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Bloomsbury The Silk Roads. The Extraordinary History that created your World Франкопан Питер

Bloomsbury The Silk Roads. The Extraordinary History that created your World Франкопан Питер

цена 2 665 руб.
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Set your sails east with this stunningly original new history of the world • Peter Frankopan, number one bestselling author and historian, explores the connections made by people, trade, disease, war, religion, adventure, science and technology in this extraordinary book about how the east married the west with a remarkable voyage at it's heart - the journey along the Silk Roads • From ancient world laws laid down by King Hammurabi and the mighty Persian empire, to terrifying huns, the rise of Europe, two world wars and politics today, "The Silk Roads" illustrated edition moves through time and history sewing together the threads from different peoples, empires and continents into a phenomenal history of the globe • With stories from each and every corner of society, Frankopan's magnificent brand new text based on his literary triumph "The Silk Roads", sumptuously illustrated by Neil Packer, is a must-have world history подробнее
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For centuries, fame and fortune were to be found in the west - in the New World of the Americas. Today, it is the east which calls out to those in search of riches and adventure. Sweeping right across Central Asia and deep into China and India, a region that once took centre stage is again rising to dominate global politics, commerce and culture • A major reassessment of world history, The Silk Roads is a dazzling exploration of the forces that have driven the rise and fall of empires, determined the flow of ideas and goods and are now heralding a new dawn in international affairs
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Traversing snowy mountain passes, vast, forbidding deserts, and stormy seas, the Silk Roads were about much more than the movement of goods: they paved the way for an unprecedented period of cultural exchange, diplomacy, and conflict, creating a legacy that continues to affect global geopolitics in the 21st century • Forged over millennia through a desire for enterprise, these trading routes have had a profound influence on Eurasia and beyond, connecting cultures, languages, customs, and religions. And with China now working to reopen this ancient trade network, the time is right to shine a new light on its history and impact • With helpful timelines and useful information boxes, The Silk Roads gives you everything you need to master the history of this world-changing region
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 494 руб.
The New Silk Roads – Peter Frankopan's follow-up to the 'Book of the Decade', The Silk Roads – takes a fresh look at the network of relationships being formed along the length and breadth of the Silk Roads today • The world is changing dramatically and in an age of Brexit and Trump, the themes of isolation and fragmentation permeating the western world stand in sharp contrast to events along the Silk Roads, where ties have been strengthened and mutual cooperation established • Following the Silk Roads eastwards from Europe through to China, by way of Russia and the Middle East, The New Silk Roads provides a timely reminder that we live in a world that is profoundly interconnected. In this prescient contemporary history, Peter Frankopan assesses the global reverberations of these continual shifts in the centre of power – all too often absent from headlines in the west
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3 860 руб.
The New Silk Roads takes a fresh look at the relationships being formed along the length and breadth of the ancient trade routes today. The world is changing dramatically and in an age of Brexit and Trump, the themes of isolation and fragmentation permeating the western world stand in sharp contrast to events along the Silk Roads, where ties are being strengthened and mutual cooperation established • This prescient contemporary history provides a timely reminder that we live in a world that is profoundly interconnected. Following the Silk Roads eastwards from Europe through to China, by way of Russia and the Middle East, Peter Frankopan assesses the global reverberations of continual shifts in the centre of power - all too often absent from headlines in the west
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165 миллионов лет назад зародился ритм • 66 миллионов лет назад появилась первая мелодия • 40 тысяч лет назад Homo sapiens создал первый музыкальный инструмент • Сегодня музыка наполняет нашу жизнь. То, как мы создавали, исполняли и слушали музыку на протяжении всей истории, определило, что представляет собой наш биологический вид и как мы понимаем, кто мы такие. Тем не менее, это упущенная из виду часть нашей истории происхождения • The Musical Human отправляет нас в увлекательное путешествие сквозь века – от Баха до BTS и обратно – чтобы исследовать яркие взаимоотношения между музыкой и человеческим видом. Опираясь на знания из множества дисциплин, ведущий мировой музыковед Майкл Спитцер представляет глобальную историю музыки на максимально широком полотне, от глобальной истории до нашей повседневной жизни, от насекомых до обезьян, от людей до искусственного интеллекта
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Следуйте за биоархеологом Кэт Джарман - и за передовыми судебно-медицинскими методами, занимающими центральное место в ее исследованиях, - когда она раскрывает эпические истории эпохи викингов и прослеживает маленькую бусину из сердолика, найденную в могиле викингов в Дербишире, к ее истокам за тысячи миль к востоку в Гуджарате • Доктор Кэт Джарман - биоархеолог, специализирующийся на криминалистических методах исследования путей викингов, которые нашли пристанище на британской земле. Исследуя зубы, которым сейчас более тысячи лет, она может определить рацион питания в детстве и, таким образом, где, вероятно, родился человек. С помощью радиоуглеродного анализа она может установить дату смерти с точностью до нескольких лет. И ее исследование предлагает новое видение вероятной роли женщин и детей в культуре викингов
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THE U Скраб очищающий для кожи головы Your fresh head 280.0 Скрабы для головы
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A major new history of England's turbulent seventeenth century and how it marked the birth of a new world • The seventeenth century began as the English suddenly found themselves ruled by a Scotsman, and ended in the shadow of an invasion by the Dutch. Under James I, the country suffered terrorism and witch panics. Under his son Charles, state and society collapsed into civil war, to be followed by an army coup and regicide. For a short time – for the only time in history – England was a republic. There were bitter struggles over faith and no boundaries to politics. In the coffee shops and alehouses of plague-ridden London, new ideas were forged that were angry, populist and almost impossible for monarchs to control • Despite the radical changes that transformed England, few today understand the story of this revolutionary age
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How did a piece of gold foil completely change our understanding of atoms? • What part did a hot air balloon play in the discovery of cosmic rays? • How did the experiments in the run-up to the Large Hadron Collider lead to the invention of the World Wide Web? • Asking questions has always been at the heart of physics, our unending quest to understand the Universe and how everything in it behaves. How do we know all that we know about the world today? It's not simply because we have the maths – it's because we have done the experiments • Accelerator physicist Suzie Sheehy introduces us to the creative and curious people who, through a combination of genius, persistence and luck, staged the ground-breaking experiments of the twentieth century. From the serendipitous discovery of X-rays in a German laboratory, to the scientists trying to prove Einstein wrong (and inadvertently proving him right), The Matter of Everything takes us on a journey through the history of experiments that transformed our world
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3 851 руб.
How did a piece of gold foil completely change our understanding of atoms? What part did a hot air balloon play in the discovery of cosmic rays? How do we know all that we know about the world today? • It's not simply because we have the maths – it's because we have done the experiments • Accelerator physicist Suzie Sheehy introduces us to the creative and curious people who, through a combination of genius, tenacity and luck, staged the groundbreaking experiments of the twentieth century. From the serendipitous discovery of X-rays in a German laboratory, to the scientists trying to prove Einstein wrong (and inadvertently proving him right), The Matter of Everything takes us on a journey through the history of experiments that transformed our world
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"Уомблы путешествуют по миру" - книга Элизабет Бересфорд из серии про Уомблов • Двоюродный дедушка Булгари любит рассказывать младшим Уомблам историю кланов Уомблов. Но, к своей великой печали, он замечает, что внуки совсем не интересуются историей • Итак, двоюродный дедушка Булгари решает принять меры и показать этим юным Уомблам, насколько замечательна история Уомблов. Тобермори изобретает несколько заводных воздушных шаров для путешествий, и Ориноко, Бунго, Томск и Веллингтон отправляются в Америку, Тибет и Австралию • Книга на английском языке • Great Uncle Bulgaria loves telling the ancient and revered history of the Womble clans to the younger Wombles. But to his great sadness he notices that the young Wombles are not nearly as interested in the history as he is
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Discover the amazing and mysterious world of our seas and oceans and how important it is to protect them with this beautiful illustrated book • Explore an incredible collection of narratives, featuring fascinating facts and stories about the world's deepest seas and oceans • Written by the acclaimed TV and radio presenter Miranda Krestovnikoff and illustrated by the wonderful Jill Calder, this stunning book will have you diving into the deepest depths of the blue, exploring the astounding seas and oceans that cover our planet and discovering the amazing animals that populate our waters, including the largest living animal: the blue whale! • Let The Sea take you on a watery journey through different marine habitats that we know about - but who knows what else is out there waiting to be discovered? • Featuring an eclectic mix of layout styles with incredible artwork throughout, this is a book that will amaze children and families alike with fantastic facts on the astounding seas and oceans that cover our planet
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