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Икар Peter Pan Барри Джеймс Мэтью

Икар Peter Pan Барри Джеймс Мэтью

цена 174 руб.
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Сказочная повесть Дж. Барри "Питер Пэн" (1904) - одна из самых любимых и читаемых книг англо-американской детворы и их родителей. В ней рассказывается о мальчике, который не хотел расти, о его необыкновенных приключениях, способности летать, дружить с феями и побеждать зло. Герой повести настолько известен и популярен в Великобритании, что ему установлен даже памятник. Издание рассчитано на широкий круг любителей и почитателей английской классической литературы подробнее
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Peter Pan is one of the most famous and loved stories in children's English literature • When Peter Pan loses his shadow in the Darling children's nursery, things will never be the same again • Over the rooftops of London, Peter Pan and the fairy Tinkerbell lead Wendy, Michael and John Darling to Neverland to start a new life with his gang of Lost Boys • There, they will encounter mermaids, princesses, a ticking crocodile and the fearsome Captain Hook and his terrible crew of pirates • What will their new life be like in Neverland? If Captain Hook has his way, they won't live long enough to find out
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1 481 руб.
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell lead the three Darling children over the rooftops of London and away to Neverland - the island where the lost boys play. Magic and mischief is in the air but if villainous Captain Hook has his way, before long someone will be swimming with the crocodiles
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 877 руб.
Питер Пэн и Тинкербелл ведут троих милых детей по крышам Лондона в Неверленд - остров, где играют потерянные мальчики. Волшебство и озорство витают в воздухе, но если злодей капитан Хук добьется своего, то вскоре кто-нибудь будет плавать с крокодилами • Джеймс Мэтью Барри (1860-1937) родился в Шотландии. Он переехал в Лондон в 1885 году. У него была высокая репутация драматурга, его постановки включали "Качественную улицу" (1901) и "Восхитительный Крайтон" (1902). Впервые "Питер Пэн" был поставлен на сцене в 1904 году, а в 1911 году он превратил эту историю в книгу • Книга на английском языке • Peter Pan by J M Barrie is one of Puffin Classics' best-loved stories • Peter Pan and Tinkerbell lead the three Darling children over the rooftops of London and away to Neverland - the island where the lost boys play
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1 427 руб.
Однажды ночью мифический Питер Пэн появляется в детской Уэнди, Джона и Майкла Дарлингов, и начинается необыкновенное приключение • Посыпав волшебной пыльцой Тинкербелл, Питер учит троих детей летать и уносит их в Неверленд. Там они отправляются в дерзкие приключения с русалками, феями, заблудившимися мальчиками - и мстительным пиратом капитаном Крюком • С момента своего создания "Питер Пэн" Дж. М. Барри стал культурной иконой, и эта остроумная, образная история, полная озорства, волшебства и храбрости, является одной из самых любимых детских классик всех времен • Книга на английском языке • This beautiful HarperCollins Children's Classics edition of J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan is the perfect addition to any bookshelf • One night, the mythical Peter Pan appears in the nursery of Wendy, John and Michael Darling and an extraordinary adventure begins
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1 162 руб.
Венди знает, что все дети должны повзрослеть... все, кроме волшебного Питера Пэна! Когда Питер влетает в окно детской и приглашает Венди и ее братьев, Джона и Майкла, последовать за ним в Страну Неверлэнд, они отправляются в приключение всей своей жизни... Самая известная сказка Дж. М. Барри "Питер Пэн" о потерянных мальчиках, русалках, пиратах и мальчике, который никогда не повзрослеет, несомненно, очарует читателей в возрасте от 8 лет и старше • Книга на английском языке • Wendy knows that all children have to grow up... all apart from the magical Peter Pan! When Peter flies through the nursery window and invites Wendy and her brothers, John and Michael, to come to Never-Never-Land, they set off on the adventure of a lifetime • With specially-commissioned cover designs by Kayla Stark, J
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The night that Peter Pan flies into the Darling children's nursery is the night that magic flies into their lives. It's the night that Wendy and her brothers follow Peter out of the window and soar through the sky to Neverland. It's the night that they discover a world of mermaids, fairies, and pirates, of lost boys, and of the terrible Captain Hook. It's the night the adventure begins...Peter Pan is one of the best-loved stories ever written for children. For more than one hundred years this unforgettable tale has enchanted readers of all ages. Step into Neverland with this magical, timeless classic
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 510 руб.
'All children, except one, grow up.' • It was Friday night. Mr and Mrs Darling were dining out. Nana had been tied up in the backyard. The poor dog was barking, for she could smell danger. And she was right - this was the night that Peter Pan would take the Darling children on the most breath-taking adventure of their lives, to a place called Neverland, a strange country where the lost boys live and never grow up, a land with mermaids, fairies and pirates - and of course the terrible, evil, Captain Hook. Peter Pan is undoubtedly one of the most famous and best-loved stories for children, an unforgettable, magical fantasy which has been enjoyed by generations • The Penguin English Library - collectable general readers' editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century to the end of the Second World War
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1 397 руб.
Take flight with Peter Pan and Tinkerhell on the adventure of a lifetime. Join them as they set off, together with the Darling children, for the magical world of Ueverland • J. M. Barries classic tale of Lost Boys, mermaids, pirates, and a boy who will never grow up will enchant readers of all ages. This unabridged edition also contains an additional story, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, and features brand-new illustrations by Leire Salaberria
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"All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust" • When Peter Pan loses his shadow in the Darling children's nursery, things will never be the same again • Over the rooftops of London, Peter Pan and the fairy Tinkerbell lead Wendy, Michael and John Darling to Neverland to start a new life with his gang of Lost Boys • There, they will encounter mermaids, princesses, a ticking crocodile and the fearsome Captain Hook and his terrible crew of pirates • What will their new life be like in Neverland? If Captain Hook has his way, they won't live long enough to find out • This special Puffin Classics edition brings together two of the most inspirational collections at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London - the works of Arts and Crafts pioneer William Morris and the literature of J
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 850 руб.
Barrie's classic tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up. It started life as a series of stories made up for the five Llewelyn Davies boys, who were virtually adopted by Barrie after being orphaned. This edition has F.D. Bedford's illustrations, which first appeared in the author's own day
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My-shop.ru г. Москва
383 руб.
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