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Dostoevsky F The Idiot

Dostoevsky F The Idiot

цена 370 руб.
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Part of Alma Classics Evergreen series at 4.99. Populated by an unforgettable cast of characters, from the beautiful, self-destructive Nastasya Filippovna to the dangerously obsessed Rogozhin and the radical student Ippolit, The Idiot is one of Dostoevsky's most personal and intense works of fiction presented here in a new translation. After spending several years in a sanatorium recovering from an illness that caused him to lose his memory and ability to reason, Prince Myshkin arrives in St Petersburg and is at once confronted with the stark realities of life in the Russian capital - from greed, murder and nihilism to passion, vanity and love. Mocked for his childlike naivety yet valued for his openness and understanding, Prince Myshkin finds himself entangled with two women in a position he cannot bring himself to resolve подробнее
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Prince Myshkin returns to Russia from an asylum in Switzerland. As he becomes embroiled in the frantic amatory and financial intrigues which centre around a cast of brilliantly realised characters and which ultimately lead to tragedy, he emerges as a unique combination of the Christian ideal of perfection and Dostoevskys own views, afflictions and manners. His serene selflessness is contrasted with the worldly qualities of every other character in the novel • Dostoevsky supplies a harsh indictment of the Russian ruling class of his day who have created a world which cannot accomodate the goodness of this idiot
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
605 руб.
The Idiot is a remarkable literary feat; a true accomplishment. It not only shows and represents true human complexity, but it births it, both in the inner workings of its passionate characters, and in the overall story • Prince Myshkin returns to St. Petersburg from Switzerland. "The Beautiful Man", has too much compassion, for this cynical age. He believes every person, trusts all, feels the pain, of the suffering unfortunates, thus has no common sense. Who is he? • Simple? Gullible? An Idiot? Or a Saint? • Dostoevsky supplies a harsh indictment of the Russian ruling class of his day who have created a world which cannot accomodate the goodness of this "idiot" • Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 147 руб.
The Idiot tells the story of Prince Myshkin, a man of pure innocence, whose kindness and open-hearted simplicity make many of the more earthy characters he encounters mistakenly assume that he lacks intelligence and insight
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
736 руб.
After spending several years in a sanatorium recovering from an illness that caused him to lose his memory and ability to reason, Prince Myshkin arrives in St Petersburg and is at once confronted with the stark realities of life in the Russian capital - from greed, murder and nihilism to passion, vanity and love. Mocked for his childlike naivety yet valued for his openness and understanding, Prince Myshkin finds himself entangled with two women in a position he cannot bring himself to resolve. Dostoevsky, who wrote that in the character of Prince Myshkin he hoped to portray a wholly virtuous man, shows the workings of the human mind and our relationships with others in all their complex and contradictory nature. Populated by an unforgettable cast of characters, from the beautiful, self-destructive Nastasya Filippovna to the dangerously obsessed Rogozhin and the radical student Ippolit, The Idiot is one of Dostoevsky's most personal and intense works of fiction presented here in a new translation
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 947 руб.
Motion sickness • Nightmares • Forgetting people’s names • Why did I walk into this room?? • For something supposedly so brilliant and evolutionarily advanced, the human brain is pretty messy, fallible and disorganised. In The Idiot Brain neuroscientist Dean Burnett celebrates the imperfections of the human brain in all their glory, and the impact of these quirks on our daily lives. Expertly researched and entertainingly written, this book is for anyone who has wondered why their brain seems to be sabotaging their life, and what on earth it is really up to
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 038 руб.
"Главная идея... - писал Ф. М. Достоевский о своем романе "Идиот", - изобразить положительно-прекрасного человека. Труднее этого нет ничего на свете…" Не для того ли писатель явил миру "князя-Христа", чтобы мы не забывали: "Страдание есть главнейший и, может быть, единственный закон бытия всего человечества" • Завораживающая история трагических страстей, связавших купца Парфена Рогожина, бывшую содержанку богатого дворянина Настасью Филипповну и "идеального человека" князя Мышкина - беспомощного идиота в мире корысти и зла, гласящая о том, что сострадание, возможно, единственный закон человеческого бытия. Она по-прежнему актуальна и воспринимается ярко и непосредственно, будто была написана вчера • Книга на английском языке • Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The Idiot is an immaculate portrait of innocence tainted by the brutal reality of human greed
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 348 руб.
This study of natural goodness is Dostoevsky’s most touching novel. Prince Myshkin, the last, poverty-stricken member of a once great family and regarded by many as an idiot, returns to Russia from a sanatorium in Switzerland in order to collect an inheritance. Before he has even arrived home he becomes involved with Rogozhin, a rich merchant’s son whose obsession with the fascinating Nastasya Filippovna eventually draws all three of them into a tragic denouement. But this is only the main thread of a rich and complex book in which a dazzling host of characters, from generals to street urchins, present the picture of an entire society on the verge of dissolution. A tragicomic masterpiece
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 055 руб.
Returning to Russia from a sanitarium in Switzerland, the Christ-like epileptic Prince Myshkin finds himself enmeshed in a tangle of love, torn between two women—the notorious kept woman Nastasya and the pure Aglaia—both involved, in turn, with the corrupt, money-hungry Ganya. In the end, Myshkin’s honesty, goodness, and integrity are shown to be unequal to the moral emptiness of those around him. In her revision of the Garnett translation, Anna Brailovsky has corrected inaccuracies wrought by Garnett’s drastic anglicization of the novel, restoring as much as possible the syntactical structure of the original
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 638 руб.
"Пророк и идиот" - совершенно новый, веселый, потрясащий роман от автора бестселлеров Юнаса Юнассона • Швеция, конец лета 2011 года. Астрофизик-самоучка Петра подсчитала, что 21 сентября того же года, если быть более точным, около 21:20 произойдет коллапс атмосферы, что приведет к концу времен • Вооруженная этим ужасным знанием, Петра знакомится с Джоном, пророком судного дня, и Агнес, 75-летней вдовой, которая ведет двойную жизнь в социальных сетях. Вместе трио мчится по Европе, планируя максимально использовать оставшееся у них время • Но все редко идет по плану, даже конец света… • Книга на английском языке • The brand-new, hilarious, feel-good adventure from the internationally bestselling author of The Hundred Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared • Sweden, late summer of 2011
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 414 руб.
Селин, высокая, красивая американка турецкого происхождения из Нью-Джерси, поступает в Гарвард, понятия не имея, чего ожидать. Что точно станет неожиданностью, так это • - Сколько времени она потратит на размышления о языке и его ограничениях • - Самоуверенная сербка-космополит по имени Светлана, которая станет ее наперсницей • - Математик из Венгрии по имени Иван, на котором она будет помешана во время учебы • - Чувство подавленности вызовами и возможностями взрослой жизни • Элиф Батуман - славист, специалист по русской литературе. Роман "Идиот" основан на реальных событиях, в нем описывается неповторимый юношеский опыт писательницы. Высоко оцененный критиками, роман был назван лучшей книгой месяца по версии New York Times Book Review. В 2018 году "Идиот" вошел в список финалистов Пулитцеровской премии
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 266 руб.
The House of the Dead recounts the story of Alexander Goryanchikov, a gentleman who is sent to a prison colony in Siberia for killing his wife. Largely ignored at first by his fellow inmates due to his noble blood, he gradually settles in and becomes an avid observer of the new world around him watching his fellow prisoners being brutally and cruelly punished by the guards, listening to their past stories of blood and murder, assimilating the institution s social codes and learning that even convicts are capable of acts of pure generosity. Based on Dostoevsky's own autobiographical experiences of penal servitude in Siberia, this genre-defying novel is not only an unflinching expose of the conditions faced by prisoners during the Tsarist period, but also a call to see the human side in criminals and rediscover the values of forgiveness and compassion
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
370 руб.
The civil servant Ivan Matveich and his wife Yelena Ivanovna are spectators of an exhibition - in a shopping arcade - of a crocodile owned by a German, when Ivan is suddenly swallowed alive by the animal. Unsuccessful in his attempts to be freed from his prison, due to the German's concern for his crocodile and excessive desire for compensation, the civil servant gradually comes to appreciate his new environment, while his wife begins to enjoy her new-found freedom. Inspired by Gogol's surreal tales, Dostoevsky's hilarious story has been interpreted by some as a vitriolic piece of social criticism and a veiled attack on the revolutionary philosopher Nikolai Chernyshevsky
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
832 руб.
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