г. Москва, Московская область
Doyle A.C The Tragedy of The Korosko = Трагедия пассажиров «Короско»: на англ.яз

Doyle A.C The Tragedy of The Korosko = Трагедия пассажиров «Короско»: на англ.яз

цена 344 руб.
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Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. His works also include fantasy and science fiction, as well as plays, romances, non-fiction and historical novels. "The Tragedy of The Korosko" tells the story of European tourists on a trip to Egypt, sailing up the River Nile in a boat called the Korosko. The book raises the themes of imperial sovereignty, invasive foreign policy, and even religious extremism подробнее
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