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Penguin The Princess Casamassima Джеймс Генри

Penguin The Princess Casamassima Джеймс Генри

цена 2 621 руб.
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The illegitimate and impoverished son of a dressmaker and a nobleman, Hyacinth Robinson has grown up with a strong sense of beauty that heightens his acute sympathy for the inequalities that surround him. Drawn into a secret circle of radical politics he makes a rash vow to commit a violent act of terrorism. But when the Princess Casamassima - beautiful, clever and bored - takes him up and introduces him to her own world of wealth and refinement, Hyacinth is torn. He is horrified by the destruction that would be wreaked by revolution, but still believes he must honour his vow, and finds himself gripped in an agonizing and, ultimately, fatal dilemma. A compelling blend of psychological observation, wit and compassion, The Princess Casamassima (1886) is one of Henry James's most deeply personal novels подробнее
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Henry James's highly charged study of adultery, jealousy and possession, The Golden Bowl is edited with an introduction and notes by Ruth Bernard Yeazell in Penguin Classics • Maggie Verver, a young American heiress, and her widowed father Adam, a billionaire collector of objets d'art, lead a life of wealth and refinement in London. They are both getting married: Maggie to Prince Amerigo, an impoverished Italian aristocrat, and Adam to the beautiful but penniless Charlotte Stant, a friend of his daughter. But both father and daughter are unaware that their new conquests share a secret - one for which all concerned must pay the price. Henry James's late, great work both continues and challenges his theme of confrontation between American innocence and European experience
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Making her debut in London society, Nanda Brookenham is being groomed for the marriage market. Thrust suddenly into the superficial and immoral circle that surrounds her mother, the innocent but independent-minded young woman even finds herself in competition with Mrs Brookenham for the affection of the man she admires. Only an elderly bachelor, Mr Longdon, is immune to this world of greed and scheming, and determines to rescue Nanda from its corrupting influences out of loyalty to the deep love he once felt for her grandmother. In The Awkward Age (1899), Henry James explores the English character, and the clash between old and new money with a light and subtly ironic touch to create a devastating critique of society and its machinations
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2 623 руб.
Джеймс Паттерсон совместно с Джеймсом О. Борном представляют захватывающий детектив "Русский" • Приближается день свадьбы Майкла Беннетта, и убийца должен выполнить свою собственную клятву в тринадцатом триллере с участием лучшего детектива полиции Нью-Йорка • За несколько недель до того, как детектив полиции Нью-Йорка Майкл Беннетт женится на своей давней возлюбленной Мэри Кэтрин, наемный убийца объявляет о своем присутствии в городе чередой убийств • Работая бок о бок с ФБР, Беннетт раскрывает множество нераскрытых убийств по всей стране, которые соответствуют одной и той же характерной схеме • Он обещает Мэри Кэтрин, что это дело не повлияет на их предстоящую свадьбу, но, пока он пытается связать убийства, Беннетт, возможно, попадает в смертельную ловушку
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Originally published in 1823, The Pioneers is the first of Cooper's five Leatherstocking Tales, and the one that incorporates most fully his own experience of growing up in a town of the American frontier. The heart of the novel is a conflict over who owns America, and by what concept of right. The competing claims of Native Americans, Tory loyalists, roving hunters, and visionary cultivators are pitted against one another in the area of history, and the magical village ofCooper's youth becomes the scene in which a nation's destiny is forged. The novel also marks the invention of his enduring contribution to world literature: Natty Bumpo, the Leatherstocking
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Maggie Atwood and Becky McCabe - mother and daughter, both champion riders - vowed to never, ever, compete against one another • But a dramatic turn of events ahead of the Paris Olympics changes everything • Mother and daughter share a dream: to be the best in the world. Only one rider can fulfil that dream and make history
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The story of young Nanda Brookenham's struggle to preserve her honesty in the brilliant but corrupt world of her parents is a drama of innocence betrayed yet preserved. Written when James was recovering from the shock od failure as a playwright, The Awkward Age is one of his greatest masterpieces. Conceived like a play terms of scenes and conducted largely through witty dialogue, the novel bears the triumphant signs of his painful apprenticeship in the theatre
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Когда застенчивая Мэгги Вервер выходит замуж за итальянского принца, а ее овдовевший отец становится мужем бывшей любовницы принца, начинается сложная и причудливая битва между двумя женами. Блистательная Шарлотта Стант полна решимости вернуть своего возлюбленного; Мэгги - спасти оба брака и оградить своего отца от любых слухов о супружеской измене. Роман Джеймса "Золотая чаша" - это одновременно виртуозное повествование и непревзойденная психологическая драма • Книга на английском языке • When the shy Maggie Verver marries an Italian Prince and her widowed father becomes the husband of the Prince's former mistress, the stage is set for a complex and bizarre battle between two wives. The brilliant Charlotte Stant is determined to take back her lover; Maggie, to save both marriages and to protect her father from any knowledge of the adulterous liaison
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"Поворот винта" - классическая история о привидениях, за которую Джеймса больше всего помнят. Действие происходит в загородном доме, и это леденящая душу история о сверхъестественном, рассказанная мастером жанра • "Бумаги Асперна" - это рассказ об американцах в Европе, тема, в которой Генри Джеймс наиболее уверен и совершенен. Автор умело воссоздает драму "Человеческой комедии" в декорациях венецианского дворца • Книга на английском языке • The Turn of the Screw is the classic ghost story for which James is most remembered. Set in a country house, it is a chilling tale of the supernatural told by a master of the genre • The Aspern Papers is a tale of Americans in Europe, a theme in which Henry James is at his most assured and accomplished. The author cleverly evokes the drama of comedie humaine against the settings of a Venetian palace
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The Penguin English Library edition of The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James • 'She knew of no wrong that he had done; he was not violent, he was not cruel; she simply believed that he hated her' • When Isabel Archer, a beautiful, spirited American, is brought to Europe by her wealthy aunt Touchett, it is expected that she will soon marry. But Isabel, resolved to enjoy her freedom, does not hesitate to turn down two eligible suitors. Then she finds herself irresistibly drawn to Gilbert Osmond. Charming and cultivated, Osmond sees Isabel as a rich prize waiting to be taken. In this portrait of a 'young woman affronting her destiny', Henry James created one of his most magnificent heroines, and a story of intense poignancy • The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War
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2 146 руб.
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online • Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content • The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary
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The Penguin English Library Edition of Daisy Miller and The Turn of the Screw by Henry James • "I'm a fearful, frightful flirt! Did you ever hear of a nice girl that was not?" • This edition contains two of Henry James's most popular short works • Travelling in Europe with her family, Daisy Miller, an exquisitely beautiful young American woman, presents her fellow-countryman Winterbourne with a dilemma he cannot resolve. Is she deliberately flouting social convention in the outspoken way she talks and acts, or is she simply ignorant of those conventions? In Daisy Miller Henry James created his first great portrait of the enigmatic and dangerously independent American woman, a figure who would come to dominate his later masterpieces • Oscar Wilde called James's chilling The Turn of the Screw 'a most wonderful, lurid poisonous little tale'
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