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Penguin Speaking Out. Lectures and Speeches 1937-58 Камю Альбер

Penguin Speaking Out. Lectures and Speeches 1937-58 Камю Альбер

цена 2 583 руб.
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Новая коллекция "Лекции и выступления 1937-1958" Альбера Камю дает захватывающее представление об одном из самых стойких писателей двадцатого века. От довоенной речи о политике Средиземноморья, произнесенной, когда ему было всего двадцать два, до его страстных лекций о присуждении Нобелевской премии и нескольких статей, впервые опубликованных на английском языке, эта книга демонстрирует ясность и тонкость мышления Камю, его "упрямый гуманизм" и его безошибочную приверженность к свободе и справедливости • Книга на английском языке • This definitive new collection of Albert Camus' public speeches and lectures gives a compelling insight into one of the twentieth century's most enduring writers. From a pre-war speech on the politics of the Mediterranean - delivered when he was just twenty-two - to his impassioned Nobel Prize acceptance lectures and several pieces appearing in English for the first time, Speaking Out shows Camus' clarity and subtlety of thought, his 'stubborn humanism' and his unerring commitment to freedom and justice подробнее
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The stories of Exile and the Kingdom explore the dilemma of being an outsider - even in one's own country - and of allegiance. With intense power and lyricism, Camus evokes beautiful but harsh landscapes, whether the shimmering deserts of his native Algeria or the wild, mysterious jungles of Brazil • Here a Frenchwoman is gradually seduced by the sheer difference of North Africa, a mutilated renegade is driven mad by the cruelty of his own people, and a barrel-maker watches the slow decline of his craft. A kindly teacher must choose between the law and a life, while a modest painter is out of his depth in the hypocrisy of the art world, and a French engineer discovers a new sense of belonging in a distant land • French novelist, essayist, and playwright
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Альбер Камю сыграл значительную роль в отмене смертной казни во Франции и других странах Европы. В 1957 году он опубликовал свое знаменитое эссе «Размышления о гильотине», в котором рассматривает смертную казнь как абсолютное возмездие в мире, где абсолютная вина невозможна • Книга на английском языке • 'When silence or tricks of language contribute to maintaining an abuse that must be reformed or a suffering that can be relieved, then there is no other solution but to speak out' • Written when execution by guillotine was still legal in France, Albert Camus' devastating attack on the 'obscene exhibition' of capital punishment remains one of the most powerful, persuasive arguments ever made against the death penalty • One of twenty new books in the bestselling Penguin Great Ideas series
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'To create today means to create dangerously' • This new collection contains some of Camus' most brilliant political writing as he reflects on moral responsibility and the role of the artist in the world. Letters to a German Friend, written and published underground during the Nazi occupation of France, was born out of Camus' experience in the Resistance and explores what it truly means to love your country. Reflections on the Guillotine, his impassioned polemic against the death penalty, became a touchstone for the movement to abolish capital punishment, while in his Nobel speeches Camus argues that the artist must engage with dangerous times. Together these powerful pieces express Camus' mistrust of rigid ideologies, and his commitment to human solidarity
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Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith • Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil • Jean-Baptiste Clamence - refined, handsome, forty, a former successful lawyer - is in turmoil. Over several drunken nights he regales a chance acquaintance with his story. He talks of parties and his debauchery, of Parisian nights and the Aegean sea, and, ultimately, of his self-loathing
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"Миф о Сизифе" Альбера Камю - это обобщение экзистенциалистской философии, пронизывающей все его творчество • В этом глубоком и трогательном философском высказывании Камю ставит фундаментальный вопрос: стоит ли жить? Если человеческое существование не имеет смысла, что может удержать нас от самоубийства? Как утверждает Камю, если нет Бога, который придал бы смысл нашей жизни, люди должны сами достичь этой цели. И это бесконечный путь, подобный Сизифу, вечно катящему свой камень, поскольку неизбежность смерти постоянно нависает над нами • Этот том содержит несколько других эссе, в том числе лирические воспоминания о залитых солнцем городах Алжире и Оране, местах действия его великих романов "Чужак" и "Чума" • Книга на английском языке • The summation of the existentialist philosophy threaded throughout all his writing, Albert Camus' The Myth of Sisyphus is translated by Justin O'Brien with an introduction by James Wood in Penguin Classics
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Albert Camus was born in a 'world of poverty and sunshine' in Algeria, which would infuse all of his work. This new collection brings together three volumes of Camus' most intimate autobiographical writings for the first time. The Wrong Side and the Right Side, his first book, describes his family and his early years in a working-class neighbourhood. Nuptials rejoices in the sensuality of sun, landscape and sea, while Summer ranges over the cities of Algiers and Oran, nature and identity. Lyrical and emotional, these pieces enrich our understanding of Camus and his love of life
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The Plague is Albert Camus's world-renowned fable of fear and courage • The townspeople of Oran are in the grip of a deadly plague, which condemns its victims to a swift and horrifying death. Fear, isolation and claustrophobia follow as they are forced into quarantine. Each person responds in their own way to the lethal disease: some resign themselves to fate, some seek blame, and a few, like Dr Rieux, resist the terror • An immediate triumph when it was published in 1947, The Plague is in part an allegory of France's suffering under the Nazi occupation, and a story of bravery and determination against the precariousness of human existence
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Is it possible to die a happy death?This is the central question of Camus's astonishing early novel, published posthumously and greeted as a major literary event. It tells the story of a young Algerian, Mersault, who defies society's rules by committing a murder and escaping punishment, then experimenting with different ways of life and finally dying a happy man. In many ways A Happy Death is a fascinating first sketch for The Outsider, but it can also be seen as a candid self-portrait, drawing on Camus's memories of his youth, travels and early relationships. It is infused with lyrical descriptions of the sun-drenched Algiers of his childhood - the place where, eventually, Mersault is able to find peace and die 'without anger, without hatred, without regret'
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The unfinished manuscript of The First Man was discovered in the wreckage of car accident in which Camus died in 1960. Although it was not published for over thirty years, it was an instant bestseller when it finally appeared in 1994. The 'first man' is Jacques Cormery, whose poverty-stricken childhood in Algiers is made bearable by his love for his silent and illiterate mother, and by the teacher who transforms his view of the world. The most autobiographical of Camus's novels, it gives profound insights into his life and the powerful themes underlying his work • Albert Camus was born in Algeria in 1913. The works that established his international reputation include The Plague, The Fall, The Rebel and The Outsider. Camus died in a road accident in 1960 and is remembered as one of the greatest philsophical novelists of the twentieth century
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Jean-Baptiste Clamence is a soul in turmoil. Over several drunken nights in an Amsterdam bar, he regales a chance acquaintance with his story. From this successful former lawyer and seemingly model citizen a compelling, self-loathing catalogue of guilt, hypocrisy and alienation pours forth. The Fall (1956) is a brilliant portrayal of a man who has glimpsed the hollowness of his existence. But beyond depicting one man's disillusionment, Camus's novel exposes the universal human condition and its absurdities - for our innocence that, once lost, can never be recaptured
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«Утром 16 апреля доктор Риэ вышел из своего кабинета и наткнулся посреди лестничной площадки на дохлую крысу» • Все начинается с крыс. Их рвет кровью, они умирают сотнями, затем тысячами. Когда крысы исчезли, жители начали болеть. Как и крысы, они тоже умирают во все большем количестве • Власти изолируют город. Отрезанные, напуганные горожане должны столкнуться с этим ужасом в одиночку. Некоторые смиряются со смертью или капризами судьбы. Другие ищут виноватых или мечтают о мести. Один полон решимости сбежать • Но некоторые, такие как стойкий доктор Риэ, объединяются, чтобы бороться с террором. Чудовищное зло вошло в их жизнь, но они никогда не сдадутся ему • Они будут противостоять чуме • язык издания: Английский • 'On the morning of April 16, Dr Rieux emerged from his consulting-room and came across a dead rat in the middle of the landing
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A hauntingly beautiful social history of the Thames Estuary, from the author of On Brick Lane • Out at the eastern edge of England, between land and ocean, you will find beautiful, haunted salt marshes, coastal shallows and wide-open skies: the Thames Estuary. The estuary is an ancient gateway to England, a passage for numberless travellers in and out of London. And for generations, the people of Kent and Essex have lived and worked on the Estuary, learning its waters, losing loved ones to its deeps. Their heritage is a proud but never an easy one. In the face of a world changing around them, they endure • Rachel Lichtenstein spent five years exploring this unique community and recording its extraordinary chorus of voices, present and past. From mud larkers and fishermen to radio pirates and champion racers, from buried princesses to unexploded bombs, Estuary is a celebration of a haunting & profoundly British place
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