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Vintage books Life and Times of Michael K Кутзее Джон Максвелл

Vintage books Life and Times of Michael K Кутзее Джон Максвелл

цена 1 967 руб.
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В Южной Африке, раздираемой на части гражданской войной, Михаэл К хочет вернуть свою мать к ней домой, в сельскую местность. По пути туда она умирает, и её сын остаётся один в этом охваченном анархией царстве жестоких кочующих армий. Михаэл попадает в плен, но не выносит заточения и сбегает, преисполенный решимости сохранить своё достоинство. Книга "Жизнь и время Михаэла К" посвящена ядру человеческих переживаний - нашей потребности во внутренней, духовной жизни, в связи с окружающим нас миром и незамутнённом видении нашего в нём места • "Это поистине потрясающий роман... "Жизнь и время Михаэла К" привели меня в восторг, хоть эта книга и полна несчастий и страданий. У меня не хватает слов, чтобы описать, насколько она заслуживает внимания" - Evening Standard подробнее
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Simon and David - a tall ten-year-old - are in a new land, together with a woman named Ines. The small family have found a home in which David can thrive • But David is spotted by Julio Fabricante, the director of a local orphanage, playing football with his friends. He shows unusual talent. When David announces that he wants to live with Julio and the children in his care, Simon and Ines are stunned. David is leaving them, and they can only love him and bear witness • The Death of Jesus is the completion of an incomparable trilogy in which J. M. Coetzee explores the meaning of a world empty of memory but brimming with questions
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David is the small boy who is always asking questions. Simon and Ines take care of him in their new town, Estrella. He is learning the language, he has begun to make friends and he has the big dog Bolivar to watch over him • But he'll be seven soon and he should be at school. And so, David is enrolled in the Academy of Dance. It's here, in his new golden dancing slippers, that he learns how to call down the numbers from the sky. Yet it's here too that he will make troubling discoveries about what adults are capable of • The Schooldays of Jesus is a mesmerising tale about growing up, and about the choices we are forced to make in our lives
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David is the small boy who is always asking questions. Simon and Ines take care of him in their new town, Estrella. He is learning the language, he has begun to make friends and he has the big dog Bolivar to watch over him • But he'll be seven soon and he should be at school. And so, David is enrolled in the Academy of Dance. It's here, in his new golden dancing slippers, that he learns how to call down the numbers from the sky. But it's here too that he will make troubling discoveries about what adults are capable of • The Schooldays of Jesus is a mesmerising tale about growing up, and about the choices we are forced to make in our lives
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Nobel Laureate and two-time Booker prize-winning author of Disgrace, J. M. Coetzee tells the remarkable story of a nation gripped in brutal apartheid in Age of Iron • In Cape Town, South Africa, an elderly classics professor writes a letter to her distant daughter, recounting the strange and disturbing events of her dying days. She has been opposed to the lies and the brutality of apartheid all her life, but now she finds herself coming face to face with its true horrors: the hounding by the police of her servant's son, the burning of a nearby black township, the murder by security forces of a teenage activist who seeks refuge in her house. Through it all, her only companion, the only person to whom she can confess her mounting anger and despair, is a homeless man who one day appears on her doorstep
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In The Master of Petersburg J. M. Coetzee dares to imagine the life of Dostoevsky. Set in 1869, when Dostoevsky was summoned from Germany to St Petersburg by the sudden death of his stepson, this novel is at once a compelling mystery steeped in the atmosphere of pre-revolutionary Russia and a brilliant and courageous meditation on authority and rebellion, art and imagination. Dostoevsky is seen obsessively following his stepson's ghost, trying to ascertain whether he was a suicide or a murder victim and whether he loved or despised his stepfather
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From one of our most beloved and bestselling authors, a vivid, nostalgic, and utterly hilarious memoir of growing up in the 1950s • Born in 1951 in the middle of the United States, Des Moines, Iowa, Bill Bryson is perfectly positioned to mine his memories of a totally all-American childhood for 24 carat memoir gold. Like millions of his generation, Bryson grew up with a rich fantasy life as a superhero. In his case, he ran around the house wearing a jersey with a thunderbolt on it and a towel round his neck that served as his cape, leaping tall buildings in a single bound and vanquishing evildoers (in his head) as The Thunderbolt Kid • Using his childhood fantasy life as a springboard, Bill Bryson recreates the life of his family in the 1950s in all its transcendent normality
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Щеголеватый, подкручивающий усы маленький бельгиец с яйцевидной головой, странными манерами и чрезмерным уважением к собственным "серым клеточкам" раскрыл несколько самых загадочных преступлений века. Однако, несмотря на то, что Пуаро знаком миллионам людей, сам он оставался загадкой – до сих пор • С его первого появления в 1920 году до последнего в 1975 году, от гостиных загородного дома до опиумных притонов в Лаймхаусе, от Мэйфэра до Средиземноморья, Энн Харт преследует легендарного сыщика, раскрывая тайны, которые его окружают. Просмотрев 33 романа и 56 коротких рассказов, она исследует его происхождение, вкусы, взаимоотношения и особенности, раскрывая характер столь же увлекательный, как и сами книги • Это новое издание было обновлено, чтобы включить новую информацию о датах первоначальных публикаций, сериалах в газетах и журналах, а также обновленные списки фильмов, теле-, радио- и сценических адаптаций
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In Boyhood, J. M. Coetzee revisits the South Africa of half a century ago, to write about his childhood and interior life. Boyhood's young narrator grew up in a small country town. With a father he imitated but could not respect, and a mother he both adored and resented, he picked his way through a world that refused to explain its rules, but whose rules he knew he must obey. Steering between these contradictions, Boyhood evokes the tensions, delights and terrors of childhood with startling, haunting immediacy. Coetzee examines his young self with the dispassionate curiosity of an explorer rediscovering his own early footprints, and the account of his progress is bright, hard and simply compelling
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