г. Москва, Московская область
Harper Voyager The World of Ice and Fire. The Untold History of the World of A Game of Thrones Martin George R. R., Garcia Jr. Elio M., Antonsson Linda

Harper Voyager The World of Ice and Fire. The Untold History of the World of A Game of Thrones Martin George R. R., Garcia Jr. Elio M., Antonsson Linda

цена 4 392 руб.
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The never-before-seen history of Westeros and the lands beyond. With hundreds of pages of all-new material from George R.R. Martin • If the past is prologue, then George R.R. Martin's masterwork-the most inventive and entertaining fantasy saga of our time-warrants one hell of an introduction. At long last, it has arrived with The World of Ice and Fire • George R.R. Martin, in collaboration with Elio M. Garcia, Jr. and Linda Antonsson, has written a comprehensive history of the Seven Kingdoms, featuring the epic battles, bitter rivalries, and daring rebellions that lead up to the events in the bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire series • Collected within this volume is the accumulated knowledge, scholarly speculation, and inherited folk tales of maesters and septons, maegi and singers, including over 170 full-colour illustrations and maps, family trees for the Houses Stark, Lannister and Targaryen, and in-depth explanations of the history and culture of Westeros подробнее
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A century before A Game of Thrones, two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros… • A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms compiles the first three official prequel novellas to George R.R. Martin's ongoing masterwork, A Song of Ice and Fire • Before Tyrion Lannister and Podrick Payne there was Dunk and Egg • A young, naive but courageous hedge knight, Ser Duncan the Tall towers above his rivals - in stature if not experience. Tagging along with him is his diminutive squire, a boy called Egg - whose true identity must be hidden from all he and Dunk encounter: for in reality he is Aegon Targaryen, and one day he will be king. Improbable heroes though they be, great destinies lie ahead for Dunk and Egg; as do powerful foes, royal intrigue, and outrageous exploits
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George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy masterwork A Song of Ice and Fire is brought to life in the pages of this full-colour graphic novel. This is the second part of a four-volume adaptation of the second book in the series, A Clash of Kings • As chaos grips Westeros, a flaming red comet continues to burn a crimson path across the sky. Some see this fiery herald as a sign of their impending victory. Others see it as a mark of the blood and terror that will soon engulf this divided kingdom. But one thing is certain: None of the six contenders who seek either the Iron Throne, or the lands their ancestors once held as kings, are willing to back down. And as factions scatter or come together, there are many witnesses to the unrest that is to come • Arya Stark finds herself in the heart of enemy territory at Harrenhal, while her mother is trapped between two brothers battling each other for their dead brother’s throne
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George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy masterwork A Song of Ice and Fire is brought to life in the pages of this full-colour graphic novel. This is the third part of a four-volume adaptation of the second book in the series, A Clash of Kings • New York Times bestselling author Landry Q. Walker and illustrator Mel Rubi continue to serve up a feast in this penultimate volume. In the south, Renly is dead at his brother's hand, but even as Stannis seeks a way to subdue Renly's hold of Storm's End, Tywin Lannister continues his march toward King's Landing, harried by the forces of Robb Stark and Edmure Tully. As Robb wins victory after victory, his sister Arya finds her own small way to turn the tides against the Lannister forces from her secret place inside Harrenhal – while back at Winterfell, their brother Bran is about to discover the true meaning of his prophetic dreams
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King of ruin. King of dust and shadows. King of death. He will rule all. The king is coming • Marith Altrersyr - father-killer, dragonlord, leader of the blood-soaked Amrath Army - is keeping his promises. He is determined to become King of all Irlast and take back the seat of his ancestors • Only Thalia, once high priestess of the Lord of Living and Dying, the holiest woman in the Empire, might stop Marith and his army's deadly march. But she is torn between two destinies - and if she was to return home, what would she fi nd there? A city on the brink of ruin: diseased, despairing, dying? • Crawling through a tunnel deep under the ruins of her city, Landra Relast vows vengeance. Her family has been burned, her home destroyed, and now Marith - once her betrothed - must die
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"Буря мечей: кровь и золото" Джорджа Мартина - вторая часть третьего романа из цикла "Песнь Льда и Огня". Книга рассказывает о Гражданской Войне в Вестеросе, которая подходит к концу. Однако неизвестно, кто выживет в этой бойне. В Королевской Гавани трон пытается удержать молодой и взбалмошный король Джоффри, на Севере крепнет сила и мощь Роба Старка. За Стеной наступают Иные, которых нельзя одолеть оружеем, за морей Дейнерис тешит надежду вернуть Железный Трон и собирает союзников, а Станис вынашивает новые планы по завоеванию Вестероса • Книга на английском языке • The Starks are scattered • Robb Stark may be King in the North, but he must bend to the will of the old tyrant Walder Frey if he is to hold his crown. And while his youngest sister, Arya, has escaped the clutches of the depraved Cersei Lannister and her son, the capricious boy-king Joffrey, Sansa Stark remains their captive
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