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Penguin Wild. An Elemental Journey Griffiths Jay

Penguin Wild. An Elemental Journey Griffiths Jay

цена 2 621 руб.
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Wild describes an extraordinary odyssey, courageous and sometimes dangerous, to wildernesses of earth and ice, water and fire. It is by turns funny, touching and harrowing, and offers a poetic consideration of the tender connection between human society and wild lands. Wild won the inaugural Orion Book Award for 2007 and was shortlisted for the Orwell prize and for the World Book Day award подробнее
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Britain's culinary Moses brings us the new foodie rules to live by, celebrating what and how we eat • The Ten Commandments may have had a lot going for them, but they don't offer those of us located in the 21st Century much in the way of guidance when it comes to our relationship with our food. And Lord knows we need it • Enter our new culinary Moses, the legendary restaurant critic Jay Rayner, with a new set of hand-tooled commandments for this food-obsessed age. He deals once and for all with questions like whether it is ever okay to covet thy neighbour's oxen (it is), eating with your hands (very important indeed) and if you should cut off the fat (no). Combining reportage and anecdotes with recipes worthy of adoration, Jay Rayner brings us the new foodie rules to live by
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It was a tragic day for the nation's wildlife when England's last and loneliest golden eagle died in an unmarked spot among the remote eastern fells of the Lake District. But the fight to restore the landscape had already begun • Lee Schofield, ecologist and site manager for RSPB Haweswater, is leading efforts to breathe life back into two hill farms and their thirty square kilometres of sprawling upland habitat • Informed by the land, its turbulent history and the people who have shaped it, Lee and his team are repairing damaged wetlands, meadows and woods. Each year, the landscape is becoming richer, wilder and better able to withstand the shocks of a changing climate • But in the contested landscape of the Lake District, change is not always welcomed, and success relies on finding a balance between rewilding and respecting cherished farming traditions
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В это подарочное издание вошёл ряд произведений Джорджа Оруэлла, в том числе «Как я стрелял в слона», «Радости детства» и «Некоторые соображения по поводу серой жабы» • В наши дни Оруэлл известен, в первую очередь, благодаря своему легендарному роману «1984» и повести «Скотный двор». Но в своё время он прославился отнюдь не за счёт художественной литературы. Некоторые его произведения пронизаны состраданием, другие – возмущением, но какие бы за ними ни стояли чувства, они всегда отражают проницательность автора и содержат множество интересных мыслей. Многие эссе Оруэлла по праву относятся к числу лучших представителей жанра • Перед вами часть серии Little Clothbound Classics от издательства Penguin. Она предлагает вниманию читателей рассказы, новеллы и эссе величайших писателей мира
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Коко Шанель была многим для многих людей. Выросшая в эмоциональной и финансовой бедности, она стала одной из определяющих фигур двадцатого века. Она была любовницей аристократов, художников и шпионов. Она нарушала правила стиля и приличия, соблазняя как мужчин, так и женщин, однако в своей работе ожидала самых высоких стандартов • Канал Лизы Чейни "Шанель. Интимная жизнь", наполненная новыми идеями и захватывающими открытиями, представляет самый яркий и провокационный портрет на сегодняшний день • Книга на английском языке • Coco Chanel was many things to many people. Raised in emotional and financial poverty, she became one of the defining figures of the twentieth century. She was mistress to aristocrats, artists and spies. She broke rules of style and decorum, seducing both men and women, yet in her work expected the highest standards
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For many thousands of readers Fernando Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet is almost a way of life. Ironic, haunting and melancholy, this completely unclassifiable work is the masterpiece of one of the twentieth century's most enigmatic writers • Richard Zenith's Pessoa at last allows us to understand this extraordinary figure. Some eighty-five years after his premature death in Lisbon, where he left over 25,000 manuscript sheets in a wooden trunk, Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) can now be celebrated as one of the great modern poets. Setting the story of his life against the nationalistic currents of European history, Zenith charts the heights of Pessoa's explosive imagination and literary genius • Much of Pessoa's charm and strangeness came from his writing under a variety of names that he used not only to conceal his identity but also to write in wildly varied styles with different imagined personalities
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Эссе Джорджа Оруэлла «Как я стрелял в слона», подарившее название этому сборнику, славится своей пронзительностью и честностью. В нём автор романа «1984» и повести «Скотный двор» рассказывает, как он в бытность офицером полиции в находящейся под контролем Британии Бирме, убил сбежавшего слона на виду у толпы. Зачем? Исключительно чтобы «не оказаться посмешищем» • В данную книгу вошли и другие классические эссе Оруэлла, например, «Моя страна, правая она или левая», «Как умирают бедняки» и «О радости детства» – его воспоминания об ужасах британских закрытых школ. А ещё он пишет о творчестве Шекспира, ночёвках без крыши над головой и еженедельниках для мальчиков. И, конечно, нельзя забывать о его апологии английской кухни • Эти бескомпромиссные, безапелляционные, провокационные и очень увлекательные произведения наглядно демонстрируют способность Джорджа Оруэлла докапываться до сути любой интересующей его темы
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From a tall tree growing in the forest - to the checkout counter at the grocery store - one little bag finds its way into the hands of a young boy on the eve of his first day of school • And so begins an incredible journey of one little bag that is used and reused and reused again • In a three-generation family, the bag is transporter of objects and keeper of memories. And when Grandfather comes to the end of his life, the family finds a meaningful new way for the battered, but much-loved little bag to continue its journey in the circle of life
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From the slums of Cape Town to the palaces of Algiers, through Pygmy villages where pineapples grow wild, to the Gulf of Guinea where the sea blazes with oil flares, across two continents and fourteen countries - this epic journey is nothing to swallows, they do it twice a year. But for Horatio Clare, writer and birdwatcher, it is the expedition of a lifetime • Along the way he discovers old empires and modern tribes, a witch-doctor's recipe for stewed swallow, explains how to travel without money or a passport, and describes a terrifying incident involving three Spanish soldiers and a tiny orange dog. By trains, motorbikes, canoes, one camel and three ships, Clare follows the swallows from reed beds in South Africa, where millions roost in February, to a barn in Wales, where a pair nest in May
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Wonderfully clear, fluent and eye-opening' THE TIMES • 'A stirring scientific journey, a celebration of human diversity and a call to rethink the "unthinkable"' NATURE • 'An utterly fascinating romp around the nether regions of the human mind' BIG ISSUE • IMAGINE . . . getting lost in a one-room flat; seeing auras; never forgetting a moment; a permanent orchestra in your head; turning into a tiger; life as an out-of-body experience; feeling other people's pain; being convinced you are dead; becoming a different person overnight • Our brains are far stranger than we think. We take it for granted that we can remember, feel emotion, navigate, empathise and understand the world around us, but how would our lives change if these abilities were dramatically enhanced - or disappeared overnight? • Award-winning science writer Helen Thomson has spent years travelling the world tracking down incredibly rare brain disorders
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