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Penguin Up Above the World Bowles Paul

Penguin Up Above the World Bowles Paul

цена 2 385 руб.
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A chance encounter while holidaying in Central America leads an American couple, the Slades, to befriend the charming, handsome Grove Soto and his young Cuban mistress. But as the Slades' trip becomes prolonged and they grow increasingly dependent on their new acquaintances, an undercurrent of cruelty begins to disturb the comfort and niceties to which they are accustomed. Up Above the World shows Paul Bowles to be a master of the tension and horror of rising viciousness подробнее
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The completely updated edition of J. M. Roberts and Odd Arne Westad's widely acclaimed, landmark bestseller The Penguin History of the World • For generations of readers The Penguin History of the World has been one of the great cultural experiences - the entire story of human endeavour laid out in all its grandeur and folly, drama and pain in a single authoritative book. Now, for the first time, it has been completely overhauled for its 6th edition - not just bringing it up to date, but revising it throughout in the light of new research and discoveries, such as the revolution in our understanding of many civilizations in the Ancient World. The closing sections of the book reflect what now seems to be the inexorable rise of Asia and the increasingly troubled situation in the West
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The extraordinary early life in India and England of one of the world's leading public intellectuals • Where is 'home'? For Amartya Sen, home has been many places - Dhaka in modern Bangladesh, the little university town of Santiniketan, where he was raised as much by his grandparents as by his parents, Calcutta where he first studied economics and was active in student movements, and Trinity College, Cambridge, to which he came aged 19 • Sen brilliantly recreates the atmosphere in each of these. He remembers his river journeys between Dhaka and his parents' ancestral homes and wonderfully explores the rich history and culture of Bengal. In 1943 he witnessed the disastrous unfolding of the Bengal Famine, and the following year the inflaming of tensions between Hindus and Muslims
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At 16, Martha collapses on the streets, suffering from starvation and exposure. She has reached rock bottom, but after Martha is taken to hospital, Lady Luck smiles kindly on her and she is given the opportunity to get off the streets for ever • Before long, Martha is on the way to leading the normal life she has so long dreamt of. She makes friends, begins to put the misery of her past behind her and even experiences her first taste of love • For her, love is a powerful feeling. She has never experienced real affection before and is now plunged into the complex world of love between a man and a woman. The intense emotion consumes her, for this is a forbidden love that can never be requited. After all, Ralph Fitzgerald is a priest, and he will never break his vow of chastity
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Louis XIV dominated his age. He extended France's frontiers into Netherlands and Germany, and established colonies overseas. The stupendous palace he built at Versailles became the envy of monarchs all over Europe. In his palaces, Louis encouraged dancing, hunting, music and gambling. He loved conversation, especially with women: the power of women in Louis's life and reign is a particular theme of this book. Louis was obsessed by the details of government but the cost of building palaces and waging continuous wars devastated the country's finances and helped set it on the path to revolution. Nevertheless, by his death, he had helped make his grandson king of Spain, where his descendants still reign, and France had taken essentially the shape it has today
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When Ellen finished the Vendee Globe, yachting's toughest race aged just 24 the nation took her to it's heart. The depth of the affection for Ellen is extraordinary - she makes people feel like they can do anything! • This is her story, written intrue Ellen style, in her own words, without the help of a ghost writer • Passionate, dramatic and and deeply affecting, her story will move and inspire all who read it
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It’s time we get back to common sense • It’s time to cancel the cancel culture • It’s time to Wake Up • If, like me, you’re sick and tired of being told how to think, speak, eat and behave, then this book is for you • If, like me, you think the world’s going absolutely nuts, then this book is for you • If, like me, you think NHS heroes and Captain Tom are the real stars of our society, not self-obsessed tone-deaf celebrities (and royal renegades!), then this book is for you. If, like me, you’re sickened by the cancel culture bullies destroying people’s careers and lives, then this book is for you. From feminism to masculinity, racism to gender, body image to veganism, mental health to competitiveness at school, the right to free speech and expressing an honestly held opinion is being crushed at the altar of ‘woke’ political correctness
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Polar Shift is the sixth NUMA Files novel by the inimitable Clive Cussler • Giant freak waves send an unsinkable cargo ship to the bottom of the Atlantic and a herd of killer whales attack a party of kayakers in the Pacific - random events, or evidence of polar shift? • For Kurt Austin of NUMA these two seemingly unconnected incidents are harbingers of a global phenomenon that will mark the end of civilization! A secret organization aiming to bring down the world's elite powers have discovered the means to bring about polar shift - a catastrophic event that will cause earthquakes, lava eruptions, tsunami, electrical disruption and giant whirlpools • Austin knows that he and NUMA cannot fail this time. The end of the world is coming unless he and the team can track down the conspirators or reverse the effects of the Earth's most destructive power: polar shift! • Clive Cussler, author of the best-selling Dirk Pitt novels Arctic Drift and Valhalla Rising, and co-author Paul Kemprecos pit their hero Kurt Austin against a destructive environmental force in Polar Shift, the sixth novel of the action-packed NUMA Files series
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Fez, 1954, and American ex-pat Stenham reluctantly accepts a guide for his night-time walk home through the streets of the Medina. A nationalist uprising is transforming the country, much to the annoyance of Stenham, who enjoys the trappings of the old city. His path soon crosses with the young, illiterate son of a healer, another outsider to the newly politicised life of Morocco, in this brutally honest novel of life in the midst of terrorism, violence and the ugly opportunism that accompanies both • Bowles's most masterly novel combines his classic themes: the conflict of Eastern and Western cultures and the trials of otherness
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Fire Ice is Clive Cussler's third NUMA Files novel, packed with nerve-shredding suspense • In the Black Sea, Kurt Austin and the NUMA team discover an abandoned submarine base commandeered by a mining tycoon who claims Romanov ancestry. Backed by his incredible wealth, the tycoon has proclaimed himself Czar of Russia. He is determined to overthrow the already shaky Russian government - and he has a terrifying surprise in store for the Americans that will ensure they don't interfere. But standing in his way are Kurt Austin and the NUMA team • Packed with the hair-raising action and dazzling imagination that are his hallmarks, Fire Ice is a stunning thriller from a writer at the top of his game • Clive Cussler, author of the best-selling Dirk Pitt novels Arctic Drift and Crescent Dawn, and co-author Paul Kemprecos unravel a tangled web of ambition and conspiracy in Fire Ice, the third novel of the action-packed NUMA Files series
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When a confrontation between a radical enivironmental group and a Danish cruiser off the Faroe Islands sinks a ship, trapping her crew beneath the waves, Kurt Austin of NUMA is immediately called to the rescue. Investigating the collision, Austin uncovers a trail of sabotage that leads to a sinister multinational corporation seeking control of the waves. When he is almost killed for his trouble, Austin knows that this is one organization that will let nothing stand in its way. But with an environmental disaster underway, the clock is ticking for Austin and the NUMA team
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Growing up in the world of the 'five towns' of industrial England, with their furnaces and chimneys, huddled red-brown streets, prayer meetings and small-minded bigotry, Anna is dominated by her miserly and tyrannical father. When she inherits a fortune and finds love, she struggles to break free from the constraints upon her, even though she is torn between duty and her deepest feelings. Arnold's novel of parental tyranny and rebellion is a portrayal of a woman of great spirit, complexity and integrity
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