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Penguin Farewell, My Lovely Chandler Raymond

Penguin Farewell, My Lovely Chandler Raymond

цена 1 629 руб.
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'I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun. I put them on and went out of the room' • Cynical Los Angeles Private Investigator Philip Marlowe always falls for a sob story. Eight years ago Moose Malloy and cute little redhead Velma were getting married - until Malloy was framed for armed robbery. Now he's out and he wants Velma back. Marlowe meets Malloy one hot day in Hollywood and, out of the generosity of his jaded heart, agrees to help. Dragged from one smoky bar to another, Marlowe's search for Velma turns up plenty of gangsters with a nasty habit of shooting first and talking later. And soon what started as a search for a missing person becomes a matter of life and death подробнее
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'He lay crumpled on his back. Very lonely, very dead. The safe door was wide open. A metal drawer was pulled out. It was empty now. There may have been money in it once.' • Los Angeles PI Philip Marlowe's on a case: his client, a dried-up husk of a woman, wants him to recover a rare gold coin called a Brasher Doubloon, missing from her late husband's collection. That's the simple part. It becomes more complicated when Marlowe finds that everyone who handles the coin suffers a run of very bad luck: they always end up dead. That's also unlucky for a private investigator, because leaving a trail of corpses around LA puts cops' noses seriously out of joint. If Marlowe doesn't wrap this one up fast, he's going to end up either in jail or in a wooden box in the ground
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2 349 руб.
Raymond Chandler’s first three novels, published here in one volume, established his reputation as an unsurpassed master of hard-boiled detective fiction • The Big Sleep, Chandler’s first novel, introduces Philip Marlowe, a private detective inhabiting the seamy side of Los Angeles in the 1930s, as he takes on a case involving a paralysed California millionaire, two psychotic daughters, blackmail and murder • In Farewell, My Lovely, Marlowe deals with the gambling circuit, a murder he stumbles upon, and three very beautiful but potentially deadly women • In The High Window, Marlowe searches the California underworld for a priceless gold coin and finds himself deep in the tangled affairs of a dead coin collector • In all three novels, Chandler’s hard-edged prose, colourful characters, vivid vernacular, and, above all, his enigmatic loner of a hero, establish his enduring claim to the heights of his chosen genre
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4 114 руб.
Playback is Raymond Chandler's gripping last full-length novel featuring laconic PI Philip Marlowe • Los Angeles PI Philip Marlowe is mixing business with pleasure - he's getting paid to follow a lovely mysterious redhead called Eleanor King. And wherever Miss King goes, trouble is sure to follow. But she's easy on the eye and Marlowe's happy to do as he's told. But one dead body later and what started out as a lazy afternoon's snooping soon becomes a deadly cocktail of blackmail, lies, mistaken identity - and murder
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'Everything was quiet and sunny and calm. No cause for excitement whatever. It's only Marlowe, finding another body. He does it rather well by now. Murder-a-day Marlowe, they call him . . .' • Private Investigator Philip Marlowe is hired to find a missing woman. Derace Kingsley's wife ran away to Mexico to get a divorce and marry a hunk named Chris Lavery. Or so the note she left her husband says. Trouble is, when Philip Marlowe asks Lavery about it he denies everything. But when Marlowe next encounters Lavery, he's denying nothing - on account of the two bullet holes in his heart. Now Marlowe's on the trail of a killer, who leads him out of smoggy Los Angeles all the way to a murky mountain lake • The Lady in the Lake is Raymond Chandler's fourth novel featuring laconic PI Philip Marlowe
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A classic novel by Raymond Chandler, the master of hard-boiled crime, The Long Good-Bye is the sixth novel featuring laconic PI Philip Marlowe • Down-and-out drunk Terry Lennox has a problem: his millionaire wife is dead and he needs to get out of LA fast. So he turns to his only friend in the world: Philip Marlowe, Private Investigator • He's willing to help a man down on his luck, but later, Lennox commits suicide in Mexico and things start to turn nasty. Marlowe finds himself drawn into a sordid crowd of adulterers and alcoholics in LA's Idle Valley, where the rich are suffering one big suntanned hangover • Marlowe is sure Lennox didn't kill his wife, but how many more stiffs will turn up before he gets to the truth?
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An omnibus comprising Raymond Chandler's three Philip Marlowe novels, The Lady in the Lake, The High Window and The Little Sister
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Set against a Southern Californian backdrop, the stories are rich with suspense, violence and tragedy, and each comes laced with booze, bullets and a detective with an eye for a damsel in distress and an even keener eye for justice • Readers will also recognize episodes, characters and flashbacks from the Marlowe novels that made Chandler the undisputed master of his genre
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One of a series designed as an introduction to literature. It is graded into six levels, and each book contains an introduction and exercises. It is designed for students of English as a foreign or as a second language, and for reluctant readers. This book is a murder and detective story
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Рэймонд Чандлер был выдающимся американским писателем детективной литературы, и в сборнике "Большой сон и другие романы" представлены три лучших романа о пьющем и философствующем детективе Филипе Марлоу • Рэймонд Чандлер создал ищущего неприятностей калифорнийского частного детектива Филипа Марлоу для своего первого великого романа "Большой сон" в 1939 году. Связь Марлоу с семьей Стернвуд и сопутствующими ей яркими фигурами преступного мира - это фон для истории, отражающей весь потускневший блеск великой американской мечты. Культовый образ крутого детектива горит так же ярко в "Прощай, моя милая", по следам пропавшего певца из ночного клуба. А неподражаемый Марлоу способен доказать, что неприятности действительно его дело, в блестящей эпитафии Рэймонда Чандлера "Долгое прощание"
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3 054 руб.
Meet Aisling. She's a small-town girl with a big heart • She has a steady job and a loyal boyfriend (though he hasn't put a ring on it even after seven years) • Then one disastrous romantic getaway convinces Aisling to leave him behind and head for the bright lights • But with glamorous new flatmates, a scandal at work and a weird love square, Aisling has no idea what's about to hit her • Fans of Marian Keyes, Bridget Jones and Sophie Kinsella will LOVE this
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1 233 руб.
Alex Cross is being hunted • Now his predator is priming himself for the kill • As a police detective, Alex Cross has devoted his life to protecting others. His only refuge from the horrors of his job is his family - something his enemies have noticed • He's never faced a foe like this before. One by one, everyone he loves is being taken from him • If Alex doesn't act fast, he'll have no one left
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2 246 руб.
Фредрик Бакман определяет жанр книги "Что мой сын должен знать об устройстве этого мира" как "расширенный блог" - она действительно напоминает онлайн-дневник или серию постов в ЖЖ. Обращаясь к своему маленькому сыну, автор рассуждает о самых разных предметах - от футбола до "Икеи", от компьютерных игр до категорий добра и зла. И попутно делится первым, порой комичным, опытом отцовства - с той уникальной чисто бакмановской смесью иронии и нежности, которая принесла ему любовь миллионов читателей. Это не только разговор на равных с крохотным существом, которому еще предстоит вырасти в личность, но и честный разговор с самим собой, попытка осмыслить свою ответственность за происходящее в мире • Книга на английском языке • In between the sleep-obsessed lows and oxytocin-fuelled highs, Backman takes a step back to share his own experience of fatherhood and how he navigates such unchartered territory
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 492 руб.
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