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Penguin I Was a Rat! Or, The Scarlet Slippers Пулман Филип

Penguin I Was a Rat! Or, The Scarlet Slippers Пулман Филип

цена 932 руб.
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Featuring wonderful new illustrations from Peter Bailey, this intriguing and exciting tale of chance and misfortune by multi award-winning Philip Pullman, is perfect for readers young and old • I was a Rat! Roger insists, and insists... In fact, when Bob the cobbler and his washerwoman wife, Joan, find the young boy abandoned on their doorstep, these are the only words he says. And he does have ratty behaviour, it's true • Staying with Bob and Joan, however, Roger learns quickly to behave more like a human child. They try to find his parents, but the orphanage, police and hospital all have nothing on their records about a lost boy in the city. What is the truth? As more and more people find out about Roger the mysterious rat-boy he faces more and more danger подробнее
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В этой прекрасной книге классических сказок автор, удостоенный множества наград, Филип Пуллман выбрал пятьдесят своих любимых историй из Братьев Гримм и представляет их в свойственном ему уникальном и блестящем пересказе • От приключений и романтики классических сказок, таких как "Рапунцель", "Белоснежка" и "Золушка", до опасности и остроумия таких менее известных сказок, как "Три змеиных листика", "Двенадцать братьев" и "Смерть кума", Пулман выносит дух каждой сказки на первый план, сопровождая историю кратким, но увлекательным комментарием. В своем вступлении он рассказывает о том, как эти истории просуществовали так долго • В сборнике "Сказки Братьев Гримм для молодых и старых" вечные истории показаны наиболее доходчиво и увлекательно • Книга на английском языке
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Immanuel Kant was one of the most influential philosophers in the whole of Europe, who changed Western thought with his examinations of reason and the nature of reality. In these writings he investigates human progress, civilization, morality and why, to be truly enlightened, we must all have the freedom and courage to use our own intellect • Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are
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Mailer's superb account, written as it was happening, of the first attempt to land men on the moon • 'Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.' • A Fire on the Moon tells the scarcely credible story of the Apollo 11 mission. It is suffused with Mailer's obsession both with the astronauts themselves and with his own anxieties and terrors about the extremity of what they were trying to achieve. Mailer is both admiring and appalled and the result is a book which is both a gripping narrative and a brilliant depiction of the now-forgotten technical issues and uncertainties around the mission. A Fire on the Moon is also a matchless portrait of an America caught in a morass of introspection and misery, torn apart by the war in Vietnam. But for one, extraordinary week in the summer of 1969 all eyes were on the fates of three men in a rocket, travelling a quarter of a million miles away from Earth
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Филип Пулман возвращает нас в мир "Темных Начал" с этим великолепным первым томом нового цикла "Книги пыли" • Оксфордская жизнь Малкольма Полстеда была рутинной, даже заурядной. Счастливее всего он чувствовал себя, играя со своим деймоном Астой в их каноэ. Но теперь, когда дождь усиливается, мир вокруг Малкольма и Асты, похоже, становится все более далеким от обычного • Обнаружив, что связан с малышкой по имени Лира Белаква, Малкольм вынужден принять вызов всей своей жизни и отправиться в опасное путешествие, которое изменит его и Лиру навсегда… • Книга на английском языке • Philip Pullman returns to the world of His Dark Materials with this magnificent first volume of The Book of Dust - now available in paperback and illustrated throughout by Chris Wormell
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The Penguin English Library Edition of Daisy Miller and The Turn of the Screw by Henry James • "I'm a fearful, frightful flirt! Did you ever hear of a nice girl that was not?" • This edition contains two of Henry James's most popular short works • Travelling in Europe with her family, Daisy Miller, an exquisitely beautiful young American woman, presents her fellow-countryman Winterbourne with a dilemma he cannot resolve. Is she deliberately flouting social convention in the outspoken way she talks and acts, or is she simply ignorant of those conventions? In Daisy Miller Henry James created his first great portrait of the enigmatic and dangerously independent American woman, a figure who would come to dominate his later masterpieces • Oscar Wilde called James's chilling The Turn of the Screw 'a most wonderful, lurid poisonous little tale'
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Филип Пулман — знаменитый британский писатель, обладатель многочисленных наград и автор бестселлеров для детей и взрослых — предлагает современному читателю авторский перевод пятидесяти классических сказок братьев Гримм. Пулмановский пересказ любимых и знакомых каждому историй — это не интерпретация, а собственное видение народного творчества европейских сказочников
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The second volume of Steven Runciman's classic, hugely influential trilogy on the history of the Crusades • 'There was magic about. Saladin himself was troubled by terrible dreams...' • Steven Runciman's unrivalled history of the Crusades is a classic of learning and vivid, compelling storytelling, which brilliantly brings to life the personalities, battles, massacres, triumphs and follies of these epochal events. In this second volume of his trilogy Runciman tells the story of the foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the disastrous, bloody Second Crusade and the inexorable rise of the crusaders' nemesis, Saladin
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The classic American novel, rejacketed with a new foreword by Tom Perotta and introduction by Hawthorne scholar Robert Milder • Set in the harsh Puritan community of 17th century Boston, this is a tale of an adulterous entanglement that results in an illegitimate birth. The mother of the child, Hester Prynne, is publicly disgraced and ostracized but emerges as the first true heroine of American fiction
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