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Penguin Here be Dragons Penman Sharon

Penguin Here be Dragons Penman Sharon

цена 3 577 руб.
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An absorbing historical novel of power and betrayal, loyalty and political intrigue in thirteenth-century England, Wales and France, centring on King John of England, younger brother to the brilliant Richard Lionheart, Joanna, his illegitimate but recognised daughter and Llewellyn Ab Iowerth, Prince of Gwynedd, a bitter opponent of English ways, laws and encroachment into Wales who becomes Joanna’s husband подробнее
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In this gripping tale of passion, politics and conflict, King Henry II finds himself brutally betrayed by his wife Eleanor and three eldest sons when they enter into a rebellion against him. Aligning themselves with Henry's most bitter enemy, King Louis of France, their treacherous actions will have devastating consequences as they bring about the downfall of a brilliant man and a powerful empire • In Devil's Brood, the compelling story of Henry and Eleanor's once great love affair is explored in an uniquely vivid way. What twists of fate turn love to hatred? What points of principle and ambition cause these two icons to struggle for power, leaving their family tragically divided and their turbulent marriage finished in all but name? • Sharon Penman's glorious trilogy reaches its spellbinding conclusion
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3 576 руб.
"Здесь водятся драконы" - роман Стеллы Гиббонс • Когда Нелл Сил переезжает из сонного Дорсета в Хэмпстед, она оставляет позади детство с унылыми чаепитиями и деспотичными правилами ради свободы большого города. Наивная и всего девятнадцатилетняя, она связывается со своенравным Джоном Гонтом и попадает в лондонскую богемную тусовку. В этом городе соблазнительных, изменчивых нравов, прокуренных джаз-клубов и гламурных эспрессо-баров Нелл должна овладеть своей вновь обретенной независимостью и научиться идти своим собственным курсом • Книга на английском языке • When Nell Sely moves from sleepy Dorset to Hampstead she leaves behind a childhood of dull teas and oppressive rules for the freedom of the big city. Naive and only nineteen, she becomes embroiled with the wayward John Gaunt and falls in with London's bohemian crowd
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With this novel Sharon Penman moves to a new set of characters and to 12th Century England and the early civil war between Stephen and his cousin, The Empress Made - A long fight to won the English throne. Stephen was handsome, unreliable and beguiling. Maude was courageous, beautiful and insanely arrogant. They fought for twenty years and devastated England. Their flair for dramatic events and immense catastrophes made sure that they were never boring
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The groundbreaking two-term President of Ireland tells the stories of her life • When a young Mary McAleese told a priest that she planned to become a lawyer, the priest dismissed the idea: she knew no one in the law, and she was female. The reality of what she went on to achieve - despite those obstacles, and despite a sectarian attack that forced her family to flee their home - is even more improbable • In this luminous memoir, Mary McAleese traces that astonishing arc: from the tight streets of north Belfast, to a professorship in Dublin while still in her twenties, behind-the-scenes work on the peace process, and two triumphant terms as President of Ireland. She writes of her encounters with prime ministers, popes and royalty with the same easy candour and intimacy with which she describes her childhood
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Travelling home from the bloody battlefields of the Holy Land, the Crusader King Richard the Lionheart is shipwrecked in the Mediterranean after an encounter with pirates. He should be protected by a papal decree, but he is betrayed and captured by the Duke of Austria - a man who has good reason to loathe him - and is immediately claimed by the Holy Roman Emperor, who also bears him a bitter grudge • Richard is to spend fifteen months imprisoned, much of it in the notorious fortress at Trefils, which few men ever left. Meanwhile, his mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine, is moving heaven and earth to raise a staggering ransom, travelling across Europe herself to buy the release of her favourite son • But her determination may not be enough. At the eleventh hour, the Duke announces that he has had a better offer from the French king, Philippe, and Richard's own treacherous brother, John
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Richard I was crowned King in 1189 and set off almost immediately for the Third Crusade. This was a bloody campaign to regain the Holy Land, marked by warfare among the Christians and extraordinary campaigns against the Saracens. Men and women found themselves facing new sorts of challenges and facing an uncertain future. John, the youngest son, was left behind - and with Richard gone, he was free to conspire with the French king to steal his brother's throne • Overshadowing the battlefields that stretched to Jerusalem and beyond were the personalities of two great adversaries: Richard and Saladin. They quickly took the measure of each other in both war and diplomacy. The result was mutual admiration: a profound acknowledgement of a worthy opponent
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Наполненная драмой и битвами, трагедией и романтикой, книга Шэрон Пенман "Земля за морем" рассказывает эпическую историю столкновения культур • 1172. Иерусалимское королевство, также известное как Утремер - земля за морем • Молодое королевство Утремер было крещено кровью, когда воины Первого крестового похода захватили Иерусалим в 1099 году. Оставшиеся крестоносцы приспособились к совершенно новому миру: ландшафту с палящей жарой, экзотическими обычаями и соседями-врагами • Стремясь отомстить за резню в 1099 году, Саладин, предводитель огромной армии сарацин, начинает кампанию по отвоеванию священной земли у ее нынешнего правителя Балдуина IV. Но в то время как молодой король доказывает свой ум, отвагу и преданность благополучию и защите своего народа, он живет своей жизнью, страдая от ужасного недуга проказы, которая мучила его с раннего возраста
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2 805 руб.
'Here is my soul. Look for me here; here I am, here are my pictures, my roots' • Marc Chagall, one of the twentieth century's most popular artists, grew up in a close-knit, bustling Russian-Jewish community, the son of a herring seller. In his colourful, dreamlike autobiography, written as he was about to leave his homeland for good in 1922, he vividly brings to life the memories and places that fed into his unique work, from his shtetl childhood to revolutionary Russia and Belle Epoque Paris. Filled with Chagall's own evocative illustrations, My Life is as warm, joyful and humane as his art
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2 384 руб.
Penguin Picks are stories you'll want to read again and again. Beautifully and stylishly designed by a modern artist, they are not only stories you'll keep coming back to but also books whose looks will never go out of fashion • From the bestselling author Marian Keyes, the hilariously heartbreaking Angels follows the tale of the fabulous and uplifting Walsh sister, Maggie • 'Though he never said anything, I knew Garv blamed me • And that was OK, because I blamed me too.' • One day Maggie Walsh walks out on her husband of nine years and runs away to Hollywood. There she joins her best friend Emily, who is busily pitching scripts to studios, mixing with movie stars and generally living the heck out of the dream. Maggie should be enjoying herself but she can't stop thinking about her husband Garv and the life she's run away from
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1 369 руб.
Here's the thing about being Inside. Ain't no one believes that they are • Ele has never been Outside, but she knows it exists - she just has to prove it • Her whole world is Inside. Trapped with her books and the Others and Him • She has never seen a tree or felt the rain but that's about to change. Ele's getting out. For good • In the spirit of Emma Donoghue's Room, Outside is a poignant story of strength, friendship and unconditional love, even in the most challenging of circumstances
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1 094 руб.
Be whisked away in the moving story of a girl travelling far and wide for a better life, from the internationally bestselling author Lesley Pearse • Tragedy sent her on a journey far from home • Fifteen-year-old Beth's life is shattered when she and her brother Sam are orphaned • Believing that only in America can they make a fresh start, brother and sister leave Liverpool and embark on the greatest adventure of their lives • In New York, Beth's talent with the fiddle earns her the friendship of gamblers, chancers and other rogues. Dodging trouble across America, Beth and her friends head for the Klondike river in search of gold • But how far must Beth go to find happiness? • And will her travels lead this gypsy to a place she can ever call home?
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Be transported from London to New Orleans and beyond in this powerful, moving historical novel from the international bestseller Lesley Pearse • She witnessed a murder - and now her life is in danger • Fifteen year-old Belle, though raised in a London brothel, is an innocent young girl. But when she witnesses one of the girls brutally strangled by a client, she is cast into a cruel, heartless world • Snatched from the streets and sold into prostitution, she is made a courtesan in New Orleans. At the mercy of desperate men who crave her beauty and will do anything to keep her, Belle's dreams of home, family and freedom appear futile • Are Belle's courage and spirit strong enough to help her escape? • And what will await her at the end of the long, dangerous journey home?
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2 264 руб.
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