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Penguin History of Modern China1850 to the Present Fenby Jonathan

In 1850, China was the "sick man of Asia." Now it is set to become the most powerful nation on earth. The Penguin History of Modern China shows how turbulent that journey has been. For 150 years China has endured as victim of oppression, war, and famine. This makes its current position as arguably the most important global superpower all the more extraordinary
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The completely updated edition of J. M. Roberts and Odd Arne Westad's widely acclaimed, landmark bestseller The Penguin History of the World • For generations of readers The Penguin History of the World has been one of the great cultural experiences - the entire story of human endeavour laid out in all its grandeur and folly, drama and pain in a single authoritative book. Now, for the first time, it has been completely overhauled for its 6th edition - not just bringing it up to date, but revising it throughout in the light of new research and discoveries, such as the revolution in our understanding of many civilizations in the Ancient World. The closing sections of the book reflect what now seems to be the inexorable rise of Asia and the increasingly troubled situation in the West
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 606 руб.
Знаменитая "История Латинской Америки" от Эдвина Уилльямсона, полностью обновленная до 2009 года, рассказывает о ее бурной истории от Колумба до Чавеса. Начиная с испанских и португальских завоеваний Нового Света, она охватывает столетия потрясений, революций и модернизации вплоть до наших дней, подробно рассматривая Аргентину, Мексику, Бразилию, Чили и Кубу, и дает обзор культурных событий, которые сделали Латинскую Америку источником восхищения для всего мира • Книга на английском языке • Now fully updated to 2009, this acclaimed history of Latin America tells its turbulent story from Columbus to Chavez. Beginning with the Spanish and Portugese conquests of the New World, it takes in centuries of upheaval, revolution and modernization up to the present day, looking in detail at Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Cuba, and gives an overview of the cultural developments that have made Latin America a source of fascination for the world
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3 225 руб.
Ясная, достоверная история экономической мылси, которую легко читать, от древнего мира и до наших дней. От Гомера до Маркса и Джона Стюарта Милля, Бэкхаус показывает, как отделить кейнсианцев от посткейнсианцев и новых кейнсианцев. Ключевая книга • язык издания: Английский • A very clear, reliable and readable history of economic thought from the ancient world to the present day. From Homer to Marx to John Stuart Mill, Backhouse shows how to keep your Keynsians from your post-Keynsians and New Keynsians. A core book
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 164 руб.
This new edition of Brogan's superb one-volume history - from early British colonisation to the Reagan years - captures an array of dynamic personalities and events. In a broad sweep of America's triumphant progress. Brogan explores the period leading to Independence from both the American and the British points of view, touching on permanent features of 'the American character' - both the good and the bad. He provides a masterly synthesis of all the latest research illustrating America's rapid growth from humble beginnings to global dominance
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 214 руб.
Migrants have stood at the heart of modern Europe's experience, whether trying to escape danger, to find a better life or as a result of deliberate policy, whether moving from the countryside to the city, or between countries, or from outside the continent altogether • Peter Gatrell's powerful new book is the first to bring these stories together into one place. He creates a compelling narrative bracketed by two nightmarish periods: the great convulsions following the fall of the Third Reich and the mass attempts in the 2010s by migrants to cross the Mediterranean into Europe • "The Unsettling of Europe" is a new history of the continent, charting the ever-changing arguments about the desirability or otherwise of migrants and their central role in Europe's post-1945 prosperity
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 227 руб.
Brendan Simms's formidable, game-changing history of Europe • In this marvelously ambitious and exciting book, Brendan Simms tells the story of Europe's constantly shifting geopolitics and the peculiar circumstances that have made it both so impossible to dominate, but also so dynamic and ferocious. It is the story of a group of highly competitive and mutually suspicious dynasties, but also of a continent uniquely prone to interference from 'semi-detached' elements, such as Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Britain and (just as centrally to Simms's argument) the United States
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3 393 руб.
"Тёмные века" часто считают периодом варварства и невежества, но именно они стали горнилом, в котором была выкована современная Европа • Исторический труд Криса Уикхема рассказывает о значимости для истории и культуры этого времени и живших тогда народов - готов, франков, вандалов, византийцев, арабов, англосаксов и викингов. События от падения Римской империи до возникновения новых европейских государств, разворачивающиеся на просторах от Ирландии до Константинополя и от Балтийского моря до Средиземноморья - эта выдающаяся книга поможет вам понять эпоху, ознаменованную как войнами и смутой, так и преемственностью эпох, творчеством и великими достижениями • Книга на английском языке • The world known as the 'Dark Ages', often seen as a time of barbarism, was in fact the crucible in which modern Europe would be created
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2 914 руб.
Whether it was Churchill rousing the British to take up arms or the dream of Martin Luther King, Fidel Castro inspiring the Cuban revolution or Barack Obama on Selma and the meaning of America, speeches have profoundly influenced the way we see ourselves and society • Gathered here are some of the most extraordinary and memorable speeches of the last century - from Lenin to Reagan, Thatcher to Malala. Some are well known, others less so, but all helped form the world we now inhabit
My-shop.ru г. Москва
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The definitive history of the North of England as told through the lives of its inhabitants • A work of unrivalled scale and ambition, Northerners is the defining biography of northern England • This authoritative new history of place and people lays out the dramatic events that created the north – waves of migration, invasions and battles, and transformative changes wrought on European culture and the global economy. In a sweeping narrative that takes us from the earliest times to the present day, the book shows that the people of the north have shaped Britain and the world in unexpected ways • At least six Roman emperors ruled from York. The Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria was Europe’s leading cultural and intellectual centre. Cartimandua, Queen of the Brigantes, deserves to be as famous as Boudica
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 091 руб.
Ezra Stoller: A Photographic History of Modern American Architecture — история американского модернизма в виденье легендарного архитектурного фотографа Эзры Столлера • За свою более чем полувековую карьеру Эзра Столлер, всегда остававшийся приверженцем чё
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With the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815, the next two centuries for France would be tumultuous. Bestselling historian and political commentator Jonathan Fenby provides an expert and riveting journey through this period as he recounts and analyses the extraordinary sequence of events of this period from the end of the First Revolution through two others, a return of Empire, three catastrophic wars with Germany, periods of stability and hope interspersed with years of uncertainty and high tensions. As her cross-Channel neighbour Great Britain would equally suffer, France was to undergo the wrenching loss of colonies in the post-Second World War as the new modern world we know today took shape. Her attempts to become the leader of the European union is a constant struggle, as was her lack of support for America in the two Gulf Wars of the past twenty years
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 661 руб.
A succinct, expert Pelican history of the most contentious issue of our time • After all the debates, manoeuvrings, recriminations and exaltations, Brexit is upon us. But, as Kevin O'Rourke writes, Brexit did not emerge out of nowhere: it is the culmination of events that have been under way for decades and have historical roots stretching back well beyond that. Brexit has a history • O'Rourke, one of the leading economic historians of his generation, explains not only how British attitudes to Europe have evolved, but also how the EU's history explains why it operates as it does today - and how that history has shaped the ways in which it has responded to Brexit. Why are the economics, the politics and the history so tightly woven together? Crucially, he also explains why the question of the Irish border is not just one of customs and trade, but for the EU goes to the heart of what it is about
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1 996 руб.
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