Graphic Novel Риордан Рик

цена 3 054 руб.
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Ever since the gods of Ancient Egypt were unleashed on the modern world, Carter Kane and his sister, Sadie, have been in big trouble • As descendants of the magical House of Life, they command certain powers. But now a terrifying enemy - Apophis, the giant snake of chaos - is rising • If Carter and Sadie don't destroy him, the world will end in five days' time. And in order to battle the forces of chaos, they must revive the sun god Ra - a feat no magician has ever achieved. Because first they must search the world for the three sections of the Book of Ra, then they have to learn how to chant its spells подробнее
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The bestselling Heroes of Olympus title by Percy Jackson creator, Rick Riordan - now in stunning graphic novel form! • Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, has come face to face with two snake-haired ladies who refuse to die • But they're the least of his problems. Because Percy finds himself at a camp for half-bloods, which doesn't ring any bells for him. There's just one name he remembers from his past. Annabeth • One thing is certain - Percy's adventuring days aren't over. He faces the most important quest of all: the Prophecy of Seven. If he fails, it's not just their camp at risk. Percy's old life, the gods, and the entire world might be destroyed
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Half Boy. Half God. ALL Hero • Honestly, blowing up another school was the last thing I wanted to do • As the son of a Greek God, I've had my share of near-death disaster - and now my arch enemy Luke wants to invade our camp via an ancient labyrinth • If he succeeds, thousands of bloodthirsty monsters will attack. So it's goodbye sunshine, hello darkness as four of us descend into the terrifying underground and beyond
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Half Boy. Half God. ALL Hero • It's not every day you find yourself in combat with a half-lion, half-human • But when you're the son of a Greek God, it happens. And now my friend Annabeth is missing, a Goddess is in chains and only five half-blood heroes can join the quest to defeat the doomsday monster • Oh and guess what. The Oracle has predicted that not all of us will survive
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Things are getting very bad, very fast, for Apollo • The former God Apollo is having a pretty rough time of it. Well, for one thing, he's been turned into a human and banished from Olympus. And he's called Lester. But being an awkward mortal teenager is the least of his worries right now • Though he and some of his friends have emerged from the Burning Maze, rescued the Oracle and lived to fight another day, they can't escape the tragedy that has befallen them, or the terrible trials still to face • So, with heavy heart, Apollo (OK, Lester) and Meg have a triumvirate still to defeat, oracles to rescue, and prophecies to decipher, so that the world may be saved, and Lester may ascend into the heavens to become Apollo once again • But, right now, Caligula is sailing to San Francisco to deal with Camp Jupiter personally, and they have to get there first
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"Перси Джексон и Похититель молний. Графический роман" Рика Риордана - иллюстрированная версия популярного фэнтезийного романа о Перси Джексоне, подростке, который обнаруживает, что он - полукровка, сын бога Посейдона • Послушай, я не хотел быть полукровкой. Я никогда не просил быть сыном греческого Бога. Я был обычным ребенком, ходил в школу, играл в баскетбол, катался на скейтборде. Как обычно. Пока я случайно не испарил своего учителя математики. Вот тогда-то все и пошло по-настоящему наперекосяк. Теперь я провожу свое время, сражаясь на мечах, сражаясь с монстрами вместе со своими друзьями и вообще стараясь остаться в живых. Это тот случай, когда Зевс, Бог Неба, думает, что я украл его молнию, а злить Зевса - очень плохая идея. Сможет ли Перси найти молнию до того, как разразится полноценная война Богов? • Книга на английском языке
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The second title in this number one, bestselling spin-off series from Percy Jackson creator, Rick Riordan • This crazy messed up world of gods and monsters is Percy Jackson's reality, which pretty much sucks for him • Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, God of the Sea, has woken from a very deep sleep and come face to face with two snake-haired ladies who refuse to die • But they're the least of his problems. Because Percy finds himself at a camp for half-bloods, which doesn't ring any bells for him. There's just one name he remembers from his past. Annabeth • Only one thing is certain - Percy's questing days aren't over. He and fellow demigods Frank and Hazel must face the most important quest of all: the Prophecy of Seven. If they fail, it's not just their camp at risk
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The Hound of the Baskervilles is one of Sherlock Holmes' most famous and intriguing cases • When Sir Charles Baskerville is found mysteriously dead in the grounds of Baskerville Hall, everyone remembers the ancient legend of the monstrous creature that haunts the moor. The great detective Sherlock Holmes knows that there must be a more rational explanation, but the difficulty is to find it before the hellhound finds him!
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The Animals of Farthing Wood. The Adventure Begins by Colin Dann is the exciting prequel to The Animals of Farthing Wood which takes the reader right back to the very beginning • There had always been otters in the stream running through Farthing Wood - and that had never been a problem for the other animals before but when there is a shortage of fish in the stream, the otters are forced to hunt on land.The otters are taking valuable prey and the foxes and other Farthing Wood animals have to compete for food. Lean Vixen is determined to protect her family from starvation, and that means deciding on a plan to drive the otters out once and for all
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Одно роковое пророчество. Семь отважных полубогов. Задача: найти и закрыть Врата Смерти и не допустить новой войны. В этот раз Перси и Аннабет ждёт не только опасное путешествие на летающем корабле «Арго II», но и ещё одно, особое испытание… • Роман Рика Риордана «Метка Афины» - это третья книга в цикле про Перси Джексона «Герои Олимпа», который продолжает сюжетную линию цикла «Перси Джексон и боги-олимпийцы» и рассказывает не только о греческих, но и о римских божествах. Книга станет отличным подарком для любителей ретеллингов, греческой и римской мифологии, а также приключений и жанра фэнтези • Книга на английском языке • One fatal prophecy. Seven brave demigods. A quest to find - and close - the doors of death. Annabeth felt as if someone had draped a cold washcloth across her neck
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A collection of four special Puffin Classics designed to raise awareness of world environmental issues • This is the classic story of social justice and outrageous cunning • Robin Hood, the legendary outlaw hero, steals from the rich to save the poor with his band of Merry Men in the vast Sherwood forest. He regularly outwits his evil enemies Guy of Gisborne and the immoral Sheriff of Nottingham, but wicked King John and his henchmen are never far behind • Entrenched in the winding paths and secret glades of the forest, this special edition of The Adventures of Robin Hood is inspired by Earth Day, and introduced by actor and environmental activist Bonnie Wright
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A collection of 4 Puffin Classics, designed to raise awareness of world environmental issues • Life is good for house-dog Buck where he spends his days eating and sleeping in the golden sunshine of Santa Clara Valley. But when he is stolen and forced to work as a sledge dog in the harsh conditions of the frozen North he has to fight hard for his survival. Can he rise above his enemies and fulfil his true destiny? • A reminder of an age before mass extinctions and climate change, this special edition of The Call of the Wild is inspired by Earth Day, and introduced by actor and environmental activist Bonnie Wright
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1 906 руб.
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