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Penguin This Cruel Design Suvada Emily

Penguin This Cruel Design Suvada Emily

цена 1 906 руб.
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Where can you hide if you're running from yourself? • In bunkers and strongholds across the world, people are celebrating. There's a vaccine to the virus that has ravaged the planet for years • But the celebrations won't last for long • The vaccine isn't working. The virus is evolving. Catarina - genehacker, reluctant warrior - must find the one person who can help her. A man who is guilty of unimaginable crimes • Time is ticking, she only has three days before shadowy gentech corporation Cartaxus will use lethal code to wipe out every person on the planet's surface • Kill the hosts, kill the virus • Forced to question everything she knows and everyone she trusts, Cat discovers that the biggest threat of all may be buried in her own mind • The end of the world is approaching. Can she stop it? подробнее
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3 billion lives at stake. 2 people who can save them. 1 secret hidden in their DNA • A breathtaking debut series about one girl's quest for answers in a genetically and technologically advanced future • When a lone soldier, Cole, arrives with news of Lachlan Agatta's death, all hope seems lost for Catarina • Her father was the world's leading geneticist, and humanity's best hope of beating a devastating virus • Then, hidden beneath Cole's genehacked enhancements she finds a message of hope: Lachlan created a vaccine • Only she can find and decrypt it, if she can unravel the clues he left for her. The closer she gets, the more she finds herself at risk from Cartaxus, a shadowy organization with a stranglehold on the world's genetic tech. But it's too late to turn back
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Philosopher, dramatist, rhetorician, Stoic and pragmatist, Seneca was one of the most contradictory figures in ancient Rome, embracing a stern ascetic morality while amassing a fortune under Nero and eventually committing suicide. This definitive biography reveals a life lived perilously in the gap between ideals and reality
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Based on the author's own vivid experiences, The Cruel Sea is the nail-biting story of the crew of HMS Compass Rose, a corvette assigned to protect convoys in World War Two • Darting back and forth across the icy North Atlantic, Compass Rose played a deadly cat and mouse game with packs of German U-boats lying in wait beneath the ocean waves • Packed with tension and vivid descriptions of agonizing U-boat hunts, this tale of the most bitter and chilling campaign of the war tells of ordinary, heroic men who had to face a brutal menace which would strike without warning from the deep
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One hot summer, first love and so many buried secrets • Senara has never been in love before. She's not done anything exciting before. Always the sidekick . . . Until the summer that changes everything • Cliff House is closed off for most of the year until its rich Londoner owners come down to Cornwall for the summer. This year, despite herself, Senara finds herself pulled into this world of wealth and ease, sunbathing and beautiful people. She even finds herself falling in love for the first time • But Cliff House and its owners are hiding things. They've been hiding things for too long and now, despite all their efforts, their secrets are coming out . . . Secrets that involve Senara's friends and her family in a way she could never have imagined
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В попытке освободиться от оков своего степенного среднезападного воспитания Эмори Блейн стремится приобрести налёт восточной изощрённости. Его погоня за сексуальным и интеллектуальным просветлением проводит его через серию неудачных отношений, после которых он наконец попадает в реальный мир • В истории Американской литературы Фицджеральд стал почти мифологической фигурой, а его роман «Великий Гэтсби» многими считается величайшим американским романом. В 1920 году он женился на Зельде Сейр, звезде ранней американской эмансипации. Их нездоровый брак и прогрессирующее безумие жены оказали ключевое влияние на творчество писателя. Помимо многочисленных рассказов его перу принадлежат несколько романов, и «По эту сторону рая» был первым из них • Издание романа «По эту сторону рая» выдающегося американского писателя Фрэнсиса Скотта Фицджеральда, входящее в серию «Penguin Modern Classics» от издательства Penguin, станет отличным подарком поклонникам творчества автора
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I sometimes can't believe just how much has happened in the last couple of life-changing years. It's been a total whirlwind of a journey, and I'm so grateful to all my followers for their amazing love and support along the way • From my very first toy kitchen which was my pride and joy right through to the my very first Instagram posts stories of my cleaning routine, I'm going to take you back to the start of how it all began • But there is so much more to my story than just cleaning tips; there have been the highest of highs, but also heart-breaking devastating lows • So let's do this! Put your Hinch Lists to one side, get comfy and join me on the sofa with a cuppa. Welcome to my world • This is me: Soph - the wife, the mother and the person behind Mrs Hinch
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You will discover that this book can be • A secret message - tear out a page, write a note on it for a stranger, and leave it in a public place • A recording device - have everyone you contact today write their name in the book • An instrument - create as many sounds as you can using the book, like flipping the pages fast or slapping the cover • This Is Not a Book will engage readers by having them define everything a book can be by asking, 'If it's not a book, what is it then?' - with a kaleidoscope of possible answers
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Naomi Klein, author of the #1 international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo, returns with This Changes Everything, a must-read on how the climate crisis needs to spur transformational political change • Forget everything you think you know about global warming. It's not about carbon - it's about capitalism. The good news is that we can seize this existential crisis to transform our failed economic system and build something radically better • In her most provocative book yet, Naomi Klein, author of the global bestsellers The Shock Doctrine and No Logo, tackles the most profound threat humanity has ever faced: the war our economic model is waging against life on earth • Klein exposes the myths that are clouding the climate debate • You have been told the market will save us, when in fact the addiction to profit and growth is digging us in deeper every day
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If change is the natural order of things, why do we struggle with the huge milestones in our lives? • At a time when even the most certain things feel disrupted, acclaimed psychotherapist Julia Samuel provides an antidote to the chaos we are all feeling. In this Sunday Times bestseller, Julia draws on hours of conversations with her patients to show how we can learn to adapt and even thrive during our most difficult and transformative experiences • From a new mother struggling with the decision to return to work, to a father handling a serious medical diagnosis, from a woman deciding whether to leave her husband for a younger lover, to a man struggling to repair his marriage after the trauma of suffering with COVID-19 in the ICU, this book unflinchingly deals with the hard times in family, love, work, health and identity
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Mo, Cali, Jude • Three teenagers befriend each other on the white cliffs, thinking they'll save each other • Within months, two of them are dead and the third is scarred for life • Ten years later, documentary-maker Tarek Zayat and his film crew are in town, asking difficult questions, looking for secrets in the silence around that fateful summer • Because in the shadow of the white cliffs it's easy for stories, histories and people to get lost. And in a small town, the truth is something that must be carefully unburied - in case it buries you • This Nowhere Place is a tense and atmospheric mystery about the aftermath of a fateful and fatal friendship, perfect for fans of Emma Cline and Jane Harper
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In 1570, when it became clear she would never be gathered into the Catholic fold, Elizabeth I was excommunicated by the Pope. On the principle that 'my enemy's enemy is my friend', this marked the beginning of an extraordinary English alignment with the Muslim powers who were fighting Catholic Spain in the Mediterranean, and of cultural, economic and political exchanges with the Islamic world of a depth not again experienced until the modern age. England signed treaties with the Ottoman Porte, received ambassadors from the kings of Morocco and shipped munitions to Marrakesh. By the late 1580s hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Elizabethan merchants, diplomats, sailors, artisans and privateers were plying their trade from Morocco to Persia. These included the resourceful mercer Anthony Jenkinson who met both Suleyman the Magnificent and the Persian Shah Tahmasp in the 1560s, William Harborne, the Norfolk merchant who became the first English ambassador to the Ottoman court in 1582 and the adventurer Sir Anthony Sherley, who spent much of 1600 at the court of Shah Abbas the Great
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2 944 руб.
In this extraordinary non-fiction novel, based on a true story, Tahar Ben Jelloun traces the experiences of Salim who, in 1971, took part in a failed coup attempt to oust King Hassan II of Morocco. With sixty others Salim was incarcerated in a secret prison complex in the Moroccan desert: he was to remain there for nearly twenty years • In starkly eloquent, beautiful prose, Ben Jelloun relates the prisoners' experiences as they struggle to survive. The son of a witty, feckless courtier who disowns him, Salim tells stories to keep sane - from the suras of his beloved Koran to the plot of A Streetcar Named Desire. Even in the darkest, most terrible conditions, sympathy, insight, the human quest for meaning and understanding, never desert Salim
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